If there are no applications for recounts, on Thursday 12 October 2017 the Electoral Commission will return the writ to the Clerk of the House of Representatives, allocate list seats in the presence of party scrutineers and declare by Gazette Notice the election of list members of Parliament. Their shared votes were larger than that of English, thus defeating him.[2]. Candidate Profile. New Zealand 2017 General Election - Official Results. The Labour Party has 46 seats compared with 45 on election night. Anna Bracewell-Worrall This year, the over-18s of New Zealand get the chance to decide what the … The 2017 election was held on September 23. Any applications for a judicial recount must be filed with a District Court no later than Wednesday 11 October 2017. The number of voters as a percentage of enrolled voters was 79.8%. Candidate and third party returns for the 2020 General Election and referendums have been published on the Electoral Commission website. Vote Compass is an educational tool developed by political scientists designed to help you explore how you fit in New Zealand's political landscape. This is the highest turnout since 2005 (80.9%). New Zealand election 2017: How do I vote? ... Labour leader, speaks to the press alongside members of her party after Andrew Little stepped down in Wellington, New Zealand, August 1, 2017. Total votes counted Total votes cast including special votes Finalised electorates of . New Zealand Election 2017: Bill English and Jacinda Ardern battle it out to be Prime Minister. The 2017 New Zealand general election took place on Saturday 23 September 2017 to elect the membership of the 52nd New Zealand Parliament along with the Prime Minister of New Zealand. Voters elected 120 members to the House of Representatives under New Zealand's mixed-member proportional (MMP) voting system, a system in which 71 members were elected from single-member electorates and 49 members were elected from closed party lists. Moving in the direction most sensible observers expected, the National Party lost two seats compared to the “on-the-night” provisional vote once all the special votes were in, and the final results are: The New Zealand general election of 2017 produced a parliament without a majority, but a substantial vote plurality (46.03% and 58 seats) for the National Party, led by current Prime Minister Bill English. Enrol to vote in New Zealand’s elections and referendums. New Zealanders head to the polls today to elect the members of their country’s 52nd Parliament. 14/08/2017. Please see the details on The scrutiny of the rolls has been completed and the master roll for each electorate has been prepared. Destination New Zealand. The election is on Sept 23. All votes counted on election night have been recounted and balanced and special votes have been checked for eligibility before being counted. 1339 of these also participated in the 2014 NZES. What is New Zealand’s system of government? 07 10 17 attachment b electorate candidates and turnout, 07 10 17 attachment a successful candidates. Final results for the 2017 New Zealand General Election Parliamentary Library research paper 2017/04 3 Table 2 shows the impact of the 422,094 valid special votes – accounting for about 16.3% of the total valid votes cast in the 2017 general election – on the election night count. The National Party has 56 seats compared with 58 on election … Results from the 2017 NZES The 2017 NZES attracted 3445 respondents, sampled from the electoral rolls, containing just over 92 percent of those estimated to be eligible to vote. Jacinda Ardern(Labour Party)from Mount Albert[a], Prime MinisterBill English(National Party)from Clutha-Southland, James Shaw(Green Party)from Wellington Central, Media related to 2017 New Zealand general election at Wikimedia Commons, From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Name is bold because she won the election, "Watch the dissolution of Parliament on Tuesday 22 August", "Labour finally retake power after Winston Peters gives Jacinda Ardern his support", https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2017_New_Zealand_general_election&oldid=6566232, Pages using bar box without float left or float right, Commons category with page title different than on Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. If there are applications for judicial recounts the return of the writ and the election of list members will be delayed until any recounts are complete. As New Zealanders prepare to go to the polls on Saturday, where do the parties stand on key issues such as immigration, the environment – and Australia? Kate Shuttleworth in Auckland New Zealand election policy by policy: how National and Labour compare. Turnout for each electorate is shown in Attachment B. New Zealand: House of Representatives, 23 September 2017. New Zealand 2017 General Election – Official Results The Electoral Commission has declared the official results for the 2017 General Election. Bill English became New Zealand's prime minister after John Key resigned from that position in December of 2016. The number of seats in Parliament will be 120. The winning electorate candidates and their majorities are shown in Attachment B. Parties were due to file these returns by 30 April 2017. The Maori electorates were oversampled, as were voters 30 and under. A … The turnout as a percentage of enrolled electors is 79.8% (2014 – 77.9%). *includes 10,793 party informal votes and 27,484 disallowed votes. Special votes cast totalled 446,287 or 17% of total votes cast. Since the due date was a Sunday, we allowed parties to file their return on the next business day, Monday 1 May 2017. Together with BusinessNZ, we are pleased to present the results of the 2017 Deloitte BusinessNZ Election Survey as part of the lead up to the general election on 23 September. The final New Zealand general election results for 2017 are in. Six other countries, such as Brazil and Malaysia are included in the list. There are no changes to the number of seats held by New Zealand First and ACT New Zealand which remain at 9 and 1 respectively. The National Party has 56 seats compared with 58 on election night. While the incumbent National Party gained the largest number of seats, it was short of a majority in Parliament. Comprehensive audit checks have also been completed at the national level to ensure the results are accurate. The Labour Party, headed by Jacinda Ardern, obtained second place with 35.79%… 47% of votes were cast in advance. Get brochures and posters for your community, New Zealand 2017 General Election - Official Results, Dual vote referrals to the Police for 2020 General Election, Candidate and third party returns released. This survey is funded as part of the 2017 New Zealand Election Study by Victoria University of Wellington, the University of Auckland, AUT University, the University of Otago, Durham University, the British Academy, and the New Zealand Electoral Commission. New Zealand Parliament 2017 scenario.svg 360 × 500; 8 KB New Zealand Parliament Lab-NZF coalition seating plan, 2017.svg 360 × 500; 9 KB NZ opinion polls 2014-2017 … Try it for yourself! The main opposition parties to the National government were Labour (the official opposition), led by Jacinda Ardern, the Green Party, and New Zealand First. Details of the official results are available from www.electionresults.govt.nz (from 2.00pm). [2] This ended nine years under the National Party Government. The centre-right National Party, led by Prime Minister Bill English, had governed since 2008 in a minority government. Next Steps for the Parliamentary Election. This page was last changed on 5 June 2019, at 14:59. The 2017 election is almost upon us, and at this stage it is still too close to call with polls swinging in either direction. That includes 61,524 overseas votes. Our democracy is better with you in it. New Zealand Election 2017: Current Election Analysis, September 21. The latest Election 2017 news from RNZ - New Zealand's leading news team. Oct 7, 2017 | Media release The Electoral Commission has declared the official results for the 2017 General Election. New Zealand is one of the most livable countries in the world. Advance voting proved popular, with 1.24 million votes cast before election day, more than the previous two elections combined.[4]. To be honest, as much as I have enjoyed the scandal and excitement that this election campaign has brought, I am truly looking forward to the outcome and it all being over. … At stake in this election: 120 seats or more in the House of Representatives depending on the proportional vote The final enrolment rate is 92.4% (2014 – 92.6%). The official results were declared by Gazette Notice today. Jacinda Ardern became New Zealand's third female Prime Minister, and Winston Peters again became Deputy Prime … Topic: New Zealand Election 2017 (Read 35814 times) Vega Concerned Citizen Posts: 5,257. New Zealand First won 9 seats and held the balance of power; it was in a position to give either National or Labour the 61 seats needed to form a government. Party donation and loan returns for the 2016 calendar year. The Green Party has 8 seats compared with 7 on election night. (Reuters) - New Zealand's two main parties are neck and neck in opinion polls after the appointment of a charismatic leader boosted the opposition Labour Party, threatening the governing National Party's decade-long hold on power. New Govt aims for 1800 new police officers over 3 years 30 Oct, 2017 10:16 PM 2 minutes to read More money to come for regions and tackling cyber and organised crime. Here are 15 of the most notable voting statistics to ponder. The New Zealand election is a few days away, and soon, the campaign ceases. New Zealand election 2017. Explore 2017 New Zealand election results by overall party vote and at each local electorate level. and counting Parliament breakdown () This shows the total seats in Parliament for each party. The 2017 New Zealand general election will always belong to Jacinda Ardern. Detailed results for each electorate are available from www.electionresults.govt.nz. The 2017 New Zealand general election took place on Saturday 23 September 2017 to determine the membership of the 52nd New Zealand Parliament.The previous parliament was elected on 20 September 2014 and was officially dissolved on 22 August 2017. The results are subject to any applications for judicial recounts. This has been done in the presence of Justices of the Peace and any scrutineers appointed by candidates. National plans to cut net debt to 10-15 percent of GDP by 2025, while Labour and the Green Party both plan to cut it to 20 percent of GDP within five years of … Successful Candidates (electorate and list). The 2017 New Zealand general election took place on Saturday 23 September 2017 to elect the membership of the 52nd New Zealand Parliament along with the Prime Minister of New Zealand.The last parliament was elected on 20 September 2014 and officially ended on 22 August 2017. All electorate candidates leading on election night have been confirmed as winning their seats. [1] Voters elected 120 members to the House of Representatives under New Zealand's mixed-member proportional (MMP) voting system, a … The New Zealand Electoral Commission have released the final count of votes and seats from the 2017 election. You can instead complete this survey online using Qualtrics. The 2017 New Zealand election – views from overseas 9 The New Zealand election – an American view Alan Tidwell 10 The New Zealand election – an Australian view Nicholas Economou and Zareh Ghazarian 11 The New Zealand election – the view from the UK Tim Bale If you believe the latest TVNZ-Colmar Brunton poll, and a lot of people do, the Jacindamania tide has been halted.Now, this is one poll against a wave of momentum for Labour, but the news is not getting worse for Bill English. About the New Zealand Election Study . New Zealand Elections 2017. The final vote count was released on October 7. Main points: The number of seats in Parliament will be 120.