[47], French mime, filmmaker, actor, and screenwriter, "L'École des facteurs" ("The School for Postmen"), harv error: no target: CITEREFBellos2002 (. Notably, they both worked on Jean-Pierre Melville's last film, Un flic (1972). His subsequent film, Mon oncle (1958), in which Monsieur Hulot contends with modern technology, won the Academy Award for best foreign film. Streaming-Tipps. STUDIOCANAL. [41] In 1943, after a short engagement at the ABC,[12] where Édith Piaf was headlining, Tati left Paris under a cloud, with his friend Henri Marquet, and they settled in the Village of Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre. Monsieur Hulot am Strand. Controversy dogged the release of The Illusionist,[35][36][37] with The Guardian reporting: In 2000, the screenplay was handed over to Chomet by Tati's daughter, Sophie, two years before her death. I loved his movies, and you know, "Mr. Hulot's Holiday" I remember seeing when I was 17—that was a major inspiration. I love the irony in his works. Noch immer kommen Filmliebhaber auf der Suche nach etwas zum Lachen. —Jacques Tati. In his excellent book, ... Hulot is asked to monitor a hose-making machine, but it malfunctions, creating an endless red strand that sometimes resembles balloons and other times a string of sausages. Kritik. Merveille, David (nach Jacques Tati) Published by Zürich, NordSüd Verlag AG, 2016, 1. Kolumnen. The hotel in which Mr. Hulot stays (l'Hôtel de la Plage) is still there,[15] and a statue memorialising the director has been erected on the beach. DVD Carrossel da Esperança [ Jour De Fête / Jacques Tati ] [ Subtitles in English + Portuguese ] [ Region ALL ] DVD $36.97 $ 36. Confusion, a planned collaboration with pop duo Sparks, was a story about a futuristic city (Paris) where activity is centred around television, communication, advertising, and modern society's infatuation with visual imagery. LOST IN THE POST. In 1978, Tati began filming a short documentary on Corsican football team SC Bastia playing the UEFA Cup Final, "Forza Bastia", which he did not complete. Despite its modest budget, Trafic was still very much a Tati film, carefully staged and choreographed in its scenes and effects. [26] Tati was forced to sell the family house of Saint-Germain shortly after the death of his mother, Claire Van Hoof, and move back into Paris. His next film, Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot (1953; Mr. Hulot’s Holiday), introduced his signature character and presented a satiric look at life in a middle-class seaside resort. While on the set of Play Time, Tati made a short film about his comedic and cinematic technique, Cours du soir (Evening Classes, 1967), in which Tati gives a lesson in the art of comedy to a class of would-be actors. In diesen Filmen entwickelte er als sein eigener Hauptdarsteller eine universell verständliche Körpersprache, kam anfangs mit wenig Dialog, später mit einzelnen Worten und Toneffekten aus. Parade (1974), made for television, essentially shows the viewer a circus for which Tati acts as ringmaster. The plot centers on Mr. Hulot's comedic, quixotic and childlike struggle with postwar France's obsession with modernity and American-style consumerism, entwined with the relationship he has with his nine-year-old nephew Gérard. Jour de fête was therefore released only in black and white. Sehr französisch […] Szene aus "Victoria" Alamode Film. In a poll conducted by Entertainment Weekly of the Greatest Movie Directors, Tati was voted the 46th greatest of all time. I think he's one of the all-time greats."[23]. Through Weil, second in command of the Juggler network of the SOE F Section networks, both sisters were recruited into the French Resistance.[35]. Aufl., Reclam, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-15-010205-7 S. 589; Heinz-Bernd Heller: Vom komischen Subjekt zur Konstruktion des Komischen: "Die Ferien des Monsieur Hulot." Playtime (1967) focused on the dehumanizing effects of modern architecture in office buildings, airports, and other structures. Jacques Tati – Muss man modern sein? He saw action in the Battle of Sedan, in May 1940, when the German Army marched through the Ardennes into northern France. Jacques Tati, Writer: Playtime. As a result, he moved first to Berlin then to the village of Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre, which later inspired his hugely successful film, Jour de Fête.[39][40]. Wie in einem nostalgisch anmutenden Stummfilm. In the film, Hulot and a group of American tourists lose themselves in the futuristic glass and steel of commercially globalised modern Parisian suburbs, where only human nature and a few reflective views of the old city of Paris, itself, still emerge to breathe life into the sterile new metropolis. The inspiration for Jacques Tati’s first feature was a short film from two years before, School for Postmen.Prior to that, Tati has spent years perfecting his performance craft on the stage, honing the mimes which would become his celebrated Sporting Impressions in Paris’s theatres. In 2004, Les Films de Mon Oncle completed the restoration of My Uncle, the English version of Mon Oncle. YellowKorner bietet Ihnen ein Fotografie von JACQUES TATI entitled M. Hulot sous les toits de l'hôtel de la plage. In 1971 Tati "Suffered the indignity of having to make an advert for Lloyds Bank in England",[26] in which he depicted a dehumanized bank of the future, with money dispensed by a computerized counter. [5] In 1903, Georges-Emmanuel Tatischeff married the Dutch-Italian Marcelle Claire van Hoof (d. 1968). I'm putting myself on the line. Used. Ein Meisterwerk in Schwarzweiß! Several themes recur in Tati's work, most notably in Mon Oncle, Play Time and Trafic. Having lost her brother Pierre to a traffic accident and having herself been diagnosed terminally ill, Sophie Tatischeff took the initiative to set up Les Films de Mon Oncle in 2001 to preserve, restore, and circulate the work of Jacques Tati. On 23 October 1946 Tati's second child was born, Sophie Catherine Tatischeff. I thought this was a tribute to Frank Capra and his honest sentiment, and it was a tribute to Jacques Tati and the way he allowed his scenes to go on and on and on. In August 2012 the British Film Institute, polled 846 critics, programmers, academics and distributors to find "The Top 50 Greatest Films of All Time" and Play Time was voted 42nd in the list[28] In the corresponding "Directors Poll" by the BFI, Playtime was awarded the accolade of being seen as the 37th greatest film of all time by his fellow directors. While residing there they completed the script for L'École des facteurs (The School for Postmen) that would later provide material for his first feature, Jour de fête. Although he had likely played music hall engagements before, his act was first mentioned in 1935, when he performed at the gala for the newspaper Le Journal to celebrate the French victory in the competition to set the transatlantic crossing record from Normandy. Tati, Jacques *09.10..1982+Schauspieler, Regisseur, Komiker, F- Portrait- 1955 French poster for the 1967 comedy, 'Playtime', directed by and starring Jacques Tati. With only six feature-length films to his credit as director, he directed fewer films than any other director on this list of 50. Considered by many his masterpiece, Playtime (1967), shot in 70mm, was to be the most ambitious yet risky and expensive work of Tati's career. Die vielen sportlichen Aktivitäten, die er sich so vorgenommen hat! Tati's next film, 1958's Mon Oncle (My Uncle), was his first film to be released in colour. 60 Seiten, 16,99 € ISBN 978-3-314-10338-4. Later versions appeared in 35mm format. The film gained international attention. Das Wasser! "Tati had approached everybody from Darryl F Zanuck to the prime minister Georges Pompidou in a bid to get the movie completed. Jacques Tati. Jacques Tati, the horse and rider conjured, will show all of Paris the living image of that legendary creature, the centaur."[14]. It was the last Hulot film, and followed the vein of earlier works that lampooned modern society. We mourn him in his death, but we should have aided him while he was still alive! "[25] "'Play Time' is the big leap, the big screen. [31], Catalogued in the CNC (Centre National de la Cinématographie) archives under the title 'Film Tati Nº 4',[32] written in the late 1950s, the treatment was to have been the follow-up to Tati's internationally successful Mon Oncle. He also first met Jacques Broido, and they would become lifelong friends. In 1944, Tati returned to Paris and, after a brief courtship, married Micheline Winter. Though Play Time was a critical success (François Truffaut praised it as "a film that comes from another planet, where they make films differently"), it was a massive and expensive commercial failure, eventually resulting in Tati's bankruptcy. Jacques Tati's Monsieur Hulot, unmistakable with his pipe, brolly and striped socks, was a creation of a slapstick genius that made audiences around the world laugh at the sheer absurdity of life. Exakt dem Ort, an dem Jacques Tati 1953 'Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot' gedreht hat. He has devised a way of being both the player, the ball and the tennis racquet, of being simultaneously the football and the goalkeeper, the boxer and his opponent, the bicycle and the cyclist. In the summer of 1942 Herta gave birth to their daughter, Helga Marie-Jeanne Schiel. He chose instead to wait for four years, and, after much reflection, he revised his formula completely. – francuski redatelj i glumac Otac mu je bio Rus, a majka Nizozemka.Djed je bio ruski general i vojni ataše.Jacques Tati imao je karijeru profesionalnog igrača ragbija.Zatim je bio uspješni pantomimičar u glazbenim dvoranama. In his excellent book, ... Hulot is asked to monitor a hose-making machine, but it malfunctions, creating an endless red strand that sometimes resembles balloons and other times a string of sausages. While the script still exists, Confusion was never filmed. Oktober 1907[1] in Le Pecq, Seine-et-Oise, heute Département Yvelines; 4. – Párizs, 1982. november 5.) As guest artistic director at AFI FEST 2010, David Lynch selected Tati's Mon Oncle alongside Hour of the Wolf (Dir Ingmar Bergman), Lolita (Dir Stanley Kubrick), Rear Window (Dir Alfred Hitchcock) and Sunset Boulevard (Dir Billy Wilder) to be screened in his sidebar program, explaining that, "I picked these particular films because they are the ones that have inspired me most. The newly developed Thomson colour system proved impractical, as it could not deliver colour prints. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. C omedians are often our best historians of the present because they are at once intensely invested in and poorly adapted to their moment, at one and yet out of sync with their surroundings and situation. The semi-autobiographical script that Tati wrote in 1956 was released internationally as an animated film, The Illusionist, in 2010. The film's comic influence has extended well beyond France and can be found as recently as 2007 in the Rowan Atkinson comic vehicle Mr. Bean's Holiday.[18]. Tati built an enormous set at great expense for the movie, and he never recouped his losses. ("Farewell, Monsieur Hulot. He typically set the camera at a distance from the action and used numerous long shots to show Monsieur Hulot moving through the larger society and, at the same time, to invite the viewer to explore the frame of the film for the visual and aural variety within. November 1982 in Paris) war ein französischer Schauspieler, Drehbuchautor und Regisseur, der mit seiner Figur des liebenswert-exzentrischen Monsieur Hulot weltberühmt wurde. David Merveille lässt Monsieur Hulot am Strand von Saint-Marc-sur-Mer seine Ferien verbringen. Notizen zu einem einzigartigen Filmvisionär ... was die Kontraste von Licht und Schatten am Strand noch deutlicher hervortreten lässt. The comic genius Jacques Tati was born Taticheff, descended from a noble Russian family. [3], Jacques Tati was of Russian, Dutch, and Italian ancestry. 97. The Tatischeffs (also spelled Tatishchev) were a Russian noble family of patrilineal Rurikid descent. With his trademark raincoat, umbrella and pipe, Hulot is among the most memorable comic characters in cinema. The Criterion Collection is a video distribution company which specializes in licensing and selling "important classic and contemporary films" in "editions that offer the highest technical quality and award-winning, original supplements." Insofern gibt Wie in einem nostalgisch anmutenden Stummfilm. Returning to Paris, Tati resumed his civilian profession as a cabaret performer, finding employment at Léon Volterra's Lido de Paris, where he performed his Sporting Impressions from 1940 to 1942. In the original script an aging Mr. Hulot was slated to be accidentally killed on-air. [24] It took nine years to make, and he had to borrow heavily from his own resources to complete the picture. Jacques TATI - mallongigo de "Tatischeff" - (naskiĝis la 9-an de oktobro 1907 en Le Pecq, Seine-et-Oise (nun: Yvelines), mortis la 5-an de novembro 1982 en Parizo) estis franca reĝisoro kaj aktoro.Lia naskiĝurbo nomis skvaron laŭ "Jacques Tati" en la kvartalo L'Ermitage. Updates? With international renown came a growing dissatisfaction with straightforward scenarios centered around one lovable, recognizable figure. 2010-06-16. Jacques Tati (eredeti nevén Jacques Tatischeff, Le Pecq, Yvelines, Franciaország, 1907. október 9. In and Out of Sync: The Films of Jacques Tati. Tati's success says a lot about the sophistication of the allegedly "uncouth" public, about its taste for novelty and its appreciation of style. Ein Meisterwerk in Schwarzweiß! Without any props, he conjures up his accessories and his partners. Weakened by serious health problems, Tati died on 5 November 1982, at the age of 75, of a pulmonary embolism, leaving a final scenario called Confusion that he had completed with Jacques Lagrange. Take advantage of our Presidents' Day bonus! by Fred Camper. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Streaming-Tipp des Tages für Kinder: Die Ferien des Monsieur Hulot. Tati's second film, Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot (Monsieur Hulot's Holiday), was released in 1953. [44] Because of difficulties acquiring appropriate funding, the restored version of PlayTime was not presented until 2002 at the 55th Cannes Film Festival, eight months after the death of Sophie Tatischeff. In Paris Match, Philippe Labro reported the death of Jacques Tati under the heading, Er war auf vielen Varieté-Bühnen, Kabaretts und Theatern in und rund um Paris zuhause auch oft auf Tournee in ganz Frankreich und Italien. Between 1927 and 1928 he completed his military national service at Saint-Germain-en-Laye with the Cavalry's 16th Regiment of Dragoons. Tati's last completed film, Parade, a film produced for Swedish television in 1973, is more or less a filmed circus performance featuring Tati's mime acts and other performers. Endlich, Urlaub! Production of the movie would also see the reintroduction of Jacques Lagrange into Tati's life, beginning a lifelong working partnership with the painter, who would become his set designer. Whilst stationed in Paris Dmitri Tatischeff married a French woman, Rose Anathalie Alinquant. Keaton reportedly said that Tati's work with sound had carried on the true tradition of silent cinema.[21]. Empfohlen ab 4 Jahren. Giving up a relatively comfortable middle-class lifestyle for one of a struggling performing artist during this difficult economic time, he developed a collection of highly physical mimes that would become his Impressions Sportives (Sporting Impressions). André Bazin, founder of the influential journal Cahiers du cinéma, wrote in his 1957 essay, "Fifteen Years of French Cinema", that, "Tati could easily have made lots of money with sequels featuring his comic character of the little rural mailman. Merveille, David (nach Jacques Tati): Monsieur Hulot am Strand. Each year from 1931 to 1934 he would participate in an amateur show organised by Alfred Sauvy.[11]. His grandfather, Count Dimitri, had been a general in the Imperial Army and had served as military attaché to the Russian Embassy in Paris. Grandios zum Schluss das von Hulot in der Nacht versehentlich vorzeitig in Gang gesetzte Strandfeuerwerk. Exakt dem Ort, an dem Jacques Tati 1953 »Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot« gedreht hat. Due to pressure from his sister Nathalie, Tati refused to recognise the child and was forced by Volterra to depart from the Lido at the end of the 1942 season. Yellow now, Crisnée 1988; Dieter Krusche, Jürgen Labenski: Reclams Filmführer. Jacques Tati, French filmmaker and actor who gained renown for his comic films that portrayed people in conflict with the mechanized modern world. This was followed by demanding editorial work for the DVDs of these films including original bonuses and a double CD titled Tati Sonorama! The Dutch-funded Trafic (Traffic), although originally designed to be a TV movie, received a theater release in 1971 and placed Monsieur Hulot back at the centre of the action. Enrolling the service of Jérôme Deschamps, the artistic and cultural mission of Les Films de Mon Oncle is to allow audiences as well as researchers to (re-)discover the work of Tati the filmmaker, his archives, and to ensure its influence around the world. Leseprobe; Autorenporträt Notizen zu einem einzigartigen Filmvisionär ... was die Kontraste von Licht und Schatten am Strand noch deutlicher hervortreten lässt. Verschlagwortet mit Bilderbuch, ferien, jacques tati, monsieur hulot, nordsüd, strand Kommentar hinterlassen Folgen Sie dem Blog per Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Tati's Playtime (1967) ranked 43rd in the 2012 Sight & Sound critics' poll of the greatest films ever made. Herta Schiel would remain in Paris throughout the war, where she would make acquaintance with the physician Jacques Weil when he was called upon to treat her sister Molly for the then-incurable tuberculosis (TB). Wie in einem nostalgisch anmutenden Stummfilm. And I enjoyed that". Jacques Tati, director. Rowan Atkinson cited Tati as an inspiration for the physical comedy approach of his internationally renowned character Mr Bean, claiming, when asked about what influenced him, "I think it was particularly a French comedian called Jacques Tati. As a child George Emmanuel experienced turbulent times, such as being forcibly removed from France and taken to Russia to live. In 1979, a copy of the film was revised again to 108 minutes, and this re-edited version was released on VHS video in 1984. In 1883 his mother brought him back to France where they settled on the estate of Le Pecq, near Saint-Germain-en-Laye on the outskirts of Paris. Steven Spielberg has said he was paying a "very slight homage" to Play Time in his 2004 film The Terminal,[29] adding, "I thought of two directors when I made Terminal. The script of L'illusionniste, they say, was Tati's response to the shame of having abandoned his first child [Schiel] and it remains the only public recognition of her existence. Inspired by Jacques Tati and Charlie Chaplin, the stylized satire follows a 30-year old millennial who stumbles across the eponymous club, an organization that … Tati's first major feature, Jour de fête (The Big Day), is about an inept rural village postman who interrupts his duties to inspect the traveling fair that has come to town. Aufl. [34] Directed by Sylvain Chomet, known for The Triplets of Belleville, the main character is an animated caricature of Tati himself. [7], Jacques Tatischeff appears to have been an indifferent student, yet excelled in the sports of tennis and horse riding. His father, George Emmanuel Tatischeff, born in 1875 in Paris (d. 1957), was the son of Dmitry Tatishchev (Дмитрий Татищев), General of the Imperial Russian Army and military attaché to the Russian Embassy in Paris. Exakt dem Ort, an dem Jacques Tati 1953 »Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot« gedreht hat. Ein Meisterwerk in Schwarzweiß! In 2010 a screenplay by Tati, unproduced during his life, was adapted into the animated film L’Illusionniste (The Illusionist). There's no safety net." View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the Vinyl release of Extraits Des Bandes Originales Des Films De Jacques Tati on Discogs. [13] It was for Tati's performances of his now finely tuned Impressions Sportives at the ABC that the previously impressed Colette wrote, "From now on no celebration, no artistic or acrobatic spectacle can do without this amazing performer, who has invented something quite his own...His act is partly ballet and partly sport, partly satire and partly a charade. He was regarded as among the most innovative and influential comic filmmakers of the 20th century. Since 1984, we’ve dedicated ourselves to gathering the greatest films from around the world and publishing them in editions of the highest technical quality. Upon his return to Paris in the same year, he was immediately hired as top billing at the ABC Théâtre[12] alongside the singer Marie Dubas, where he would work uninterrupted until the outbreak of the Second World War. …mehr. Since 1984, we’ve dedicated ourselves to gathering the greatest films from around the world and publishing them in editions of the highest technical quality. [8] Upon graduating the military he took on an apprenticeship in London where he was first introduced to the sport of rugby. Omissions? David Merveille’s meticulously designed comic strip style illustrations capture the imagination and good nature of Mr. Hulot as he navigates the hilarity Mr. Hulot is back in this wordless picture book celebrating the comical misadventures of a day at the beach! Quantity available: 1. Tati's act also caught the attention of Max Trebor, who offered him an engagement at the Theatre-Michel, where he quickly became the star act. In and Out of Sync: The Films of Jacques Tati. In the film, Hulot is a bumbling automobile inventor traveling to an exhibition in a gadget-filled recreational vehicle. He's such a great character. This biography charts Tati's rise and f The full story of one of France's greatest cinema legends, a clown whose film-making innovation was to turn everyday life into an art form. Claire's Dutch father, a friend of van Gogh, whose clients included Toulouse-Lautrec,[6] was the owner of a prestigious picture-framing company near the Place Vendôme in Paris, and he brought Georges-Emmanuel into the family business. FREE Shipping. Hardcover. Ron Mael and Russell Mael would have played two American TV studio employees brought to a rural French TV company to help them out with some American technical expertise and input into how TV is really done. "Before and after 'Bean': A talk with Rowan Atkinson, continued", "Bill Plympton Does "The 11" with Alone In The Dark Film Blog", "The 31st Academy Awards (1959) Nominees and Winners", "6th Moscow International Film Festival (1969)", Jacques Tati profile at FilmsdeFrance.com, "Confusion" Jacques Tati's unfinished film, Jacques Tati's ode to his illegitimate daughter, The Telegraph, 16 June 2010, Academy Award for Best International Feature Film, Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jacques_Tati&oldid=1002201398, Directors of Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award winners, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from January 2018, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2020, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 January 2021, at 08:51. With the exception of his first and last films, Tati played the gauche and socially inept lead character, Monsieur Hulot. Apr 26, 2018 - Explore N. Draper's board "TATI", followed by 3505 people on Pinterest. Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot remains one of the best-loved French films of that period. Jour de Fête (1949), The Big Day, Jacques Tati. "Adieu Monsieur Hulot. The result this time was an extraordinary masterpiece about which one can say, I think, that it is the most radical innovation in comic cinema since the Marx Brothers: I am referring, of course, to Les Vacances de M. (2016) ISBN 10: 3314103387 ISBN 13: 9783314103384. After his success there, Tati tried to make it in London, playing a short season at the Finsbury Park Empire in March 1936. "At the time of its making, Playtime (1967) was the most expensive film in French history. During World War II he served with the French army. NordSüd, Zürich, 2016. {His films} are surreal, they are very dry, its not slapstick where you trip on a rake and fall on the ground, its very subtle humor, very sensitive humor, and very ironic humor. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. With the exception of his first and last films, Tati played the gauche and socially inept lead character, Monsieur Hulot. [46], On an interview at "The 11", independent animation director Bill Plympton labeled Tati as a major influence on his work. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. They accuse Chomet of attempting to airbrush out their painful family legacy again. The character he played in Monsieur Hulot's Holiday and Mon Oncle was all about resourcefulness and using what's around him to make us laugh".[30]. Les Vacances introduced the character of Mr. Hulot and follows his adventures in France during the mandatory August vacation at a beach resort, lampooning several hidebound elements of French political and social classes. Jacques Tati (bürgerlich Jacques Tatischeff; * 9. Es ist natürlich eine seltsame Urlaubsgesellschaft in diesem Hotel am Strand. [2], As David Bellos puts it, "Tati, from l'Ecole des facteurs to Playtime, is the epitome of what an auteur is (in film theory) supposed to be: the controlling mind behind a vision of the world on film". Jacques Tati – Muss man modern sein? Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot and Playtime are widely regarded as Tati’s masterpieces. It was shot almost entirely in the tiny west-coast seaside village of Saint-Marc-sur-Mer in the Loire Atlantique region. Spectra Films was then placed into administration, concluding in the liquidation of the company in 1974, with an auction of all movie rights held by the company for little more than 120,000 francs. It tells the bittersweet tale of a modestly talented magician – referred to only as the Illusionist – who, during a tour of decaying music halls in Eastern Europe, protectively takes an impoverished young woman under his wing.[33]. I think each is a masterpiece. In 1969, with reduced means, Jacques Tati created a new production company, CEPEC, to oversee his opportunities in movie and TV production. He opened a window to a world that I'd never looked out on before, and I thought, "God, that's interesting," how a comic situation can be developed as purely visual and yet it's not under-cranked, it's not speeded-up, Benny Hill comedy—it's more deliberate; it takes its time.