There's a whole lot of new stuff to experience, plus you'll want to make your way down to the Nether to check out all of the new biomes, and harvest all sorts of new resources including the elusive ancient debris! Minecraft villages often spawn in small groups. Minecraft mods: How to go beyond vanilla Why is the village built up that high? There’s no NPC Minecraft village seed more scenic than this one, a diminutive hamlet nestled in a thawed patch of Cold Taiga biome. Visit our corporate site. Seed: 7275521772019857129 (-1200, -700) Unlike other Minecraft Seeds in this list, this one won’t actually spawn you on a Mushroom Island. Seed. And better yet, it’s technically not classed as cheating. This is a great Minecraft seed to start from, both for speedrunning or just for a great world. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Find out how to use Minecraft in the classroom. Since the rise in popularity of speedrunning last year, players around the world are on the lookout for the best Minecraft seeds for speedrunning so that they can practice and test their skills before trying to get on the speedrunning leaderboards. Other Minecraft players have saved this skin 215 times. Minecraft seeds: Fresh new worlds Well, that’s exactly what this seed does. After you’ve looted up that one, head into the water for yet another ocean ruin to explore. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Shipwreck seeds are popular because they give you that wonderful little head start that we all crave. 201 12 3. geneviéve Minecraft Skin. 3171 14 199. epicstunhaut MINECRAFT VERSION: This map has been created and tested for 1.8.7 & 1.8.8 without mods. It is a much talked-about topic in the Minecraft community, as many players in the limelight speedrun for hours on end to get on the leaderboard, and there have even been disputes about the legitimacy of players' runs. Well, this seed has a solution: a 244-block-high hollow mountain practically made for housing all your dastardly designs. Turtles in a regular shell. There are four diamonds scattered between the two chests (three in one chest, one in the other), and there is plenty of food around the village to take advantage of. More about EpicStun. Seed: 1127715537068605316 Coordinates: -250, -100 Biomes: Savanna, Desert, Plains. Teenage, standard, boring turtles. It’s far from a hostile place, though: there’s tons of exposed coal in the cliffs, and plenty of trees and grass to get you up and running. You will receive a verification email shortly. Best Minecraft mansions. Minecraft on the 360 has sold over 12 million copies since its release in May, 2012. epicstun 5000 Ente2020. Although raising your own turtle colony would be fun, there’s more than that to this seed. Although the nether portal is available right at the start, the player still needs to get their iron and materials from nearby before entering the nether. It’s all very dramatic and feels like you’ve discovered some hidden mythical cave complex, especially if you accidentally fall into the lava below. On the subject of Shipwrecks, we have no idea how this ended up here, but there seems to be a ship parked in the middle of this village. If you are looking for a variety of biomes and settlements, then here is a Minecraft seed with three different types of villages near spawn. Jason Coles seeds will shape your experience. Minecraft shaders: Let there be lighting If you want a strong start, this is a great choice. The best Minecraft seeds are the ones that create fantastic worlds that capture your imagination from the first moment you set foot in them. There is a lava pool not too far away to build a nether portal, and the nether fortress isn't that far from the portal either. Best survival seed ever; 10/10, would go mad there again. That is because the mesa biome, which is only a few hundred blocks or so away, provides some great building blocks for any player's world. It kind of has everything: good sights, useful resources, and a friendly village. There’s even an exposed zombie dungeon at the summit for unlimited XP farming. How are the villagers even able to reach their crops? Who doesn’t want to live in an ice castle? Minecraft seeds are the best way to get the blocky worlds you want without having to roll the dice. For some strange, unexplained reason, all that remains of this forgotten settlement are zombie villagers. There was a problem. From the spawn, kick off your shoes and take a plunge. Let us play estate agent) library intersecting a stronghold. We've divided them into three categories: Minecraft survival seeds, Minecraft village seeds, and Minecraft world seeds. Going veggie has never been so simple. The perfect setting for an Adventure Time tribute build, perhaps. What this seed is all about is seeing the beauty that lurks beneath. The Ice Plains Spikes biome is a rare variant of the Tundra biome, featuring huge sculptural pillars of Packed Ice and, er... not a lot else, actually. The Minecraft 1.16 Nether Update is finally here, and we've got a bunch of great seeds for you to try out in your brand new world. 19106 . Unofficial minecraft 1.8 seed map. Why is there a mountain on top of a mountain? Maybe you want a specific Minecraft survival world for you and your friends to play in, or planning on building an epic treehouse base and need a specific biome to gather resources? What’s not to love? Best return to civilisation, eh? Reply. Only with this seed, turn in any direction and all you see is ice spikes. The code will start your game just where you want it. View and download the Skin of the Minecraft player EpicStun. Why is there a small shack on the side of the mountain to the right? It's a fun and pretty way to get a jump start on your new Minecraft world. These blacksmith chests have more than enough obsidians for an entire portal; the player could even misplace some obsidians and have enough spare to finish their portal. Below you'll find no fewer than 30 of the most amazing Minecraft seeds for 1.16.3. Best Minecraft seeds Not only do they carry this weird foreboding feeling, but they’re great to build a home in. Epicstun nova skin. Best Minecraft mods It’s been said a million times already but it bears repeating: Minecraft can be beautiful, and since the introduction of coral, it’s never looked better. stun. They're beautiful enough to justify a trip in their own right, but this seed spawns the player near a reef that has overtaken a sunken ship! Turtle power! If you fancy a wee break from searching the world in search of booty, this seed spawns you on a small island. Other Minecraft players have saved this skin 215 times. Just be sure you're running the right version of Minecraft the seed is built for, or the world might not load as advertised. How about a world that recreates the Minecraft title screen seed? You had better start learning to hold your breath. When creating a new Minecraft adventure, you can type in a seed to either control the type of … Well, there’s also another ship underwater nearby and even an ocean ruin to explore. Where to find room to install an intimidatingly large lava wall? The player is immediately able to make a Nether Portal with the contents of that chest, but there's actually more. However, it felt necessary to include it just because of how rare and interesting it is. platform bedrock. Let’s see a skeleton try to snipe you up there. Find the cave hidden around the rim of the crater, and you’ll drop right into an extensive system of underground tunnels. Minecraft Videos! Teenage, standard, boring turtles. This is a brilliant seed for both speedrunning and general gameplay in Minecraft. There are some tester worlds with great seeds for Minecraft players who want to get into speedrunning this January 2021. Minecraft servers: The best online worlds Currently, this is the seed that players at the topmost position of the speedrunning leaderboard use to get their winning time, and it's understandable why. Minecraft skins: The best new looks Slightly less drastic. One of the two paths inside the cave leads to a dead end—but the other leads you to a gorgeous ocean vista. Just be sure to have your screencap key at the ready because this one’s quite the sightseeing diving adventure. Sorry you need javascript turned on for this map to work. Simply put, Minecraft seeds are a string of numbers that determine exactly what kind of Minecraft world you'll load into. 1471397948= insane archipelago seed in Minecraft like crazy good 10 islands huge reef with ruin and shipwreck right by the reef on 2 of the island is a sink hole down to lava and after the lislabd is a mesa on one side and savanna on the other. Peeking into the chasm, you’ll spot an oaken, open-plan (alright, it’s just missing a few walls. Let us have a look at five of them. Best Minecraft shaders What if we put a temple right inside a jungle, and then plonked that near a pillager outpost? As you’ve probably already spotted, just right of the spawn is a slightly buried ocean ruin. Not far from the nether portal (once finished) is the fortress the player needs for the blaze rods, and then the stronghold isn't too far away either. Nothing beats charging headfirst into a mansion with the intention of besting every Illager (not to be confused with Villager) that moves. Let us have a look at five of them. By This Minecraft village seed in particular isn’t your usual wheat and wooden swords affair. You’ll eventually come to a host of islands, only they won’t be out at sea, they’ll be floating in the air like they’re being held up by some sort of invisible marionette. The seed to the world of Minecraft's fabled Herobrine has been discovered. Sand and Señor Gravel. You may have seen images online of hundreds of villager houses smushed together. What more could you ask for? In actual fact, getting multiple villages to spawn next to each other is really quite rare. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news. A vast desert setting; an Extreme Hills mountain; a high-altitude forest; an inexplicably-lush base camp area; a village; a desert temple… It all comes together to produce endless potential for a variety of adventures. There are some tester worlds with great seeds for Minecraft players who want to get into speedrunning this January 2021. You’ll spawn by the cave seen at the bottom of this picture, so you can get your shelter or mineshaft started quickly, leaving more time to enjoy your surroundings. 62. In fact, it’s a logistical nightmare. You definitely want to check out this picturesque blacksmith village. I'll take any excuse to diver underwater and visit a coral reef in Minecraft. Overall, this is a great seed for anyone in Minecraft wanting to test themselves when it comes to speedrunning. Not all islands have to be tropical, you know. This village has an iron golem, a blacksmith with a chest filled with obsidian (enough for a portal) and many more goodies like iron. Load a saved game, enter a seed … Speedrunning in Minecraft is a really difficult task. Paradisiacal islands are all well and good, but if you fancy something a little more existential, why not try this highly improbable seed? Just make sure you set the time to night (“/time set night”) before they all burn to smithereens in the sunlight. As if layer upon fudgy layer of colourful clay wasn’t a tasty enough prospect for you, this mesa seed boasts several other interesting quirks. Iceberg biomes are cool. You spawn in a picturesque flower forest, the ocean lapping at one side and a frigid paradise skirting the other. All you need to do is open the launcher, click on "Launch Options" then "Add New." 5 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Aug 11, 2017 .About 2 years ago . It's such a cool place to explore, but even cooler if you decide to build your own home nearby. Sometimes you just want to hop into a new Minecraft world and get some good tools quickly. Head towards coordinates 236 68 -704. Best Minecraft servers This is a really unique Minecraft seed that is quite similar to the one in the number one spot, as this one has a village with two stacked blacksmiths. If you're completely new to Minecraft seeds, there's also a quick explainer about what they are and how to use them below. The downside is that there are no animals living on the island, so your lunchtime BLT ain’t happening here. View EpicStun's MC profile on Planet Minecraft and explore their Minecraft fansite community activity. This village has a blacksmith forge which contains seven blocks of obsidian, nine steel ingots, two gold ingots, a steel helm and chestplate, a steel pickaxe, and a super-useful three diamonds. And if you're looking for a good seed to help kickstart your latest Minecraft adventure, you've come to the right place. With this seed, you're guaranteed to find some handy diamonds early on if you head to the village near spawn and start digging. I’ve gotta be honest with you, I have no idea what’s going on with this world. Okay. Minecraft seeds are the best way to get the blocky worlds you want without having to roll the dice. No, not a third ruined ship; that would be too far. #5 997828792439924074 This is a pretty good Minecraft seed for speedrunning, even though from its appearance, it may not seem to be so. Fancy moving to a seaside town with a gorgeous view? Thankfully, it’s pretty painless to run legacy versions of Minecraft. Magic, you say? Willkommen :) Hier gibt es tägliche Minecraft Videos wie Tsunami vs. Base, Hide and Seek, Minecraft Prison und vieles mehr. Search the best Minecraft seed codes for PC, Pocket Edition, Consoles, and more. Best Minecraft custom maps Alternatively, you can use the /seed command ingame. An ample village can make or break a run. Although that last one would make a pretty decent place to store your loot. The only thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to using these seeds is to make sure you’re running the correct version of Minecraft. So. You’ve a friendly neighbourhood blacksmith, a quaint little farm for food, and there are even diamonds to, erm, borrow, if you poke about. There's even a little section at the bottom for Minecraft pocket edition seeds so head down there if that's what you're after. Ladders and bookshelves line the walls: you might need a few tomes to enchant your gear, seeing as though the end portal is nearby... As Gandhi once remarked, "To achieve true enlightenment, one must isolate themselves upon an unforgiving Minecraft survival island seed." For the best chance at finding a diamond cluster, dig straight down from the handing bell in the village. This Minecraft seed is great for players who like that extra challenge when it comes to speedrunning, which makes it a great practice seed for that very reason.