It is the first factor the thing is or ask when finding a … If you run a business, add a city or location to your name. How long does it take for a username to become available after someone deletes their account? Instagram Availability Checker is a free tool to check if a Instagram name is available. Your business’ Instagram name is taken. Although we don’t know the exact process Instagram does state that it’s important to log into your account to avoid a purge, the company does not give time frames for when an account will be purged. Did you manage to get your username back? However, they may include links or references to their other social media accounts, such as their Facebook page or their LinkedIn bio. We were not able to conduct an analysis on all the different combinations, but many of the ones we did test were taken. Click here to find an Instagram Username now. Yay! Often these purges occur at the end of the year. Don't be afraid to choose a longer username that makes sense for you or your brand. This happened to me too! Shorten your name. You guessed it, many of the good ones are already taken. Instagram does have a help website that you can visit to get help with a variety of things. Ived wanted the username “nj7” but it is taken by a inactive account. Just because the account is inactive doesn’t mean that the owner of the account isn’t around. is usually used as a connector for first name and last name. If your full name is really long, hard to remember or if you’re known by a shorter … We rarely find persons without Instagram accounts. If that’s the case, your quest is probably already successful. It may be possible to buy one, but it will still be very hard. Many users have reported success by asking Instagram to transfer an account. Yes, but after some time. Well, it depends. This offers another way to get your username. Your name and username are two of the most important components of your Instagram profile because they are the only two searchable criteria of your profile. You can also read our tips on choosing a good Instagram username. Unfortunately, the username is now taken and you can’t log in. For companies and influencers trying to jumpstart an Instagram presence, having the right username is valuable. If you have this person’s name; you can always search through other social media sites and send them a message there. There are more words with 4 letters than 3 letters, so you need to keep that in mind. Agreed, very frustrating indeed. For example, purges usually happen at random, or at least, they seem random. Keep in mind, the account will need to be permanently deleted. Now what? You can’t infringe on other people’s protected intellectual property just as much as they can’t intrude on yours. If the account is active and frequently used you may have difficulty succeeding with this method. You don’t want legal problems with brand identity and counter claims later on down the track. If you’re a larger business or more established brand, adding ‘official’ or ‘real’ at the end of your Instagram account name can work too. Right now my Instagram name is “nnathanjuarezz”. In this article, we'll discuss which Instagram usernames are available and which ones are already taken. If you’re trying to buy a username from another user, be sure you’ve obtained the username before sending payment. Ived wanted the username “nj7” but it is taken by a inactive account. Instagram needs to take inactive accounts with zero posts a lot more seriously! Luckily, there are plenty of online Instagram username generators out there that will help you come up with one that hasn't been taken yet. There are well over 60 Million possible 5 letter Instagram usernames. Sorry, but 3 letter IG usernames are taken. Furthermore, if an Instagram username you want is taken, we'll tell you some avenues you can explore to try to get it! then you usernames should be in terribly distinctive and classy. If you hold such a trademark or copyright, you can file a copyright/trademark violation report and attempt to claim the name as your own. If they have thousands of followers, then at least some of those followers are undoubtedly spam accounts or bots, and a purge is going to cut their follower list by some non-trivial quantity of users. For handles that are especially memorable or spell a word (think "boo", "cat", "dog", "why", "lol", etc.) Also, while we say that all 4 letter handles are taken, keep in mind that we tested all 4 letter Instagram usernames with numbers and the allowed punctuation as well, so we're quite confident that there are no 4 letter instagram usernames in 2017. I don’t know how to solve this problem. Sometimes a name becomes valuable because a movie or show or album comes out, and suddenly ‘BigBangTheory’ goes from being a great account for a physics student to being a highly sought-after property. Join our newsletter and get all the latest. People are always looking for shorter Instagram handles, but at the end of they day if you have memorable content or a memorable brand people will still find and follow you. Instagram is one amongst the most effective social platform principally used for uploading pictures that has been taken in you day by day life. And they deleted that account! When trying to get some help from facebook they just sent me a link to a useless forum help. ', but '.' Thank you for this information. When users type a keyword or name in the search field on Instagram, the app looks at only the username and name fields of accounts to determine if an […] If the account you want is genuinely inactive and doesn’t have much or any content on it, then there is an excellent chance that it will eventually be purged from the Instagram database. Remember that Instagram is growing very fast, so these prices are going up almost every day. An inactive account is one that was abandoned or hasn’t been used for a long time. Although this may seem obvious, choosing a username that is similar is the simplest way to set up your Instagram account. If the account has the username that you so desperately need there’s no direct way to obtain it. You can check the bio of the account to try and get information about the account. If your client already has an established business name, and you simply need to add Instagram to their social media line up, just go to Instagram to check availability. Instagram replied that they have deleted the contents and to submit a trademark to claim the username. There are numerous secondary markets where holders of good usernames can sell them for sums ranging from a few hundred dollars all the way into the tens of thousands. Don't stress about finding the perfect username. Bummer! 1.9m Followers, 59 Following, 10 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Dream (@dreamwastaken) How To Get A Taken Instagram Username | Get A Inactive Instagram Username - In this video I show you how to get a taken and/or inactive Instagram username. Adding an underscore or a number is simple and effective. if want to generate those name which are not taken than … They did it and this is the 15th day and it’s saying still that it is unavailable. I followed the part regarding the trade name, expecting it to take weeks, and within 4 hours it was changed! 954 Super Cool Instagram Names. There are three main categories of Instagram accounts: Business, Personal Profile, and Curation. If it’s early days and you’re still in brainstorming mode it might not be too late to choose a new name. Instead, focus more on your content quality and post frequency. Unfortunately, I tried to create a new account during which an error occurred (As Instagram put it: “Something went wrong”) After hitting Try again a dozen times I gave up. Sure enough, the account now exists, but is not connected to my login. I am in the same boat. prior use laws are complex and vary from country to country. If you can’t access your account or if someone is accessing your account unlawfully, visit the Instagram Help Center for help. Free service to check if a Instagram username is available. You might see that most of the popular names have already been taken. So, you should be aware that your Instagram name is a crucial factor on Instagram. If that particular name is taken, try adding some variations, such as extra characters, prefixes or suffixes. In Instagram every things ought tobe in terribly fashionable kind as an example Profile image, Instagram captions, Instagram bios and basically Instagram usernames. Click the Spin button as many times as you like to create a new set of random names. ... You go to type it into Instagram and wah-wah, it’s already taken. I don't know why they thought that a static list would be useful and even if it was the names would all be taken in no time. Copyright infringement can be an effective way to obtain your Instagram username. If you already have an Instagram account you can skim through these first few paragraphs but be sure to carefully read the next section when I discuss choosing your Instagram name. 1. jorv3. Otherwise, you can use our Instagram username checker to find the perfect name for your or your brand! I’m not gonna use it for any business purposes but I really want that username bad but the account is inactive and I can’t have that name because it is already taken by a inactive account. Instagram usernames can be up to 30 characters long, and can contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. Yeah? This can be incredibly frustrating when you’ve created the perfect Instagram username and can’t access the account. You mentioned the trademark stuff…. Required fields are marked *. Trying the tips we’ve outlined may help you to gain access to the account you’ve created. As a result, many good Instagram usernames are already taken. So this was the list of instagram names for your instagram usernames. 40+ Cool Instagram Names That Aren't Taken [instagram] find some of the coolest instagram names on this infographic So, these were the best, catchy, new, unique, memorable, awesome, amazing, greatest, and cool Instagram user name ideas that aren't taken yet and you can claim them for your own Instagram accounts. Exactly the same thing happened to me. Send. If you’re setting up an Instagram account and have thought of the perfect username that reflects your individuality or mission, you may realize that the username is taken by an inactive account. Contact Us | Privacy Policy | TOS | All Rights Reserved. The name you choose has already been taken; You might need to add strange symbols that are difficult to remember; There are plenty of names like yours that can lead to some confusion amongst other users . Best to be sure on this stuff before engaging in that sort of thing. If you have no idea how much to offer, you might look up similar accounts at Instagram account market sites like InstaSale and see what comparable accounts are being listed for. It may be that they would be perfectly happy to sell you their old account. It might not be perfect, but at least it's available. Rather than trying to find the perfect one, just choose one and make it perfect with your brand and your content. 3. puzth. Getting a new trademark is a complicated and expensive process, but getting a copyright is reasonably straightforward. The best way to detect a purge is to follow one of the perennially-popular Instagram accounts that has a relatively stable follower’s list and check their follower count daily. If you want to be a famous Instagram celeb, and dream of having thousands or millions of followers, you need to choose your Instagram name selectively.A name speaks volume about you and gives a rough idea as to what your Instagram account is all about. You do need to be careful about emulating established brands, however. What can I do if I need help with my Instagram account or username? Log in with Facebook and see if your new account shows. You can contact Instagram Support, which may or may not be helpful. The road to Instagram fame starts with an eye-catching Instagram username, so let’s hop right to it! So what are you to do if this has happened? Choosing Instagram Usernames Tip #1: Highlight Your Brand’s Offering. If you find that the Instagram username your client wants is taken, there are ways you might be able to facilitate getting your ‘hands' on that preferred Instagram handle. In addition to common letters, numbers and '_', you can also use '. Hey, I had someone change their name on instagram so that I could have the name for my brand. However, this can be a great opportunity to add in an extra keyword that hints at the values, products, or services your brand provides. Your email address will not be published. Instagram is gaining its popularity day by day and the celebrity’s profiles on Instagram added more value to Instagram. You can also add the type of business to the name. guys are you searching for so catchy gaming name for your profile then your wait is our we have some good Fortnite names. People not only remember letters, but they also can remember words (or really anything where they can recognize a pattern). People and brands love 3 letter usernames because they are especially easy to remember. So, we decided to compile a list of the greatest usernames we have found, as … Although this may take time and an additional expense this is an option for you. That being said, if you want any 3 letter Instagram username it may be possible to get something like "qgm" for a better price. Ian: Unfortunately, I tried to create a new account during which an error occurred (As Instagram put it: “Something went wrong”) After hitting Try again a dozen times I gave up. Any time you create anything original, you have implicit copyright; you can file an official copyright registration to cement your legal claim, but the claim is created by the act of creating the work, not by the act of filing the claim. It’s been almost a year and the username is still unavailable. In this article, we'll discuss which Instagram usernames are available and which ones are already taken. Identify the Purpose of your Instagram Account. Read more December 20, 2020. If Instagram provided you the feature to set a unique username then you should put a cool Instagram username so that whenever anyone follows you, it will make it easier for him/her to remember your Instagram username. Yes, they will delete inactive accounts, although the time that it takes for them to do that varies depending on the website’s needs. Yay! Short instagram names not taken yet (updated March 2018): I update this list month after month. Join over 260,000 subscribers! Below is the culmination of a lot of work gathering together a master list of the best Instagram names out there. For the most part, the people making money selling names are those who staked out their accounts in the early days and had the foresight to pick names that other users would eventually want. It'll make it more likely that you'll be able to get what you're looking for and also keep the name memorable. – I sent a help request, but sending a help request to Facebook is like talking to a cloud. I’m not gonna use it for any business purposes but I really want that username bad but the account is inactive and I can’t have that name because it is already taken by a inactive account. As a result, many good Instagram usernames are already taken. Unfortunately, the only real way to see if a name is still available is to try it. I have been searching to see if a bot has taken it and it hasn’t. Sure, a lot of Instagram usernames are already taken, but there are still many, many more available. Instagram does not announce the schedule for its purges, so you won’t get a heads up to alert you to start trying to grab any usernames on your list. When you hold a trademark on a name you can argue that the existing account is causing confusion for your customers. If you have screenshots of the error message or username, that would be great. This is very frustrating. You may be able to buy one, but expect to pay a premium. Business: If you’re opening a shop, most cases you want your Instagram username the same as your business name. Once the patent is obtained you can report the inactive account to Instagram. If you think of some of the largest Instagram accounts with the most followers, the usernames are definitely not 3, 4, or 5 letters long. 4. ptpc7. cannot be placed in the first and last position of the username. You may need to use a little imagination, but the rest should be straightforward enough. If your monitored account goes from 9,341 followers to 9,102 followers overnight (and there’s not some apparent scandalous post driving the loss), the odds are good that Instagram did a purge, and some usernames are now up for grabs. It instantly checks to let you know if a username is available as you type. It’s no guarantee, but it’s possible that the inactive account you want will be dropped, and the username will become available again. Sure enough, the account now exists, but is not connected to my login. How can i contact him? If all the names are gone, wait for next month. We are going to share Fortnite names huge list for your Fortnite gaming profile. Your email address will not be published. Someone had created 1 on that name in 2014 and left it inactive since then. How To Add Your Own Music To A TikTok Video, How To Fake an Instagram DM [Direct Message], How to Add Multiple Text Blocks to an Instagram Story, How to View Original Full Size Pictures & Profile Photos in Instagram, How To View Private Facebook Profiles & Pictures [February 2021], How To Find Deleted Friends in the Snapchat App, The Best Tinder Pickup Lines [January 2020]. 5. punif. Best Instagram names that aren’t taken and cool Instagram names still available 2017. Some of these are taken, some are currently available. Right now my Instagram name is “nnathanjuarezz”. Instagram has not given us the official word on this, but many users have reported they were able to take the name as soon as the original owner deleted their account. Robert Hayes Robert is a freelance editor and writer living in Colorado. As millennials, we are mere slaves to Instagram. Robert is a freelance editor and writer living in Colorado. Almost like the guy who made them were like yeah no ones getting this and it sucks cause it’s something I’ve always wanted to do but never got the chance. Instagram is growing very fast, with almost 800 million monthly active users. We'd recommend trying some 5 letter instagram usernames, but if necessary add a few letters. I have a nickname and it’s Hoodies cause I always wear them so I thought it would be cool if I could have tha be my Instagram name and when I check the account had been inactive since 2012.. With over 1 billion active users, the chances of your brand name still being available on Instagram are pretty slim. 2. jutq6. It allows you to quickly and easily find cool, good Instagram usernames. Instant Availability Check. The username I need is not being used by anyone, but it is unavailable. Unique usernames, Instagram usernames, username ideas, Instagram names, username for Instagram, usernames for Instagram, usernames, unique username.