If you search “french novels for kids” on Amazon you will find quite a few (if not on Amazon.com, then definitely on Amazon.ca). Can you please suggest some books and songs which are easy to understand for a beginner in French. The song was recorded in late 1960, so this film must be after that. Thank you for your translation of this song, every time I see the Allstate Commercial ,I kept saying ” what the heck is that woman singing???!!! In Canada we teach French in a lot of schools and we design novels for children who are beginners/intermediate readers in French. A misleading cognate? When I heard the lyrics to this song on a commercial, I had to find out who sang it and the English translation. Do you have any questions? I was a “cold warrior” and stationed in the USAF base in Phalsbourg France in 1961- 1962. Cafodd ei hysgrifennu ym 1956 a daeth i amlygrwydd drwy recordiad Édith Piaf ym 1960 pan dreuliodd saith wythnos ar ben siartiau cerddoriaeth Ffrainc. Hi Robert – I think I switched them on purpose because it makes more sense in English to say “I set fire to my memories” rather than the literal “With my memories… I set fire.” When I translate the lyrics I take some liberties so that it makes sense in English. Merci . Thank you! STOP!! Level: advanced. Je repars à zero: Literally “I return to zero,” which means “I’m starting over again.”. Non, je ne regrette rien (česky: Ne, ničeho nelituji) je francouzská píseň zkomponovaná Charlesem Dumontem s textem Michela Vaucaira.Roku 1959 ji nazpívala slavná šansoniérka Édith Piaf.. Cover verze. Rien de rien No, nothing at all OR No, absolutely nothing Non Rien = [nothing] De = [of] Rien = [nothing] NOTE: 'rien de rien' is a set phrase meaning 'absolutely nothing.' This song is sung by Edith Piaf. Broadcast your events with reliable, high-quality live streaming. Non, Je ne regrette rien!! It was given to her. I don’t speak French and found this site cause I was curious about the translations. My pleasure! So she must have sung it in English? I am one of the biggest fans of the little Sparrow!. I’ll try to find some and add them in here. My wife and I saw that movie a few weeks back, and I don’t remember Lady Ga Ga singing in French. This song was also featured heavily in the movie “Inception.” If you’d like to learn more about Edith Piaf, you can check out my very detailed translation of her most popular, enduring classic song “La Vie en Rose.” Lady Gaga sings it in the new version of “A Star is Born” that just came out. The 1961 concerts, promised by Piaf in an effort to save the venue from bankruptcy, debuted her song "Non, je ne regrette rien". I love this song too and it’s a classic. But the song Je Ne regrette rien is ,was ,exactly her song of her life,her loves, the complete picture so emotionally sung as any good chanteuse would sing, but especially by dear Edith.. English translation of lyrics for Non, je ne regrette rien (Non, rien de rien) by Edith Piaf. I love this song, even though I don’t speak French. balayé (balayer): swept (away), from the verb balayer, meaning to sweep Exactly right. I do not speak french so to me the song was kind of weird when I heard it . I had learned French using duolingo, but I couldn’t keep it up owing to a lack of knowledge on French literature, songs, etc. You're just looking at it from the wrong point of view. I HATE THAT SONG. When you write in lines in French, it obviously is not a translation!!! Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (From "Inception") song from the album Top Sci-Fi Fantasy Adventure Film Music is released on Dec 2013 . #papaya #papaya.al #kompozim #frutatethata #njelmet #amel #shije #embelsi #tasty #arte #tirane #albania So probably in the late 50’s or early 60’s. Non ! Watch the video for Non, je ne regrette rien from Danakil's On Air (Live à la Cigale) for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. If you’re a beginner I would recommend going on Amazon and trying to find some books designed specifically for beginners. An author is the creator or originator of any ... Write only one artist into the field "artist". Celebrant. I feel the same way about songs I heard 10-15 years ago. Learn how your comment data is processed. Pardon, ma demoiselle. Thank you for your hard work! When did this video performance take place — how many years had it been since her first performance? . French lyrics and English translation are below. Non, Rien de rien No, nothing of nothing Non, Je ne regrette rien No, I don't feel sorry About nothing. i see a problem with this theory – a song written in 1960 to commemorate an event which took place in 1961. How can one not cry every time. Non, je ne regrette rien auf Deutsch. Maybe I will start learning French and enjoying the best French music. Listen to Edith Piaf Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (From "Inception") MP3 song. In other words when you use Allstate Insurance you will have no regrets of buying it . At first she was reluctant to visit the composer, but after she she did visit him and heard him sing it, she had to have it. Cafodd ei hysgrifennu ym 1956 a daeth i amlygrwydd drwy recordiad Édith Piaf ym 1960 pan dreuliodd saith wythnos ar ben siartiau cerddoriaeth Ffrainc. Your translation makes it even more so. comment. Watch the video for Non, je ne regrette rien from Mireille Mathieu's Chante Piaf for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Only a snippet of it was played, but it was hauntingly beautiful. You can check it out here if you’re interested: https://www.frenchlyricstranslations.com/la-vie-en-rose-edith-piaf-french-lyrics-and-english-translation/. With that last word, Toi! Sorry I don’t know the poem and couldn’t find it even after a thorough Google. Now that I know it means she had no regrets, I can understand why Allstate used is for their commercial. Create. Enjoyed reading the lyrics. I love this song! This song has stuck to me for 60 years. You would make a great linguist w/your detailed approach to translating the lyrics. You’ve wonderfully expanded the memory of Edith Piaf to a far greater audience, we who speak only English. This changes the last line from “today it starts with you” to “today it starts with me”, I did not get a negative vibe from the song at all. Translation of 'Non, je ne regrette rien' by Édith Piaf (Édith Gassion ) from French to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Suggestion: Change the last word from “toi” to “moi”. See Wikiipedia about the song’s composer going to Piaf and presenting the song in hopes that she would sing it. She is talking about starting a new life with her new love. And what a love song. Complete your Shirley Bassey collection. Can you help? One of the most requested songs was this one.The other songs were mostly about “The Twist” But this song stayed on my mind for many years. love this song was trying to learn the French so I could sing it live: I understood why it had to be, but I am very sad. Il a été enregistré pour la première fois par Édith Piaf le 10 novembre 1960. Are you enjoying this translation? Your email address will not be published. I was 13 when I first heard this song at my grandparents house. You’re very welcome! I guess that I am stupid, but I have scrolled throughout this several times to buy the song on itunes and I cannot find “the button below”. Indeed, Piaf was herself a master of using her voice to this effect. French Lyrics Translations WordPress Theme by Darby. A similar example is the song “You’ll Never Walk alone” from “Carousel”. The song was written by composed by Charles Dumont and Michel Vaucaire in 1956 but wasn’t recorded by Piaf until 1960. Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait Not the good things people have done to me Not the bad things, it's all the same to me. I enjoyed very much your lyrics and translations. I recently had the opportunity to tour parts of Europe on a motorcycle, and upon entering Paris and catching my first glimpses of the Eiffel Tower in the horizon (and as crazy as it sounds) the song started playing in my head. "Non, je ne regrette rien" Song by Édith Piaf; Language: French: Released: 1960: Composer(s) Charles Dumont: Lyricist(s) Michel Vaucaire "Non, je ne regrette rien" (French pronunciation: [nɔ̃ ʒə nə ʁəɡʁɛt ʁjɛ̃], meaning "No, I do not regret anything") is a French song composed by … Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien at Discogs. Am currently studying this song for live performance and this helps a lot to a non french speaker. J’ai allumé le feu To my memories. It was written as a love song and adopted by the Legion afterwards. . Also, after seeing two commercials on TV with this song, I had to find out who sang it because I love it. oublié (oublier): forgotten, from the verb oublier, meaning to forget. My grandmother spoke Canadian French. I’m also a fan of Edith Piaf and I believe her songs will continue to capture the hearts of new generations. Je me fous du passé - i don't give a damn about the past.not I'm happy about the past?? I remember her telling me that the song was adopted by the French Foreign Legion for their involvement in Algeria since 1831 and ended in 1960. Mae Non, je ne regrette rien (ynganiad Ffrangeg: [nɔ̃ ʒə nə ʁəɡʁɛt ʁjɛ̃], ystyr "Na, nid wyf yn difaru dim byd") yn gân Ffrangeg a gyfansoddwyd gan Charles Dumont, gyda geiriau gan Michel Vaucaire. I removed the all the iTunes buttons as they weren’t be used often and I felt like they were slowing down the load time of the page. fascist insurrection of a mutinous legion trying to preserve the empire in algeria. It’s true that Edith Piaf’s voice really makes this song shine. I’ve known of Piaf since the ’60s when I took courses in French in High School from a gifted teacher, Joe Harris. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I was introduced to this song when I saw the movie Inception and then heard it several times in French cinema, particularly in the movie Edith Piaf’s life, ‘La Vie en Rose’, and had been in love with this song ever since. any help would be appreciated. He in no way composed it for the Algerian event. Ah…computers and tablets …always predicting th d wrong words! Reviews Reviewer: carlos-teran - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - May 17, 2015 Subject: Mr. Charles. My French is basic. I noticed a small thing in your translation – these are reversed: Most Translated Songs of all time (old and new) (Part 1), Top 100 des plus belles chansons françaises, Hall & Oates - I Can't Go For That (No Can Do), Ayane - 不規則性エントロピー (Fukisokusei entoropi-). Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait Not the good things people have done to me Not the bad things, it's all the same to me. Watch the video for Non, je ne regrette rien from Mireille Mathieu's Chante Piaf for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Je m’en fou: I don’t care This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We had instinctively said ‘ Non, je ne regrette rien’ To each other whilst mapping out the reasons for our Camino that is to start on Deborahs 60th birthday Easter Monday 13 April 2020 York to Santiago de Compostela. Excerpts from five of these concerts (1955, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1962) were issued on record and on CD, and have never been out of print. The 1961 concerts, promised by Piaf in an effort to save the venue from bankruptcy, debuted her song "Non, je ne regrette rien". Translation of 'Non, je ne regrette rien' by Édith Piaf (Édith Gassion ) from French to English (Version #6) Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Non, Rien de rien No, nothing of nothing Non, Je ne regrette rien No, I don't feel sorry About nothing. השיר ידוע בעיקר בזכות הביצוע של אדית פיאף משנת 1960, שכיכב במשך שבעה שבועות בראש מצעד הפזמונים הצרפתי. STOP!! Édith Piaf (born Édith Giovanna Gassion, 19 December, 1915 – 11 October, 1963), was a French singer and cultural icon who became universally regarded as France's greatest popular singer. Your breakdown of the lines and translation will be an enormous help in learning the song. Thanks for the lyrics – in the 1960’s I had a 45 rpm disc of Edith Piaf singing Non, je ne regrette rien. I am much better at reading french. Live Streaming. Nein, gar nichts Nein ich bedauere nichts Nicht das Gute das mir widerfahren ist Format: 2×Digital Media, Year: 2011, Label: Parlophone France, Barcode: 5099909674257, Length: 2:09:06 I note a small mistake in the French lyrics you publish: Piaf sang ‘Je m’en fous DU passé . Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! Ana Curra - Rien De Rien (Non, Je Ne Regrette Rièn) (Édith Piaf Cover) Hi Ken – I’m not exactly sure when this was but it was one of her last performances before she died, and she died in October 1963. [You put DE passé; which is not French – trust me, I’m a French teacher !] Thank you for this! 1960s. Translation of 'Non, je ne regrette rien' by Édith Piaf (Édith Gassion ) from French to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Comment le temps passe! CamCity: She did’t write the song. But French pronunciation is hard and takes a lot of practice!