After listing all these differences between rabbits and hares we’d also like to tell you about all the things they have in common. Rabbit's eyes remain black when reflecting a bright light. Hare is a see also of rabbit. The main distinctions of rabbits from jackrabbits appropriately apply to the differences between bunny and hare, as well. Both rabbits and hares will molt their fur throughout the year. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'lionheadrabbitcare_com-box-4','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])); If you have a pet rabbit, then you should often have two rabbits, because otherwise, they get lonely. Rabbits and hares belong to the Leporidae family of the Lagomorpha order. What Is The Difference Between A Rabbit And A Hare ? On the other hand, rabbits develop over time. 2. Because rabbits and hares look similar, people sometimes confuse them. Difference between hares and rabbits Now, the main differences between the two are exhibited at birth. They all belong to the same animal family, called Leporidae. The only rabbit to build its nest above ground is the cottontail rabbit. Hares are generally larger than rabbits, and some have black-tipped ears. Depending on the season, the fur on a hare can change color, too. Rabbits prefer to … And lastly, yet another difference between rabbits and hares is that baby rabbits are born blind and quite helpless (hence the protection of the burrow), whereas hare babies are born fully furred and ready to go within a day or two. Differences between families of lagomorphs. Their different living ways make rabbits and hares reply to danger differently. The newborn hares are covered with a full coat of fur. Difference Between Rabbit and Hare. What's the difference between a rabbit and a hare? Yes, there are a few larger rabbit breeds, but you will find that in the majority of cases, the size of a hare will be far, far larger than that of a rabbit. Bunny Both animals are members of the Leporidae family, so they are already relatives. Again, this is not always going to be the case, but in the wild, you will easily be able to tell the difference between a hare and a rabbit.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'lionheadrabbitcare_com-box-3','ezslot_6',105,'0','0'])); Hares can run a lot faster than rabbits. Rabbit vs Hare. Let’s start with the two that have scientific names. In terms of differences between the two, hares are physically larger than rabbits, with longer hind legs, larger feet, and longer ears with black markings, and rather than burrowing into the ground like rabbits, hares build simple nests in the grass. 3. Rabbits have long ears, big eyes, thick fur and short bob tails. Hunters say that hare has a much stronger, gamier flavor than rabbit (which actually does taste like a milder version of chicken). Rabbits (or, colloquially, bunnies) are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. Hares have not been domesticated, while rabbits are often kept as house pets. Look Out Below! I have noticed that the main question in many other U-Tubers comments section is "what is the difference between a bunny, a rabbit, and a hare? All hares are in the genus Lepus, whereas rabbits represent a handful of other genus in the family lagamorpha. ... "We can draw the conclusion that Bugs may be a rabbit with hare-like behavior or a hare with rabbit … In contrast, hares are generally born with hair an… The differences between both animals are established from birth. While hares live singly or in very loose groups, rabbits live in colonies of several dozen animals with strict hierarchies and … This is, in part, down to the size of their legs. A rabbit can give birth to 1-18 rabbits in a single litter. Rabbits generally live underground in burrows or warrens. Hares are bigger than rabbits, and they are also faster due to their longer hind legs, which allows them to achieve a more impressive hopping distance. Both rabbits and hares are in the family Laporidae and the order lagamorpha, so the two share a lot of similarities, but they represent different Genus and Species. Yes, both hares and rabbits will have a little bit of overlap in their diet, but not as much as you may think! The exposed nesting sites of hares hint at another big difference—when they’re born. Both are small mammals with long ears in the family Leporidae. Going solely on appearance, hares are larger than rabbits, with larger ears and larger hind feet. They have a gestation period of about a month, are sexually mature in about six months, and live in the wild for about six years. Larger than a rabbit, a hare has proportionally longer ears and back legs than a rabbit. What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit? Understanding the difference between a rabbit and a hare is more than just trivia. Rabbits can be kept as pets; hares … Jackrabbits are hares. A male rabbit is called a buck, a female - a doe, babies - kittens. In fact, in captivity, a hare could easily live until 12-years, with the rabbit capping off at about that amount too. Hares are brownish gray with a white belly. The dominant male rabbit then mates with most of the females in the. This really helped! Another main difference between rabbits vs. hares is where they live. Bunny, Rabbit and Hare belongs to the same family, but they do have some differences between them in terms of their size, behavior, and habits. You will also find that hares have larger legs and ears than that of a rabbit. They are larger than the latter, and as such, enjoy some advantages. For example: 1. This is, in part, down to the size of their legs. On the other hand, some hares are known to change the color of their coat. What's the Difference Between a Rabbit and a Hare? All rabbits (except the cottontail rabbit) live underground in burrows or warrens, while hares live in simple nests above the ground (as does the cottontail rabbit). A rabbit and hare have become more or less synonymous for many. For example, the animals called jackrabbits are actually hares. < >. Hares are not very social creatures at all. However, we also (hopefully) know that they are both leporids i.e. Small distinguishing features help us to tell the difference between a rabbit and a hare. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This is primarily due to folklores. BY Emily Petsko. Rabbit vs Hare . Size and speed: Hares are generally larger and faster than rabbits. When acknowledged in their natural habitat, these animals will react differently. While hares live singly or in very loose groups, rabbits live in colonies of several dozen animals with strict hierarchies and social groups within the colony. Hares are also larger, have longer ears, and are less social than rabbits. You will also find that rabbits fight a lot more among themselves than hares. As nouns the difference between hare and jackrabbit is that hare is any of several plant-eating animals of the family leporidae, especially of the genus lepus , similar to a rabbit, but larger and with longer ears while jackrabbit is any of several large north american hares of the genus lepus . Its ears have a black tip. The 30 or so species of hares fit into just one genus (Lepus), whereas rabbits branch out into 10 genuses, including the North American genus Sylvilagus, more commonly known as cottontails. But, hares are larger than rabbits. Even though they look similar in certain aspects, they are different species — just like a goat and sheep — and they have more differences than similarities. Hares just tend to pair off when it is time to mate, but male rabbits fight for dominance in certain areas. Hares can run a lot faster than rabbits. The hare’s fur changes from grayish-brown during the summer to white in the winter. Generally speaking, hares are larger than rabbits and have longer ears and legs. Edit or create new comparisons in your area of expertise. The "most profound difference" is seen in baby hares versus baby bunnies, said Philip Stott, a … Larger than a rabbit, a hare has proportionally longer ears and back legs than a rabbit. Rabbit vs. Hare. Hares and Jackrabbits are the genus Lepus, which belongs to the Leporidae family. They can run, but they tend to hide from predators. When a new hare is born, it is ready to run around within a couple of hours. At most, they will be running around with a partner. There are several physical features that may help to tell the two apart. Now that you know the difference between a rabbit and a hare, if you see one or the other in the wild, you can identify them with confidence. It weighs between 1.5 and 3kg in adulthood. Rabbits have long ears, big eyes, thick fur and short bob tails. There are so many different breeds, and a lot of lifespans in the wild are cut short by predators. 3. The difference mainly pertains to their physique, lifestyle and food habits. However, there are a few differences between hares and Jackrabbits as … Depending on the species, these differences may be more noticeable in some cases. Pentalagus, Bunolagus, Nesolagus, Romerolagus, Brachylagus, Sylvilagus, Oryctolagus, Poelagus, A young hare is called a leveret and a young rabbit is called a kitten, kit, or, least correct but very commonly, a. The first difference between rabbits and hares we can find is seen by the taxonomic categorization of the animals. Rabbits prefer to head underground to hide. A hare is a long-eared mammal which is relatively big and has long hind legs. Since hares tend to live in wider, open spaces, it is more likely that they will need to make a fast getaway from predators too. A Hare has a split lip .... thus the expression a person has a "Hare Lip". Rabbit's eyes are positioned on the sides, so they can cover larger areas. Ears and feet: Hares have longer ears and larger feet than rabbits. And, instead of creating burrows, hares make nests in the grass. Hares have large, long ears, long legs, and a larger body than rabbits. Some rabbits are found to have ears as large as 11-16 cm long, and with black tip. Both are small herbivorous mammals that usually feed on grass and plants and are wild relatives of rabbits. They are swifter than the rabbits too. 4. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Rabbits and hares are different from the very moment they are born. However, there is a difference between a rabbit and a hare. Jack Rabbit Jack Rabbit can be as large as 46 to 64 cm, having gray-brown fur. They can destroy crops and trees. Hares are larger and faster than rabbits. Rabbits and hares also differ in their lifestyle and behavior. April 20, 2011 Posted by Olivia. A hare has long, strong hind legs for running quickly, whereas a rabbit has shorter limbs more adept at digging. Hares, on the other hand, are born capable of … The hares have longer ears and hind legs than the rabbits. Rabbit vs. Hare Habitats. They feed at night and at dawn. In fact, rabbits and bunnies, although they belong to the lagomorph species, are completely different animals. They tend to have fewer litters throughout the year too. Instead, they will live behind rocks and hollowed out trees. They thump on the ground to alert danger. Both belong to different genera and in the wild, … The hare in African folk tales is a trickster; some of the stories about the hare were retold among African slaves in America, and are the basis of the Br'er Rabbit stories. Hares are substantially larger than rabbits. A hare is defined as a brownish-gray furry mammal characterized by a relatively larger skull, longer rear limbs, and a longer set of ears with unique dark patterns. Even if you bottlefeed the Hare from day one of its birth, they would be stressed out in your presence. Both animals belong to the Lagomorpha order of mammals; we also discuss some similarities between the two. You will also find that hares have larger legs and ears than that of a rabbit. Rabbits are not really big runners. Rabbits and hares are mammals with long ears. Difference between hares and rabbits Now, the main differences between the two are exhibited at birth. Both of these animals could live for a lot longer in captivity. The Hare and the Rabbit also fit into this category. They can give birth to up to five young at one time. Rabbits are born helpless; they are without fur and are blind. Both animals have long ears, powerful back legs, and a divided upper lip. The rabbit and the hare differ in that rabbits give birth in a warren so the kits are underground and hares like to make a small nest from flattened grass. Rabbit vs Hare: Speed. It is hard to determine the lifespan of rabbits and hares. In terms of differences between the two, hares are physically larger than rabbits, with longer hind legs, larger feet, and longer ears with black markings, and rather than burrowing into the ground like rabbits, hares build simple nests in the grass. Newborn rabbits are called kittens while newly born hares are called leverets. On the one hand, hares are born more developed and with fur. They are also faster runners, which makes sense since they live in open spaces, like prairies, and need the speed to outrun predators. Rabbit is a popular animal domesticated as a pet and also as food. There are several differences in the physical features of hares and rabbits that allow us to distinguish between the two. Therefore, this article intends to discuss the significant differences of hares from the commonly referred bunnies or rabbits. Differences from rabbits Main article: Rabbit Most rabbits live underground in burrows or warrens, while hares live in simple nests above the ground, and usually do not live in groups. Rabbits prefer to munch on grass and the like. One of the gentlest of animals, rabbits and hares are often confused because of similarities between them. 2. Rabbits are very social animals and live in colonies. Rabbits and hares move by jumping, pushing off with their strong hind legs and using their forelimbs to soften the impact on landing. These two animals have many physical and behavioral differences that help us differentiate between the two different animals. their young are born blind and hairless. The shorter lifespan for the hare in the wild is due to where they are living and how open they are to predators. Rabbits and hares are not the same animal.Both rabbits and hares are in the family Laporidae and the order lagamorpha, so the two share a lot of similarities, but they represent different Genus and Species.All hares are in the genus Lepus, whereas rabbits represent a handful of other genus in the family lagamorpha.. They are born without fur and with closed eyes after a gestation period of 30–31 days. both the same type of animal. And lastly, yet another difference between rabbits and hares is that baby rabbits are born blind and quite helpless (hence the protection of the burrow), whereas hare babies are born fully furred and ready to go within a day or two. Another important difference between hares and rabbits is the way their young are born: hares are born covered in fur and with open eyes, but rabbits are born furless, blind, and helpless. Web. A litter of rabbits generally has three to eight young. What is the difference between rabbits and hares? Basically, it is a defense from predators. Newborn rabbits are called kittens while newly born hares are called leverets. The Hare in the story Tortoise and the Hare was aptly chosen. As nouns the difference between rabbit and hare is that rabbit is a mammal of the family leporidae , with long ears, long hind legs and a short, fluffy tail while hare is any of several plant-eating animals of the family leporidae, especially of the genus lepus , similar to a rabbit, but larger and with longer ears. 8 Feb 2021. Diffen LLC, n.d. Its ears have a black tip. For people looking into getting a rabbit as a pet, perhaps the most important difference is that rabbits have been domesticated while hares have not. The difference between the rabbit and the hare lies in their appearance and habits. Definition of Hare. Rabbits and hares are not the same animal. A hare in the wild will live for about 4-years, although there are some hares which have a shorter lifespan than this. However, in the real world the rabbits are referred as the bunnies in the common tongue. What is the Difference Between Hare and Rabbit? Another big difference between a hare and a rabbit is their social skills. Sometimes even experienced watchers may be unsure of what they see if they only get a quick glimpse. In comparison human eyes appear red. There are several variances, from the aesthetic to the behavioral. Hares are generally larger than rabbits, have longer ears and larger more powerful hind legs. Hares are mammals, they give birth on the ground or dig a hollow place. What are the similarities between rabbits and hares? Rabbits are closely related to the hares. 4 Nest You would be surprised to know that even their nests are completely dissimilar. Another difference is that the hare has black markings on the tips of its ears. What is the difference between rabbits and hares? Here are the similarities between rabbits and hares. Trees and shrubs; Live in burrows dug into the soil. Additionally, they have reduced motor skills well … The difference between a rabbit and a hare is most obvious at the time of birth. Although they come from the same family, rabbits and hares have clear differences. Even though the two are very similar, you’ll be able to tell them apart. Hares and rabbits are both in the family Leporidae, but they’re separate species. Male rabbits even fight within a group to become the dominant male. That is what we are going to take a look at on this page: Rabbit vs Hare. Hare babies which are also called kits are born fully developed with eyes and fur. Rabbit vs Hare. Hare is a distant relative to the rabbit, but there's a difference between rabbit vs hare. Hares, on the other hand, use their lengthier, tougher back legs to run away from the threat. Open areas and prairies; Nests in small open depressions. The differences are precise and can only be identified by someone having accurate knowledge about them. They eat in larger groups. Small distinguishing features help us to tell the difference between a rabbit and a hare. It can also be completely white or beige on the back and white on the belly. Newborn hares are covered with a full coat of fur, while a rabbit … Difference Between Bunny and Rabbit In the case of rabbits, there may be some color variation between molts, but it’s much less noticeable. The rabbit and the hare differ in that rabbits give birth in a warren so the kits are underground and hares like to make a small nest from flattened grass. Hares rely on running rather than burrowing for protection. The difference between a rabbit and a hare is most obvious at the time of birth. So, what is the difference between a hare and a rabbit? What’s The Difference Between A Bunny, A Rabbit, And A Hare? Rabbits tend to keep the same color, but they change the thickness of the coat. The rabbit's long ears can be more than 10 cm (4 in) long and they have large powerful hind legs. Hares are known to be quicker than rabbits. Hares are bigger than rabbits, and they are also faster due to their longer hind legs, which allows them to achieve a more impressive hopping distance. Also, explain whether or not you would want a rabbit for a pet and why. Hares and rabbits are both in the family Leporidae, but they’re separate species. They tend to be a lot more mobile as a result, darting from one place to another. Rabbits have, of course, been domesticated as pets. Hares are runners; they run fast and prefer to bolt away from their predators. The only rabbit to build its nest above ground is the cottontail rabbit. There are currently no domestic hares. Generally speaking, you can expect a rabbit in the wild to live for about 6-years. Rabbit vs Hare: Speed. Hares’ extremities allow them to run long distances in a short time, while rabbits’ hind legs are used to ‘stamp’ on the ground if they’re angry or need to defend themselves. A rabbit is different from a hare. Therefore, rabbits are more tied to their mothers during the first few months of their life. Since they live on the open ground rather than in burrows, hares had to become fast so that they could get away from their enemies. Another important difference between hares and rabbits is the way their young are born: hares are born covered in fur and with open eyes, but rabbits are born furless, blind, and helpless. Note that this definition is relative to the difference between hare and rabbit. This allows it to blend in with the scenery a little bit better. It would be interesting to understand the actual difference between bunny and hare, as it could be always confusing for a casual person. You may read more in our post What Do Wild Rabbits Eat?eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'lionheadrabbitcare_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_7',106,'0','0'])); The gestation period for a hare is a lot shorter than a rabbit. When a rabbit is born, it may take a few weeks for it to open its eyes, let alone be ready to explore the world. Again, this is not always going to be the case, but in the wild, you will easily be able to tell the difference between a hare and a rabbit. Hares are bigger than the rabbits. Rabbit babies called kits or bunnies are born blind without fully developed eyes or fur and need to be sheltered and taken care of by their mother for at least a few weeks. Rabbits also have their litters underground. Hares are known to be quicker than rabbits. I was wondering in science when we learned about placental mammals. It is rare that a hare will live underground. Hares are big eaters of bark and twigs. In general, rabbits are smaller and have shorter ears than hares. Rabbit fur stays the same color year-round, while a hare's coat can change seasonally. 1. The difference between a hare and a rabbit There is some truth in this conclusion, but much remains hidden. Here are some examples of rabbit in a sentence, “Yummy, I love rabbit stew!” said the poor little orphan boy. Not everyone can answer this question. If they are out and about, then you are more likely to catch them on their own. The Hare and the Rabbit also fit into this category. The primary difference is that the rabbit or bunny can be domesticated, whereas Hare cannot. There are about 28 species, or types, of rabbit and about 30 species of hare. And it is not always possible to accurately determine where one is, and where is another. Now, go through the differences between these three animals. Bunnies are always thought to be actual animals by the young generation but the other way around by the elders, in case of the Easter bunny. The fact that they can be difficult to tell apart is also reflected in particular names: a jackrabbit is really a hare, but a swamp hare is really a rabbit. They forage for food in larger groups. Rabbit vs. Hare. This comparison lists several important differences between rabbits and hares in their physical features, lifestyle, habitat and behavior. The "most profound difference" is seen in baby hares versus baby bunnies, said Philip Stott, a wildlife ecologist at the University of Adelaide in Australia. This is where the speed comes into play. As verbs the difference between rabbit and hare We all know that a rabbit and a hare are not the same animals. Rabbits will tend to live underground in a complex system of tunnels known as a ‘burrow‘. Many people think that a rabbit and hare is one and the same animal. To begin with, hares are larger than rabbits, and that also includes their ears and legs, which are longer. The hare and rabbit's different physical characteristics are distinctly seen in the video below. The snowshoe hare, for instance, goes from a brown to a brilliant white come winter in order to provide camouflage appropriate to the season. A choice of homes is another area where rabbits and hares don’t see eye to eye. Family – Both rabbits and hares belong to the family Laporidae. The whitetail jackrabbit is the largest hare in the Great Plains, having a head and body length of 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 cm) and weighing 5 to 10 pounds (2.2 to 4.5 kg). The main difference between hares and rabbits is that hares are taller, skinner with longer hind legs and ears. The colour of the rabbit's hair remains the same all year round, but hare's colour of fur changes from brown/grey in the summer and then white in the winters. Wanda saw a rabbit in her front … Certain species of hares will change from white fur in the winter to reddish-brown fur in the spring and summer.Their typical pregnancy lasts 42 days, which is slightly longer than that of a rabbit (30-31 days), but the biggest difference between the two is how they are born.Newborn hares are born fully developed. When you first start looking for Hares it is easy to confuse them with Rabbits. Rabbits and hares are different from the very moment they are born. The fact that they can be difficult to tell apart is also reflected in particular names: a jackrabbit is really a hare, but a swamp hare is really a rabbit. They have larger feet and are able to jump higher and run faster than rabbits. These warrens can be complex networks of tunnels generally built by the momma rabbit. Thank you for posting this, it was very helpful! Hares can run a lot faster than rabbits. Rabbit vs Hare is a cute comparison, yet this article intends to identify the differences. Rabbits prefer to hide from predators rather than trying to run away. Hares are generally larger than rabbits, have longer ears and larger more powerful hind legs. Appearance: Hares have black markings on their fur. Sometimes, people use hare and rabbit interchangeably, and most of the time, it doesn’t make a big difference. The difference between the rabbit and the hare lies in their appearance and habits. Rabbits prefer softer foods like grass and vegetables, while hares are more likely to choose harder foods like bark and twigs. On the other hand, rabbits are incredibly sociable. When you understand the distinctions between rabbits and hares, you’ll identify each species on sight. At birth: Rabbits are altricial i.e. Another difference is that the hare has black markings on the tips of its ears. Both rabbits and hares breed prolifically, bearing four to eight litters each year. Again, this is not always going to be the case, but in the wild, you will easily be able to tell the difference between a hare and a rabbit. For example; in some snowy regions, the hare can change to a white color during the winter months. This is another big difference between rabbits and hares. While they appear similar, and belong to the same biological family, they are different species. You will also find that hares have larger legs and ears than that of a rabbit. They are timid and defenseless, making you wonder how they could survive a world full of enemies. Rabbits and hares belong to the family Leporidae, a subset of the order lagomorph which also contains pikas (from the family Ochotonidae).Lagomorph means ‘a body like a hare’, which is one reason why rabbits and hares are confused so easily as they look similar morphologically. This is, … You wouldn’t really catch a rabbit in a big, open field! Also adding to the confusion is the fact that the jackrabbit is actually a hare, though another way to tell the difference between a rabbit and a hare is that a rabbit’s eyes are positioned on the sides of its head, allowing it to see behind itself should it encounter any predators or even bumbling hunters with speech impediments muttering about “wabbit season.” The Rabbit and the Hare by Guy Belleranti In the article, “The Rabbit and the Hare,” you learned that rabbits make better pets than hares. Rabbits can see behind them without turning their heads. Although rabbits and hares are valued as game by hunters both for their food and fur, they are also pests to farmers and gardeners. On the lines below, describe why rabbits make better pets than hares. An exception is the cottontail rabbit, which mostly lives aboveground in nests. There are several differences in the physical features of hares and rabbits that allow us to distinguish between the two. The fact is that these cute fluffy animals are very similar to each other. If you read this far, you should follow us: "Hare vs Rabbit." Plus, they share a lot of the same features. Hare or Rabbit?