Nach Aussage von Joanne Rowling ist Gilderoy Lockhart die einzige Figur in den Büchern, die sie absichtlich nach einem realen Vorbild gestaltet hat; das Vorbild war nach ihren Worten noch unangenehmer als die Fiktion. [63] As the President of RADA and one of the highest profile actors and filmmakers in contemporary British popular culture, Branagh appeared on Debrett's 2017 list of the most influential people in the UK. [32] In 2011, Branagh portrayed Laurence Olivier in My Week with Marilyn, which nabbed him a Best Supporting Actor nomination at the 84th Academy Awards. Branagh has narrated several audiobooks, such as The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis[50] and Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. It featured directorial debuts for Judi Dench with Much Ado About Nothing (starring Branagh and Samantha Bond as Benedick and Beatrice), Geraldine McEwan with As You Like It, and Derek Jacobi directing Branagh in the title role in Hamlet, with Sophie Thompson as Ophelia. Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company also includes Judi Dench (The Winter's Tale), Zoë Wanamaker (Harlequinade/All On Her Own), Derek Jacobi, Lily James and Richard Madden (Romeo and Juliet) and Rob Brydon (The Painkiller). He was appointed a Knight Bachelor in the 2012 Birthday Honours and knighted on 9 November 2012. Joanne K. Rowling beschreibt Gilderoy Lockhart als ein gutes Beispiel dafür, wie sie die Namen ihrer Figuren findet. The advance provided the funds to buy accommodation for the Company's offices, this moving Renaissance out of my flat and bringing me a little closer to sanity. Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. [64], In October 2017, it was announced that Branagh would be conferred with the Freedom of the City of Belfast. [40], however the film's release got pushed back to 2021 due to the Covid—19 Pandemic. After disappointing A-level results in English, History and Sociology,[17] Branagh went on to train at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. Der neue Lehrer, Gilderoy Lockhart (Kenneth Branagh), scheint alles andere als qualifiziert und nebenbei werden Schüler versteinert in den Gängen gefunden. [3] In 2020, he was listed at number 20 on The Irish Times list of Ireland's greatest film actors.[4]. Über Gilderoys Schulzeit wird berichtet, dass der sprechende Hut bei seiner Hauszuteilung zwischen dem Haus Slytherin und dem Haus Ravenclaw schwankte, sich aber letztendlich für Ravenclaw entschied. He narrated numerous documentary series, including Cold War (1998), Walking with Dinosaurs (1999), The Ballad of Big Al (2001), Walking with Beasts (2001), Walking with Monsters (2005), and World War 1 in Colour (2005). Gilderoy Lockhart hat eine Reihe von Büchern geschrieben, die seine Siege über gefährliche magische Kreaturen und schwarze Magier beschreiben. Branagh, the middle of three children, was born in Belfast, the son of working class Protestant parents Frances (née Harper) and William Branagh, a plumber and joiner who ran a company that specialised in fitting partitions and suspended ceilings. Branagh trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London; in 2015 he succeeded Richard Attenborough as its president. Es ist offenbar als "Easter Egg" konzipiert worden. Gilderoy hat eine Hexenmutter und einen Muggelvater. Branagh directed and starred in a film adaptation of Agatha Christie's detective novel Murder on the Orient Express (2017) as Hercule Poirot. Original Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, was auf deutsch etwa „Harry Potter und die Kammer der Geheimnisse“ bedeutet) ist der zweite Band der Harry-Potter-Buchreihe von Joanne K. Rowling und wurde schätzungsweise rund 60 Millionen Mal verkauft.. Das Buch wurde am 2. Branagh also starred in The Winter's Tale, Harlequinade and The Painkiller. [31] Thor, Branagh's return to big-budget directing, was released on 6 May 2011. Gegenüber der Lehrer - und Schülerschaft gibt sich Gilderoy Lockhart als allwissender Experte, der sich in der Pflege magischer Pflanzen angeblich besser auskennt als Professor Sprout, in der Behandlung magischer Wesen Hagrid irgendwelche besserwisserischen Tipps gibt und als Superstar im Quidditch Harry ganz großmütig Sondertrainingsstunden anbietet. In May 2019, Branagh was cast in Christopher Nolan's Tenet in which he portrayed the villain Andrei Sator and gained universal acclaim for his performance. Die Mutter vergötterte ihren Jüngsten, der im Gegensatz zu seinen beiden Schwestern als einziges ihrer Kinder ihre Zauberkräfte geerbt hatte. The production marked his Broadway stage debut. war Schriftsteller. Branagh frequently collaborates with certain actors on multiple films, most notably Brian Blessed, the late Richard Briers, Patrick Doyle, Derek Jacobi, Emma Thompson, and Jimmy Yuill. Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens ist die Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Bestseller-Romans der englischen Autorin Joanne K. Rowling aus dem Jahr 2002 unter der Regie von Chris Columbus, der am 14.November 2002 in den deutschen Kinos anlief. With Branagh in the title role, Alex Kingston played Lady Macbeth and Ray Fearon featured as Macduff. Lockharts Schwestern werden an dieser Stelle bei Pottermore als "Muggelschwestern" und nicht als "Squib" bezeichnet. Dann fand sie den Nachnamen "Lockhart" auf einem Denkmal für Gefallene des Ersten Weltkriegs. Dieser zweite Teil der Harry-Potter-Reihe spielte weltweit 879 Millionen US-Dollar ein und belegt Platz 68 (Stand: 2. Er hat nur andere Zauberer und Hexen aufgespürt, sich ihre Geschichte erzählen lassen und sie mit einem Gedächtniszauber belegt. [53] After Thompson divorced him, he and Bonham Carter were in a well-publicised relationship until 1999. In seiner ersten Schulstunde in Harrys Klasse lässt der berühmte, heldenhafte Lockhart eine Gruppe von Wichteln frei, die das Klassenzimmer völlig verwüsten, ohne dass er etwas gegen sie tun kann. The first series of three episodes was broadcast on BBC One in November and December 2008. Die einzige Art von Zauber, die er wirklich beherrscht, sind die Gedächtniszauber, mit denen er ihre Erinnerung löscht. Klikk her.. for å få svar på våre mest vanlige spørsmål. Har du bestilt abonnement via Bladkongen og har et spørsmål kontakt oss via mail eller telefon. Als Ginny verschwindet, betreten Harry und Ron zusammen mit Gilderoy Lockhart, dem diesjährigen Lehrer für die "Verteidigung gegen die dunklen Künste", den Zugang zur Kammer. [29], In April 2015, Branagh announced his formation of the Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company, in which he would appear as actor-manager. [45] For his performance in the episode One Step Behind, he was nominated in the Outstanding Actor, Miniseries or Movie category of the 61st Primetime Emmy Awards. Gilderoy Lockhart ist Träger des Merlin-Ordens dritter Klasse, Ehrenmitglied der Liga zur Verteidigung gegen die dunklen Kräfte und hat fünfmal die Auszeichnung der Hexenwoche für das charmanteste Lächeln gewonnen. Wer hat nicht schon gehofft, einen Brief von Hogwarts im Briefkasten zu finden, um mit Harry Potter und Co. die Schulbank zu drücken. His most recent is for his portrayal of Lord Laurence Olivier in My Week With Marilyn in 2012. [26] It won him the Critics' Circle Theatre Award for Best Male Performance but did not get him a Laurence Olivier Award nomination, to the surprise of critics. ‘Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw If you’ve a ready mind Where those of wit and learning Will always find their kind.’ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Tous les décès depuis 1970, évolution de l'espérance de vie en France, par département, commune, prénom et nom de famille ! A year later in 1989, Branagh co-starred with Emma Thompson in the Renaissance revival of Look Back in Anger. Branagh directed all but The Entertainer, in which he starred. Dieser Name musste einen eindrucksvollen Klang haben. In 2006, the same year that Branagh's film version of As You Like It was released, he also directed a film version of Mozart's opera The Magic Flute. His first BAFTA TV award came in April 2009, for Best Drama Series (Wallander). [27], In July 2013, he co-directed Macbeth at Manchester International Festival with Rob Ashford. [44] He received his first BAFTA TV on 26 April 2009 for the British Academy Television Award for Best Drama Series. Notable members include Luna Lovegood, Gilderoy Lockhart and Filius Flitwick. [41] In 1998, he narrated the 24-episode documentary series Cold War. It was his first major television award win in the UK. Judi Dench directed both the theatre and television productions, presented first in Belfast then at the London Coliseum and Lyric Theatre. Branagh's two other Academy Award nominations were for the 1992 film short subject Swan Song and for his work on the screenplay of Hamlet in 1996. Ganz allgemein ist damit eine Lebenseinstellung gemeint, die auf Genuss und die Vermeidung von Leid aus ist. He directed and starred as Hercule Poirot in the mystery drama adaptations of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express (2017) and Death on the Nile (2021). He won an International Emmy Award for Wallander and a Primetime Emmy Award for Conspiracy, and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for My Week with Marilyn. [37] In 2018, he directed the film All Is True, in which he starred as William Shakespeare. The first major Renaissance production was Branagh's Christmas 1987 staging of Twelfth Night at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, starring Richard Briers as Malvolio and Frances Barber as Viola, and with an original score by actor, musician and composer Patrick Doyle, who two years later was to compose the music for Branagh's film adaptation of Henry V. This Twelfth Night was later adapted for television. He received acclaim in the UK for his stage performances, first winning the 1982 SWET Award for Best Newcomer, for his role as Judd in Julian Mitchell's Another Country, after leaving RADA. [43] Branagh won the award for best actor at the 35th Broadcasting Press Guild Television and Radio Awards (2009). Zusammen mit der gleichnamigen App soll die Fans von Harry Potter und von Phantastische Tierwesen in Zukunft digital begleiten. Lockhart ist überdurchschnittlich intelligent, ist aber zu faul sich in der Schule zu engagieren. I don't think you can take Belfast out of the boy", and he attributes his "love of words" to his Irish heritage. In 2002, Branagh starred in the two-part television movie Shackleton, a dramatisation of the 1914 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition's battle for survival, for which he was nominated for a BAFTA award and an Emmy. [47] The second Wallander series of three episodes aired initially in January 2010 on the BBC, and the third season aired in July 2012. [38][39] He was also due to reprise his role as Hercule Poirot in October 2020 in Death on the Nile, a sequel to Murder on the Orient Express. [42] Branagh also narrated the BBC documentaries Walking with Dinosaurs, World War I in Colour, Walking with Beasts and Walking with Monsters, and the BBC miniseries Great Composers. Branagh has frequently reused actors, including Brian Blessed, Judi Dench, Robin Williams, Derek Jacobi, Nonso Anozie, Nicholas Farrell, Richard Briers, Stellan SkarsgÃ¥rd, Helena Bonham Carter, John Gielgud, Josh Gad, Ian Holm, and Emma Thompson. [33] Branagh played a Royal Navy Commander in Christopher Nolan's 2017 action-thriller Dunkirk, based on the British military evacuation of the French city of Dunkirk in 1940 during World War II.[34]. He also directed such films as Swan Song (1992), which earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Live Action Short Film, The Magic Flute (2006), Sleuth (2007), the Marvel superhero film Thor (2011), and the live-action adaptation of Disney's Cinderella (2015). Am Ende des Schuljahres muss Lockhart zugeben, dass er seine angeblichen Heldentaten gar nicht selbst vollbracht hat. The final performance of the completely sold-out run, was broadcast to cinemas on 20 July as part of National Theatre Live. He received an honorary Doctorate in Literature from Queen's University of Belfast in 1990. Ähnlich spannend wäre die Frage, in welches Haus der sprechende Hut Dich stecken würde: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw oder vielleicht sogar Slytherin? Harry Potter Merchandise und Fanartikel - Absolut magisch! Branagh was the youngest actor to receive the Golden Quill (also known as the Gielgud Award) in 2000. Lockharts Geburtstag ist der 26. mail : [email protected] Tlf : 21 67 61 15 [35] Like Branagh's Hamlet in 1996,[36] it is among the very few to use 65mm film cameras since 1970. [5] He lived in the Tigers Bay area of the city[6] and was educated at Grove Primary School. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Branagh has been nominated for five Academy Awards, the first man to be nominated for five different categories. The production played to sold-out audiences, especially at the Barbican in the City of London. Sir Kenneth Charles Branagh (/ ˈ b r æ n ə /; born 10 December 1960) is a Northern Irish actor and filmmaker. Durch den von 800 Posteulen verursachten Aufruhr und den Hinterlassenschaften der vögel, musste das Frühstück abgebrochen werden, um die Große Halle wieder zu reinigen. Gilderoy Lockhart (*26.01.1964) ist der Lehrer für das Fach Verteidigung gegen die dunklen Künste während Harrys zweitem Jahr in Hogwarts. Kritisch zu betrachtende Pottermoreinfo: Januar 1964. Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens, Gilderoy Lockharts Ratgeber für Schädlinge in Haus und Hof, Fehler, Unklarheiten und Widersprüche/ Squib,, Ravenclaws aus Harrys Schulzeit 1991 - 1998. Gilderoy Lockhart (*26.01.1964) ist der Lehrer für das Fach Verteidigung gegen die dunklen Künste während Harrys zweitem Jahr in Hogwarts.Sein eigentlicher Beruf ist bzw. The film received 16 Emmy nominations, winning five (including Outstanding Made for Television Movie); Branagh did not win the award for his portrayal. In 1984, he appeared in the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Henry V, directed by Adrian Noble. Branagh trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London; in 2015 he succeeded Richard Attenborough as its president. He is also a patron for the charity Over The Wall.[60]. Die Adressaten seiner angeberischen "Hilfsangebote" sind entsprechend genervt. Rowling suchte im "Dictionary of Phrase and Fable" und fand dort Gilderoy, einen gutaussehenden schottischen Straßenräuber ("highwayman") - genau das, was sie suchte. Branagh has been involved in several made-for-TV films. In September 2015, it was announced that The Winter's Tale, Romeo and Juliet, and The Entertainer would be broadcast in cinemas, in partnership with Picturehouse Entertainment.[30]. Als er jedoch versucht, mit Rons beschädigtem Zauberstab einen Gedächtniszauber über Harry und Ron zu sprechen, geht der Zauberstab nach hinten los und Lockhart selbst verliert sein Gedächtnis. Sir Kenneth Charles Branagh (/ˈbrænə/; born 10 December 1960)[1] is a Northern Irish actor and filmmaker. Branagh has both directed and starred in several film adaptations of William Shakespeare's plays, including Henry V (1989), Much Ado About Nothing (1993), Othello (1995), Hamlet (1996), Love's Labour's Lost (2000), and As You Like It (2006). Branagh also directed the fantasy adventure film Artemis Fowl, which was released on Disney+ in June 2020. They appeared together in Fortunes of War, Look Back in Anger, Henry V, Much Ado About Nothing, Dead Again, and Peter's Friends. [46] The role also gained him a nomination for Best Actor at the 2009 Crime Thriller Awards. [14][15], He attended the amateur Reading Cine & Video Society (now called Reading Film & Video Makers)[16] as a member and was a keen member of Progress Theatre of which he is now the patron. [28] He repeated his performance and directorial duties opposite Ashford and Kingston when the production moved to New York City's Park Avenue Armory in June 2014. In 2001, he was appointed an honorary Doctor of Literature at the Shakespeare Institute of The University of Birmingham; the Shakespeare Institute Library keeps the archive of his Renaissance Theatre Company and Renaissance Films. Auf letztere Qualität legte die Gründerin Rowena Ravenclaw besonderen Wert bei ihren Auszubildenden. [48] The fourth and final series was shot from October 2014 to January 2015 and premiered on German TV, dubbed into German, in December 2015; it aired in the UK, with its original English soundtrack, in May and June 2016. Zunächst kam ihr die Idee für die Figur, dann musste sie einen Namen dafür finden. Lockhart ist gutaussehend, hat dauergewelltes blondes Haar und leuchtend blaue Augen, er kleidet sich immer elegant in passend zusammengestellte Zaubererroben und -Hüte. Branagh participated in the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony portraying Isambard Kingdom Brunel during the Industrial Revolution segment "Pandemonium" where he performed one of Caliban's speeches[note 1] from Shakespeare's The Tempest. Ravenclaw bevorzugte nachdenkliche und kluge Schüler. nach ein paar Jahren bekam sie ein Kind, Helena Ravenclaw (über den Vater ist nichts bekannt), diese stahl ihr später ihr Diadem. Branagh achieved some early measure of success in his native Northern Ireland for his role as Billy, the title character in the BBC's Play for Today[20] trilogy known as the Billy Plays (1982–84), written by Graham Reid and set in Belfast. Daraufhin beschränkt er sich in seinem Unterricht darauf, Episoden aus seinen Büchern nachzuspielen, wobei ihm Harry assistieren muss. [7], At the age of nine, he moved with his family to Reading, Berkshire, England, to escape the Troubles. Februar, 800 Valentinskarten an sich selbst zuschicken. Die Website ersetzte im Jahr 2019 Pottermore und übernahm die Inhalte der alten Website, um sie neu aufzubereiten. war Schriftsteller. At a film promotion for Valkyrie in 2008, Branagh confirmed that he would be directing Thor, a film based on the Marvel superhero. Branagh directed Disney's live-action adaptation of Cinderella (2015).