2021 ... Um gut vorbereitet ins nächste Semester starten zu können, bietet Ihnen die FOM zur Unterstützung zu Beginn des ersten Semesters die Crash-Kurse BWL und Methodologie an, in denen Sie relevante fachliche Grundlagen auffrischen können. It is further dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and understanding of business and public administration. San Francisco State University is also accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). 1) To ensure that you are well-prepared for the start of your studies, FOM offers crash courses in Business Administration and Methodology at the beginning of the first semester which help you refresh all relevant basic skills and knowledge. Kasuma’s industry experience encompasses big names such … Find out what options you have. 8 UBC Master of Health Administration UBC Master of Health Administration 9. Graduates of the extra occupational Master course of studies “Master of Business Administration” are distinguished by their entrepreneurial 360°-view: by conveying comprehensive business knowledge and management competencies, MBA students develop into business-minded, assertive personalities, who are able to safely navigate the international business world. Abilene, Texas Online Business Administration Degrees by the Numbers. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. At FOM, you meet highly-qualified scientists and experienced managers from industry who provide you with a sound theoretical foundation based on the latest findings in research and optimally prepare you for the requirements of business practice during your MBA programme. Search . 1 Jahr und 6 Monate, März 2011 - Aug. 2012. Master of Business Administration Course load 90 ECTS. Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Department of Business and Management fees, admission, eligibility, application, scholarships & ranking. Foreign Languages. Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form. Your skills are also developed by FOM's innovative management concept which encourages you to think and act in way that is relevant to practice and benefits the company as a whole.”, "Research results from the KCC KompetenzCentrum for Corporate Social Responsibility which flow into the MBA courses include exploring sustainable stakeholder value creation in business, the transition to a Circular Economy in a Business to Business context, implementation of Circular Business Models, and decision-making in network relationships. » Why does FOM charge tuition fees and other questions about costs and financing. » You can download the accreditation certificate here. The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business administration such as accounting, applied statistics, human resources, business communication, business ethics, business law, business strategy, finance, managerial economics, management, entrepreneurship, m… For this reason, … Specialisation block courses can only be held if a minimum number of participants is registered. ", "In the MBA programme, you learn to perform confidently in different working environments and apply general management expertise in an international context. 1) To ensure that you are well-prepared for the start of your studies, FOM offers crash courses in Business Administration and Methodology at the beginning of the first semester which help you … Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. Call us today at 1-800-686-1600. ", "The MBA helps you to change: your job, your function, your business. ACU’s College of Business Administration educates business and technology professionals for Christian service and leadership throughout the world. Business Administration. However, this challenge gave me a great deal of motivation which I incorporated into my career path.“, "The content of FOM's MBA programme is designed in such a way that individual management disciplines are always examined from different perspectives and in international contexts. Study and work in Hamburg. The … Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (Logistics) (englisch-/chinesischsprachig) Bachelor of Engineering (deutsch-/englischsprachig) Master-Studiengänge. ENQUIRE NOW HOW TO APPLY DOWNLOAD … Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) (By Coursework) ... learning environment, outside classroom activities and industrial visits will not only enhance your analytical, business, digital and soft skills but also deepens your knowledge in business management and your area of interest (analytics, finance, marketing, human resource management, etc.) For our Master of Science in Business Administration, we have applications from a large number of different nationalities, which means you can be sure of an interantional and intercultural enviroment. The FoM offers various programs like Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance (BBA-F), Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM), Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM), Bachelor of Information Management (BIM), Bachelor of Business Management (BBM), Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA), Master … The university also offers dual degrees in about 23 courses. Our cooperation agreements with an extensive number of excellent partner universities worldwide provide you with attractive options to spend a term abroad. With a Master’s Degree of Business Administration (MBA), you will be in a position to supervise others, decide the daily priorities of your office, delegate projects and coordinate teams to meet the goals of your organization. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. To be admitted to the Master of Business Administration in Business Administration program, students must obtain admission to graduate study at Cameron University and meet one of the following criteria: … MBA - Master of Business Administration. Students are required to take a total of 45 credits as follows: Final Project is a compulsory subject and will commence after the candidate has passed 9 subjects (27 credits) including Research … Leadership. Inscription. Thus, you will gain important knowledge that will allow you to maintain an overview of all operational processes when making decisions. You will complete your master studies in Business Administration with the academic degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA). Every subject is examined from different business perspectives, so that you can play a constructive and defining role in modern corporate structures. About. In 2018, students completed 34 business administration … The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a rigorous research-based program that will prepare proven business professionals to expand their breadth of knowledge and abilities in leadership, innovation and customer engagement. You’ll master the skills you need for major data analytics, including database languages, programming languages, and visualization tools. Kann ich ohne (Fach-)Abitur an der FOM … „I decided on the Master of Business Administration, as I was looking for a practice-orientated and short course of studies, which would sharpen my entrepreneurial comprehensive perception. Fontys International Business School offers an MBA programme designed for graduates with professional experience. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. Business Administration from FOM University of Applied Sciences students develop into business-minded, assertive personalities, who are able to safely navigate the international business world. The Faculty of Management (FoM), Tribhuvan University has its ultimate objective of educating students for professional pursuits in business, industry, and government. Therefore, this course of studies also accredited. She did her post-doc at the University of Toronto, Canada. The M.B.A. program is accredited by the most respected business accrediting association in the world, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Search form. Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. You can choose from the following workshops*: *Whether a workshop takes place is dependent on the minimum number of participants. However, this challenge gave me a great deal of motivation which I incorporated into my career path. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. Duration. The program facilitates the transition toward a new career by developing a comprehensive understanding of the discipline and essential research methods. Industrial property rights - Introduction to the national, Basics of international arbitration proceedings, The classification of accounting methods according to IFRS in the national and international normative context, The goals, objectives and principles of IFRS accounting methods, The components of IFRS annual financial statements, General reporting and valuation rules of the IFRS, Value-orientated controlling and indicator systems, Possible applications and limitations of value-orientated indicators/systems for performance measurement and management through controlling, Information requirements and information management, Questionnaire and survey design and sampling techniques, Theoretical foundation of asset management, Information content of derivatives and instruments, Planning of earnings, investments and finance, Analysis of earnings, cash flows and assets/liabilities, Finance and investment decisions (e.g. The business school is privately run, works in close co-operation with other universities, [third-party source needed] and is state recognized. A Master’s degree from the FOM University enables entry to a subsequent a PhD programme. A voluntary coaching programme, which runs alongside the degree course, can also support you with your own personal development. From the third semester you will select your preferred area of specialisation – a wide range of specialised subjects provides you with a degree course that perfectly matches the requirements of your daily professional activities. For example, you will acquire in-depth knowledge in disciplines such as marketing and communication, human resources and leadership management as well as international business … Master of Business Administration (MBA) 10625 Berlin . Vice-Chancellor; Registrar; Bursar; DIVISIONS. Master of Business Administration. View Program … Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. Die Studienberatung steht für Studieninteressierte und Studierende gerne zur Verfügung: 0800 1 959595. Areas of specialisation abroad take place within two weeks and once a year. ... Das Hochschulzertifikat Aviation Management im Studiengang Business Administration bietet die FOM in Kooperation mit der Flugschule TFC-Käufer an. If you are a working professional seeking to move your career to the next level, then the Master of Business Administration program at Clayton State University is designed for you. Thus, all courses of study offered by the FOM are accredited. The volume of work which one must navigate due to one's professional occupation and the MBA is not to be underestimated. MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION … For example, you will acquire in-depth knowledge in disciplines such as marketing and communication, human resources and leadership management as well as international business law. The College of Business Administration is committed to its calling to equip students for lives of inspired Christian service and leadership. For areas of specialisation abroad there are additional costs. Würde gerne nach dem Bachelor ein Vollzeit-Master … You will learn to assert yourself in interdisciplinary teams, take responsibility, manage negotiations and ultimately implement well-founded and constructive measures. In all modules there is a focus on digitisation and the influence it has on the respective functional areas. Die Studienberatung steht für Studieninteressierte und Studierende gerne zur Verfügung: 0800 1 959595. Fontys International Business School (FIBS) in cooperation with the FOM Fachhochschule für Oekonomie & Management (Essen, Germany) offers an MBA programme designed for graduates with professional experience. Private Equity, M&A), Organisation, Personal and Team Selling (negotiation, Structuring and developing a Innovation Management Process, Start-Up Entrepreneurship (Berlin & Munich), International Finance & Asset Management (Boulogne-sur-Mer/France). Online business administration degrees in Abilene, Texas have been growing at institutions over the past 5 years. Master of Business Administration (MBA) ... Um gut vorbereitet ins nächste Semester starten zu können, bietet Ihnen die FOM zur Unterstützung zu Beginn des ersten Semesters die Crash-Kurse BWL und Methodologie an, in denen Sie relevante fachliche Grundlagen auffrischen können. Die Studienberatung steht für Studieninteressierte und Studierende gerne zur Verfügung: 0800 1 959595. This ensures continuous improvement of faculty in teaching, research, and professional service. 11.880 euro, payable in 24 monthly instalments of 495 euro or 8 quarterly instalments of 1485 euro. The Master of Business Administration (MBA; also Master's in Business Administration) degree originated in the United States in the early 20th century when the country industrialized and companies sought scientific management. Master of Business Administration. Die Studienberatung steht für Studieninteressierte und Studierende gerne zur Verfügung: 0800 1 959595. Earning a Master in Business Administration will allow you to enter any of the careers of a typical business degree, such as sales associate, financial analyst, or accountant. With a Master’s Degree of Business Administration (MBA), you will be in a position to supervise others, decide the daily priorities of your office, delegate projects and coordinate teams to meet the goals of … ", „At FOM, you meet highly-qualified scientists and experienced managers from industry who provide you with a sound theoretical foundation based on the latest findings in research and optimally prepare you for the requirements of business practice during your MBA programme. Program Type. » Find out more about the accreditation of the courses of studies here. Programme in brief. FOM - Hi, mache gerade meine Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann und studiere nebenbei Business Administration (eher BWL-lastig aber auch VWL-Inhalte) an der FOM. » mehr. After completing the degree course you will be able to take over management activities in international companies, develop global strategies and optimise group-wide processes. The volume of work which one must navigate due to one's professional occupation and the MBA is not to be underestimated. 5 Jahre und 5 Monate, Aug. 2008 - Dez. The Master of Business Administration program offers advanced graduate training to enable new and experienced managers to become better leaders. 2 Years for Full-time and 3 Years for Part … This seal of approval proves that the quality management of the FOM University meets the high standards of the Accreditation Council, the most important body for the quality of studies and education at German universities. 2013 . By-Laws; Examination Regulations; Ragging Prevention ⠀ STUDENT PORTAL; DEPARTMENTS. Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. Kasuma earned his Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from Multimedia University in 2018, focusing on strategic management. Eric Frère is Dean of Business Administration II and Academic Director of the Master of Business Administration programme „At FOM, you meet highly-qualified scientists and … Master Accounting & Financial Management (deutschsprachig) Master Accounting & Financial Management (englischsprachig) Master Design- & Innovationsmanagement (chinesischsprachig) Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. 5 Fragen und Antworten zum Studium an der FOM. The compact business administration course of studies, which includes all of the necessary components of management, was a solid foundation for the path to higher management. With this Master of Business Administration programme you gain specialist … Leiter des FOM Master-Studiengangs Business Consulting & Digital Management »Industrie 4.0, IoT und Machine Learning: Mit der voranschreitenden digitalen Transformation müssen Unternehmen … ), while a European MBA (or an American Executive MBA) is a general management program for executives coming from various fields of expertise, who generally feel the need for some broad knowledge of business administration and management techniques after a few years … What I particularly like about the MBA programme at FOM is that you can work and study at the same time. Subject to changes: Lecture times depend on when you start your studies (winter semester/summer semester) and they will remain the same throughout your study programme. FOM’s GOALS Prepare professional managers capable of handling business in a dynamic global environment. Check course details, eligibility, fee structure and scholarships at the School of Business and Commerce, MUJ. For entry onto the Master in Business Administration (MBA) Top-up from ARU qualification, learners must possess: • A degree from a UK university, normally at a minimum of lower second-class honours or equivalent from a non-UK university AND • A Level 7 (Postgraduate) qualification with at least 120 credits, awarded by a recognised UK awarding organisation. Real case studies from the world of business and a lively mix of teaching methods help to sharpen your overall, interdisciplinary perspective. All courses are accredited and taught according to German … Engineers, Scientists, Lawyers … The majority of the courses offered centers on business, business administration, economic psychology, and engineering. Produce socially responsible and … Master of Business Administration (MBA) 10625 Berlin . After all you’d be hard … The University of Applied Sciences HSBA is closely linked to Hamburg’s economy, offering academic business studies for working professionals leading to undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. WUSL Departments; Administration. Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. Le BBA est généralement dispensé par une école supérieure spécialisée en économie de gestion. Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. You are able to visit one or two of the following one-day workshops per semester. Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. TAPMI School of Business at Manipal University Jaipur is one of the best B-Schools emerging in North India. Faculty well-versed in business craft every course, … Die Studienberatung steht für Studieninteressierte und Studierende gerne zur Verfügung: 0800 1 959595. Additionally, it may open … German Studies. Master of Business Administration (MB) College. TSB under the mentorship of TAPMI, Manipal blends the best in management education through academic rigor and industry exposure, to create corporate ready managers.We endeavour to create future corporate leaders with excellent conceptual, analytical, technical, human … The MBA was a turning point for me. Full Curriculum. Diplôme délocalisé à Alger et délivré par la Swiss School of Management. The MBA was a turning point for me. This degree course, which is held primarily in English, provides both business expertise as well as extensive intercultural and management skills. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. You will report to upper management and have room to advance your career into top management in a reasonable amount of time. Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. Colorado Technical University’s Master of Business Administration degree is designed to help … Graduates of the extra occupational Master course of studies “Master of Business Administration” are distinguished by their entrepreneurial 360°-view: by conveying comprehensive business knowledge and management competencies, MBA students develop into business-minded, assertive personalities, who are able to safely navigate the international business world. Best Master of Business Administration (MBA) college in Rajasthan. Your skills are also developed by FOM's innovative management concept which encourages you to think and act in way that is relevant to practice and benefits the company as a whole.”, » More about this study centre (German only), other questions about costs and financing, perform managerial tasks in international organisations, handle complex negotiations and make convincing presentations, Practical relevance through case studies and business games, Individual career coaching & Soft Skills Workshops. Are you interested in studying "Business Administration (MBA)" in Germany? An MBA is regarded by many as the ticket to the C-suite. Le Bachelor of Business Administration ou BBA est un diplôme international de premier cycle universitaire en administration des entreprises (management, finance, marketing, stratégie, ressources humaines …). Planning for a career change or looking to develop your leadership skills? Small Business Administration I also highly recommend gaining experience in an international environment through FOM's international programmes. Your fellow-students give you new perspectives: imagine being in a team consisting of the senior vice president of an American multinational, a professional footballer, a woman surgeon and the East European ballet master of an international troupe. The compact business administration course of studies, which includes all of the necessary components of management, was a solid foundation for the path to higher management. ", „I decided on the Master of Business Administration, as I was looking for a practice-orientated and short course of studies, which would sharpen my entrepreneurial comprehensive perception. You’ll gain experience working with a variety of tools to describe, predict, and inform business decisions. In 2018 the FOM University received system-accreditation for further eight years. Course Work: Study Mode. Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. Courses in international business administration are offered at most colleges and universities, and many offer a master’s program. Universidade Federal Fluminense. » Further information on financing possibilities and on questions of tax deductibility. ", +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. The FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management is Germany's largest private university. The acceleration growth of FOM was also geared up with the introduction of other postgraduate programs such as Master of Business Administration (MBA), Online MBA, Masters of Philosophy, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The aim is to provide students with a practice-based, application-oriented academic education which prepares them for specialist and leadership positions in internationally active companies. » Master of Business Administration (MBA) » Master of Science (M.Sc.) Network. FOM University of Applied Sciences offers young ambitious experts and working professionals a chance to gain a state-recognized degree simultaneously while working. The college offers AACSB- and ABET-accredited programs, including nine undergraduate business and technology majors, four minors, a Master … The Masters of Business Administration Department at Fachhochschule für Ökonomie und Management - University of Applied Sciences on Academia.edu +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. The Masters of Business Administration Department at Fachhochschule für Ökonomie und Management - University of Applied Sciences on Academia.edu Die Studienberatung steht für Studieninteressierte und Studierende gerne zur Verfügung: 0800 1 959595. You will also benefit from the continual exchange of information and experiences with other students from a wide range of sectors and specialist areas. Die Studienberatung steht für Studieninteressierte und Studierende gerne zur Verfügung: 0800 1 959595. The exchange programme in San Diego also optimally complemented my career and has been an asset to my everyday professional life. Master of Business Administration (MBA) FULL TIME & PART TIME. We support America's small businesses. Our faculty bring real … Contact. The administrative language of the course of studies is German. 2) Alternative areas of specialisationAs an alternative to the “International Management” specialisation in the 3rd semester, you can choose one of four one-week block courses as an area for specialisation: The block courses in Germany are scheduled to take place within one week in June and November. Master of Business Administration Program Description The MBA program, with an emphasis in Management, Finance, Accounting, and Information Technology, is a 44 semester hour program. (MBA) and Master of Business Administration in Global Leadership and Management (MBA-GLM). Programme in brief; What to expect from us; What do we expect from you? the FOM is system accredited by the FIBAA. He completed his Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with Honors from the University of Huddersfield, and Universiti Utara Malaysia, respectively. Project, Risk and Contract Management - Master-Thesis: Customer Loyalty in B2B. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. For experts and managers wishing to acquire strategic managerial expertise in order to pursue new career opportunities.This course prepares you to: Depending on the institution and when the study programme begins (in the summer or winter semester), at the FOM there are a variety of time plans available to choose from. This continually strengthens the ability to perform confidently in international job markets and face intercultural duties and challenges. Die Studienberatung steht für Studieninteressierte und Studierende gerne zur Verfügung: 0800 1 959595. Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. Business along with lecturers who bring industry expertise from their professional practice. HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration – Bachelor, Master, Continuing and Executive Education A university experience like no other. Business Studies & Finance (FBSF) Livestock, Fisheries & Nutrition (FLFN) Medicine (FOM) Technology (FOT) LAW & REGULATION.