The characters who remain at the end of Infinity War offer a clue about the plot of Avengers: Endgame. Avengers: Endgame could play out like HBO’s The Leftovers: The remaining heroes deal with the emotional and philosophical fallout of half the world disappearing. Thanos has won. This confirms that Thanos did, in fact, manage to wipe … Captain Marvel’s solo film is set in the 1990s and told her origin story, setting up her arc in Avengers: Endgame. Rocket could find all-new companions for the Guardians team. There's a good chance that the MCU version of Nebula will wind up fulfilling a similar role in the next Avengers movie, too. It was a shocking twist, but the Marvel universe has been building up to this for nearly a decade. When Iron Man called him out on it later, he said it was "the only way." While the body count at the end of Avengers: Infinity War was pretty high, it's important to remember that plenty of characters wound up surviving the whole ordeal. And if you've seen it, you're going to want to talk about the ending. The two were driving along, minding their own business, when suddenly they experienced the effects of Thanos' magic mojo taking out half the population of New York — both of them included. Then, around the midpoint of the film, Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to explore over 14 million possible battles against Thanos, looking for the path to victory. Updated: March 8, 2019 6:30 PM ET | Originally published: April 27, 2018 2:00 PM EDT. In the end, if you didn't know that Thanos might pull out the W by the end of this movie, you haven't been paying close attention. There's a lot to unpack, of course. You've just come out of Avengers: Infinity War. And, of course, everything that might come next. Doch obgleich diese Runde an Thanos ging – am Ende ist das Marvel-Universum noch lange nicht. Throughout the logo, an Asgardian is reporting a distress signal.] Avengers: Infinity War was originally scheduled to be released on May 4 in the United States. In April 2015, Marvel announced that Anthony and Joe Russo would direct both parts of Avengers: Infinity War, with back-to-back filming expected to begin in 2016. Of course, fans of the comics and MCU-followers probably knew going into this movie that there was a good chance Thanos would be victorious before the final credits rolled. Okoye cries out as her king, Black Panther, dissolves. You knew that some of Marvel’s greatest heroes were going to die. It was an interesting twist in the Hulk's relationship with his alter ego. He sacrificed Gamora to obtain the Soul Stone, and so it makes sense that she and the Stone would be connected somehow after her death. In the Infinity War ending, the Avengers try to stop him, eventually killing Vision in order to destroy the Mind Stone inside his head. But it did this time — and it was just about perfect. Marvel characters in general, and Loki in particular, have a tendency to “die” and then pop up again in sequels. To feel so desperately that you’re right… yet to fail, nonetheless. But Thanos … By signing up you are agreeing to our, 'Judas and the Black Messiah' Is a Bracing Tale of Betrayal, What America's Richest Ski Town's Handling of COVID-19 Shows. He tells Iron Man that he sees only one future in which the heroes ultimately prevail. After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins. "'I don't want to go,' is … And in the various comics concerning Thanos and his quest for the Infinity Stones, the Soul Gem wound up playing host to a few characters who died fighting Thanos — including Gamora. So what might the Avengers 2.0 look like? But you probably expected Captain America or Iron Man to bite the bullet. And given that we'd spent a full movie not seeing Hawkeye shooting arrows at anybody, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that he was the guy Fury was trying to reach. The entire original Avengers team — with the possible exception of Hawkeye, who is curiously missing from the entire film — survived Thanos’ attack. Rocket tries to grab on to Groot as he watches his friend die — again. Instead, Avengers: Infinity War ends where The Infinity Gauntlet begins. second in command, Maria Hill. In a stunning sequence, many of Marvel’s superheroes slowly turn to dust. When he snaps his fingers, people and aliens alike begin to disintegrate. Marvel 'Avengers: Infinity War' End … Coming soon to @disneyplushotstarpremium, Dominique Throne is genius inventor Riri Williams in Ironheart, an Original Series about the creator of the most advanced suit of armor since # IronMan . So will Ant-Man, Wasp, and all the rest of the grow-gang be dealing with the aftermath of Thanos' dirty deeds? Subscribe for just 99¢. Meanwhile, if she's been around since the '90s and a friend of Nick Fury's, there's a whole lot of mystery surrounding just where the heck Captain Marvel has been all these years. Thanos managed to assemble all six of the Infinity Stones — sacrificing his own adopted daughter in the process — snapped his fingers, and poof. Among all of those possible futures, he only saw one where the good guys came out on top. How Infinity War Should Have EndedSorry we couldn't make the video longer. MORE: An Old Marvel Villain Makes a Surprising Cameo in Avengers: Infinity War. "Avengers: Infinity War" is currently in theaters. Will he be looking to...avenge them, perhaps? Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. There's only one cure for the post-Infinity War blues, and that's diving straight into the ending and trying to figure out what the hell just happened — and what the hell is going to happen next. Cap’s sidekicks Bucky Barnes or Falcon may become the new Captain America. You've made an appointment for therapy for tomorrow. A lot can be said about Avengers: Infinity War, and even more can be said about the bonkers ending. Which brings us to the real-world reasons that all the young heroes will return despite the Avengers: Infinity War ending. Losing was all part of the plan. The Chinese release of the film, which opened on May 11, was originally scheduled to end on June 10, but was granted a "rare" extension of 30 days, to end on July 9. Subscribe for just 99¢. You can unsubscribe at any time. With Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth. Between the third and the fourth Avengers flicks, there are two MCU movies set to debut in theaters: the aforementioned Captain Marvel in March, 2019, and Ant-Man and the Wasp, set for July of 2018 — just a few months after Avengers: Infinity War hit theaters. Fear. Wouldn't she have come in handy during that whole alien invasion of New York? Now the Hulk is running scared, leaving Banner to try and figure out how to bridge the gap with his big, green self. Warning: This post contains spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War. In the Infinity War ending, the Avengers try to stop him, eventually killing Vision in order to destroy the Mind Stone inside his head. Part 1 was scheduled to be released on May 4, 2018, with Part 2 scheduled for May 3, 2019. Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe know that Brie Larson is all set to debut as the star of the MCU's first female-fronted superhero movie in March, 2019. We got a solid dose of Doctor Strange's medicine in Avengers: Infinity War. It has plenty of humor and lighter moments, but it ultimately goes to places darker than in any previous Marvel Cinematic Universe entry. But that probably won’t happen because Thanos’ seemingly random culling wasn’t so random after all. Tom Holland says that the line most quoted at him comes from one of the most heartbreaking moments of "Avengers: Infinity War." Avengers: Infinity War ended not with a bang but with a slow disintegrating to dust. While it goes without saying that the vast majority of these dead people will not stay dead by the time the fourth Avengers movie debuts, it's hard not to feel the loss of so many characters we've gotten to know over the years. Asgardian PA: This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. Okay, a couple. And there’s a good chance Gamora comes back too. The Ending Of Avengers: Infinity War Explained. And of course, gigantic, earth-shattering spoilers ahead. But this time around, Banner really wanted to let loose with the Hulk, only the Hulk refused to rise to the occasion. There's no better example of that than the push and pull between Bruce Banner and the Hulk — a conflict that didn't get resolved this time around, and will surely be a major plot point for next time. Honorable Mention #1: Black Panther. But it's a safe bet that no one could've quite predicted just how many hugely important superheroic characters would go off to that big comic book store in the sky by the end of Infinity War. Count on it. And that's not even a complete list of all the dead people. Avengers: Infinity War ended on perhaps what was the most soul-crushing note in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. Throughout the film, we saw Banner trying and failing to coax the big green guy out to start fighting the bad guys, to no avail. Black Panther just broke every box office record, and Disney is eager to make a sequel. She managed to make it to the end of the movie despite being literally dissected earlier in the film. Chris Evans’ and Mark Ruffalo’s contracts are nearing their end, and Robert Downey Jr. has long operated under a picture-by-picture arrangement that does not guarantee his presence in … Last chance to turn back... Thanos won! In the movie's lone post-credits scene, we saw the long-awaited return of Nick Fury and his S.H.I.E.L.D. Well, it all makes sense if you think about it. You've cheered at all the fights. More interestingly, Captain Marvel is supposedly going to take place in the 1990s, meaning that the superhero who shows up to help save the day in the fourth Avengers will have already been established for years. But they will. I (Alex) will fully admit that I was completely … I know what it’s like to lose. No one said it, but the logo that appeared on Fury's spy-tastic pager was that of Captain Marvel. So why would a scrub like Nebula be alive while so many fan favorite characters were turned to dust? But a few different outlets — like Digital Spy and Comic Book Resources, just to name a couple — seem to take it as a given that Ant-Man and the Wasp takes place after Captain America: Civil War and before the events of Infinity War. True to Marvel form, however, Infinity War featured a post … Right off the bat, Heimdall and Loki died at Thanos's hands, while Gamora and Vision went down for the count as well. You have reached your limit of 4 free articles. Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 is due out in 2019. Once Banner figures out how to merge his two selves into one, that is. By the end of that movie, some of the original Avengers will die. As of this writing, it's just too soon to say for sure. Infinity War’s ending left a lot open to interpretation, mostly regarding the finality of what fans had just seen. We know from the Infinity War post-credit scene that Nick Fury contacted a new hero, Captain Marvel, right before he disintegrated. When it comes to writing about comic book movies, it's pretty fun to try and predict who will live and who will die when the next big flick hits the theaters. Avengers Infinity War and Endgame Would Have Been Better With One Major Change. And considering that Iron Man is the one who kicked off this whole crazy Marvel Cinematic Universe in the first place, it only makes sense that he'd be pretty necessary to finishing things off over a decade later. Is his family okay in the aftermath of Thanos' dirty deeds? Where you been, Cap? But Thanos simply uses the Time Stone to reverse the process and gain all six stones. He's anger personified. But why? You've been shaken, sobbing and speechless. You have 1 free article left. All told, billions of people vanish, and 12 heroes disappear: Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Bucky Barnes, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Star-Lord, Groot, Drax, Mantis, Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Warning: This post contains spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War. Spider-Man (Tom Holland) trägt dennoch seinen Teil dazu bei, die Menschheit zu retten. Brynne Ramella Nov 15, 2020. Perhaps Valkyrie, Thor’s new ally from Thor: Ragnarok, will visit Earth to join the team. All Rights Reserved. Avengers: Infinity War Auch für einen Spinnenmann wird es im harten Kampf gegen Thanos brenzlig. But among the survivors was Thanos' least favorite daughter, Nebula. Sign up to receive the top stories you need to know now on politics, health and more, © 2021 TIME USA, LLC. While the body count at the end of Avengers: Infinity War was pretty high, it's important to remember that plenty of characters wound up surviving the … one of the most iconic moments in all of Marvel Comics history. But as it turned out, that wasn't quite the case. And the original Avengers would be forced to soldier on through another decade of films. This is your last free article. So where was he? Their Marvel Cinematic Universe contracts are up after Avengers: Endgame, and they have all strongly hinted that it will be their last Marvel film. Please attempt to sign up again. Because it's all about the emotions. Can you believe it? The Hulk's main emotion is rage. That doesn’t necessarily mean Iron Man, Cap and Thor will die in that movie. Since he's successful in doing so, the final sequences of Infinity War show various Avengers dying, disintegrating into ash before the eyes of their friends and teammates. Nebula survived the culling and will prioritize resurrecting her sister over saving the universe. [Marvel Opening Credits] [Radio transmission sound] [The Marvel Studios Logo plays as usual but this time, at the end of that logo, the background changes from red to black and the I and O in "Studios" become 10 in red. Also in the month, Kevin Feigesaid the films were titled as two parts of a single film "because they [have] such shared elements", but he would not a… Spider-Man, still just a teenager, begs for his life in Iron Man’s arms before deteriorating into nothing. Say what? Don't worry...we're all right there with you. Whoa. This heart-wrenching scene concludes a particularly brutal film. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Parents need to know that Avengers: Infinity War is the most intense of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films so far, due to the villain's genocidal quest and the grave consequences for some well-known characters. And then there’s the way that our heroes “died.” Floating into the aether feels less permanent than a stab wound or an explosion. Maybe she gets stuck in some space ice.). Longtime comic book readers have the image of Thanos snapping his fingers with a fully powered Infinity Gauntlet on his hand burned into their brains, so it only makes sense that one of the most iconic moments in all of Marvel Comics history would show up in this film. Remember just after Thanos snapped those famous fingers and did his whole "kill half the universe" thing? But, as the villain Thanos assures the audience after he finishes off Loki, “no resurrections this time.”. In the early '90s Marvel Comics featuring Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet, Nebula spent a lot of time shambling around as a creepy zombie lady — a victim of Thanos' powers. 3 is set for 2020. The Marvel universe is rich and vast and full of storylines that will keep fans assembling in theatres for many years to come. She asked if it was worth it, and he said that it was. Eines ist klar: Das MCU ist nach dem Infinity War nicht mehr, was es war. And during that time, Nebula grabbed his fancy glove for herself and contributed to his eventual undoing. And indeed, in the post-credits scene for Captain Marvel, which premiered in March, the new superhero arrives at Avengers headquarters and meets Captain America, Black Widow, Bruce Banner and James Rhodes. Wears Doctor Strange's Cloak in Avengers BTS Video Clip. Okay, maybe not plenty of them, but a few! How Gamora and the rest of the Marvel heroes actually reach Thanos, I have no idea. Third and finally, the post-credits scene leads right into Infinity War. Disney and Fox are currently merging, and soon Disney will own the rights to the X-Men and Fantastic Four. The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe. Please try again later. The logo now reads "Marvel Studios". Spider-Man and Black Panther will return, and perhaps Black Panther will recruit his sister Shuri or warrior Okoye to the new Avengers team. Just imagine that stunning disintegration sequence in reverse, the pieces slowly coming together to regenerate the heroes we thought we lost. Doctor Strange has some experience using his time powers to cheat his way out of some bad situations. Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth have all starred in three solo movies in addition to multiple Avengers films. As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. As he disintegrates, he tells Iron Man that giving up the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for Iron Man’s life “was the only way.” That means Iron Man plays an integral role in beating Thanos in Avengers: Endgame. * The request timed out and you did not successfully sign up. For those keeping score at home, we lost Bucky, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Drax, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Mantis, Groot, Nick Fury, and Maria Hill — and those are just the characters we saw dissolve after Thanos pulled his big trick...and possibly a few more we didn't remember to list. Here's the ending of Avengers: Infinity War explained. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our. In an epic sweep, Marvel Studios announced the breadth of their Phase 3 plans - plans that include, and conclude with "Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War - … It's basically the way that some pop-culture websites and YouTube channels go about building their whole businesses. Presumably, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, the Hulk and Hawkeye will reunite one last time in Avengers: Endgame to fight Thanos and bring back their friends. Is this how you're feeling after the end of "Avengers: Infinity War"? Throughout the Marvel films, Thanos has worked to gather all six Infinity Stones so he can destroy half of all life in the universe. OK, fine, the real answer: with the end of half of the universe. Marvel slowed its roll on the mid-credits, end-credits, post-credits, after-credits--whatever you want to call them--scenes for Black Panther, and Avengers: Infinity War is no different. Directed by Anthony Russo, Joe Russo. This time around, he took a peek at the script for the next Avengers movie and realized that, somehow, it was important that Iron Man live — important enough that he gave up the Time Stone to make sure it happened. Avengers Infinity War Script Marvel, movie script, script [Marvel Opening Credits] ... Thanos: [Looking out the large window we saw at the end of “Thor: Ragnarok”.] Thanos totally won! Robert Downey Jr. After all, there were not one, but two references to Thanos snapping his fingers and causing half the universe to die. And what's the only emotion stronger than anger? It’s all rather devastating — until you look at a calendar of the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and realize that Spider-Man, Black Panther and the Guardians of the Galaxy cannot be gone for good. Avengers: Infinity War is part of Phase Three of the MCU. The bad guy beat the good guys, and it's totally mind-blowing because that kinda never happens! The Hulk has never met a foe he couldn't fight — until, of course, he met Thanos and got his butt beaten in the process. Trust the Doctor's orders. Strap in, put on your helmet, and prepare your haunches, people. Billed as a culmination of a decade-long film saga, fans were certain that "Avengers: Infinity War" would be epic in scale, a movie full of superhero badassery, fatal twists, and a villain worthy of fear -- one that wasn't just a CGI blob made to be punched. The marketing campaign will use old movie cliches like “one last job” or “this time, it’s personal.”. An unexpected error has occurred with your sign up. And who better than Gamora to finally cut Thanos’ throat — for real, this time — at the end of the movie? Throughout that sequence, Fury was trying to get in touch with somebody. There is an intriguing scenario in which directors Anthony Russo and Joseph Russo really did kill off all the recently cast heroes. As for the rest of our heroes, Doctor Strange probably returns. With so many heroes, villains, twists, turns, and incredible team-ups, there's just so much to dig through to piece together the real meaning of behind everything that happened in Infinity War. Total time to devote: 662 minutes (11 hours, 2 minutes). In terms of its ties to Infinity War, Black Pantherisn't quite as … On top of that, we all knew that Marvel would be splitting this story into two movies — even if they later publicly reversed course on that particular point. So which deaths in Infinity War are going to stick? Myanmar’s Creatives Fighting Military Rule With Art, An Old Marvel Villain Makes a Surprising Cameo in, upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. So when Thanos threatened to kill Iron Man on Titan, Doctor Strange went ahead and offered up the Time Stone to save Tony Stark's life. Infinity War will change the status quo irrevocably, but it won’t be the end for the Avengers. Doctor Strange watched millions of possible futures before the Avengers fought Thanos. Cookies help us deliver our Services. (The directors are going to have to conjure up some pseudo-scientific reason that Captain Marvel didn’t age for 20 years. "We're in the end game now" remains a popular meme more than a year after Avengers: Infinity War was released, and it's more relatable than ever before. Laughed at all the jokes. And now they have a lot of people to avenge. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones, artifacts of uni… That's right: Professor Hulk is probably on the way. As with so many things, the answer lies in the comics. An end-credits scene from his solo film hinted at a sequel. 11.5m Followers, 4 Following, 427 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Avengers (@avengers) Avengers: Infinity War hits screens in the UK on April 27, 2018, and in the US on May 4, 2018. Instead, some of Marvel’s newly minted heroes like Black Panther and Spider-Man disappeared. Marvel/Disney Warning: There are massive spoilers ahead for the end of "Avengers: Infinity War." Despite last-minute acts of … Don't be surprised if we get a fan favorite version of the Hulk in the next Avengers movie. Avengers: Infinity War saw Thanos wiping out half of all life in the universe with the snap of his fingers, with various heroes turning into dust – but why exactly did they disappear like that instead of dying? After ten years and 18 movies, the Marvel Cinematic Universe built up a huge roster of memorable and important characters. Perhaps they can use the Soul Stone to revive her or the Time Stone to undo her murder. The Soul Stone was orange, and so was the environment of this otherworldly place where he spoke with Gamora. Usually, it's all Banner can do to keep the Hulk at bay. Some! And the Sokovia Incident? Game over, man. Write to Eliana Dockterman at But at one point in the story, Thanos was distracted by an encounter with Eternity, a cosmic being that represented the universe itself. And soon, Marvel Studios will get some new superheroes for its toy box. They are called the Avengers after all. Early on, the doctor told Iron Man that if it came down to possibly saving him or protecting the Time Stone, he'd choose the Stone every time. After that, we saw Thanos resting, watching the sunrise, his life's mission finally at an end. He found himself in an orangey, reddish place, and began talking with a version of Gamora who looked like a child. But Doctor Strange probably figured out that the good guys had to lose the battle with Thanos in order to win the war. If a certain character had survived the events of Infinity War, both films could have looked a … When you've got a story this huge, you've got to save some good stuff for the end. Some of them will ride off into the sunset. Meanwhile, we never did get that glimpse of Hawkeye, meaning he's surely going to show up in the next Avengers movie to help set things right now that half the world has been turned into piles of dirty leaves. But it certainly means that they will all pass on their respective superhero mantles to a new generation of Avengers — a storied tradition in the comics. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to reverse Thanos' actions and restore balance to the universe. We won't go into the full list of everyone who dies in Avengers: Infinity War, but the way they disintegrate is the same way Maria and Fury do so in the end credits scene. To recap, Thanos (Josh Brolin) basically wins the … You knew the Avengers: Infinity War ending might be tragic. It sure sounded dire. And with that in mind, it's entirely possible that all our dead heroes may have had their souls transported to the Stone as well. Fan favorite Loki was killed off in the first few minutes. Conveniently, he doesn’t offer any details about that actual scenario. Shuri could become the new Black Panther (as she does in some of the comic books), and the Miles Morales character hinted at in Homecoming could become the new Spider-Man (again, just like in the comic books). Rogue, Storm and Wolverine have all teamed up with the Avengers at some point in the comics, so a future film crossover is possible. It's not entirely clear, but there's a more than decent chance that he was inside the Soul Stone itself. It was a lot. Spoilers for the end of 'Avengers: Infinity War' ahead. In October 2014, Marvel announced a two-part sequel to Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), titled Avengers: Infinity War. Most of the Avengers left standing at the end of “Infinity War” hail from the first phase of Marvel’s big-screen ambitions. Find out what the symbol at the end of the movie is really all about and more.