Kindergartens and primary schools are upgraded to red risk level from Monday 25th January. Parents and guardians will receive more information from their kindergartens and schools, about what the kindergarten and schools provision at red risk level will imply, in each case. Hurtigruten has halted all leisure cruises because of … In some areas the rules are the strictest ever. I fully support the Government’s measures, and I am pleased that we have the same rules for all municipalities that surround Nordre Follo, said Governing Mayor Raymond Johansen (Labour). From today, these activities must once more stop. All pubs and restaurants must close, except for take-aways. That also applies to Vinmonopolet. Nordre Follo is Oslo's neighbouring municipality in the south. Gyms, swimming pools etc. 15. A CRUISE ship with more than 2,000 people on board has been put on lockdown in Sydney while a woman is tested for the deadly coronavirus. All children with parent and guardians who have essential functions will be guaranteed a place from Monday. Press release: Oslo has had a social lockdown and very strict infection prevention rules since 9 November 2020. Private gatherings of 20 people will be allowed as long as people stick to social distancing rules and public gatherings of up to 50 will also be permitted. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. The Norwegian government has announced a series of unprecedented economic measures to support businesses through the crisis. Quarantine in Norway, Norwegian. Les denne pressemeldingen på An overview of the Norwegian government measures in different languages. The low fatality rate is in stark contract to neighbouring Sweden - the only country in Europe not to implement strict  measures  -  where 3,040 people have died. “The start of 2021 has given us a very clear signal. Canada Trudeau has announced that the country will be partially closing its borders to all non-Canadian citizens in a bid to stop the spread of Covid-19. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed, The daily death rates in the neighbouring contrasts are shockingly different, Social distancing has been strictly observed in Norway, Sweden's laid back approach to the outbreak has been heavily criticised, A packed public park in Stockholm which is not under lockdown, Some primary schools in Norway have already re-opened, Expert behind Sweden's coronavirus strategy claims Britain's lockdown has been largely 'futile', Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Hopefully, with the stricter measures we will succeed in stopping this infection quickly, so that we can soon get back to preparing for carefully re-opening our society and daily lives, Johansen concluded. Solberg added: "Our goal is that by June 15 we will have reopened most of the things that were closed. The move comes after Norway squashed its crucial 'R' figure which is the number of people each virus carrier infects on average - to just 0.49. – Today weighs heavily on many in our city. I addition to these obligations and prohibitions, the Government and City of Oslo have clear advice to everyone in Oslo: In addition, the Government has made a number of recommendations for the affected municipalities, on issues like public transport, testing and quarantine. Children in kindergartens and primary schools can have visits from their own group (kohort). I fully understand all of those who feel drained and fed up today. The people of Oslo have already made big sacrifices over a long period of time. Sweden's virus death rate is 291 per million inhabitants - compared to Norway's death rate of 40 per million, Denmark's rate of 87, or Finland's rate of 45. Just one day after my arrival the Norwegian government imposed a lockdown to contain Covid-19. PO Box 222 Skøyen N-0213 Oslo. A woman is being tested for the deadly coronavirus after attempting to board a cruise ship in Sydney. 6:52 PM NZ Maori leader ejected from parliament after refusing to … Press release: Oslo has had a social lockdown and very strict infection prevention rules since 9 November 2020. 983 744 516. Coronavirus Health & Wellbeing NSW News Public Health Health & Wellbeing. Secondary schools (ungdomsskole, 13-15 yrs) and high schools are already at red risk level in Oslo. The Norwegian Jewel cruise liner arrived at the overseas passenger terminal at Circular Quay about 6am today after travelling from Auckland in New Zealand. US citizens are exempt from the measure, along with permanent residents, immediate family of Canadian citizens, diplomats and aircrew. In some cases however, schools and kindergartens may need a little more time to organise their provision at the red risk level. are already closed in Oslo. The social lockdown is now reinforced with a number of measures. The Norwegians, though, beat them to the geographic South Pole in 1911. Over the border in Sweden things look very different. Teaching at high schools (videregående skole, 16-19 yrs) must be online during week 4, from 25 January. Nearly everyone must do office work from home. The app is intended to help prevent coronavirus from spreading among the population and is completely voluntary to use. The remaining restrictions will be lifted on June 15, with gatherings of up to 200 people allowed, gyms  reopened and the country's football league kicking off once more. The source of these infections is unknown and can therefore be termed untraceable. Nun heißt es von offizieller Seite ganz offen: Die Schließung von Schulen … That is why we are presenting a plan to reopen Norway, a plan to take back everyday life," Solberg said. Norwegian Jewel is currently docked at Circular Quay and is not in lockdown. Bars and amusement parks will then open at the beginning of June. Quarantine in Norway, Norwegian. Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown. The list of countries will be updated at least once every two weeks. People who live alone can have visits from, or visit, one or two fixed friends or one fixed household. Norwegen hat einen harten Lockdown ähnlich wie Deutschland verhängt. Exceptions from this, include necessary home-services and visiting someone who is reaching the end of their life. News by year; Divisions and departments; Would you like to work at the NIPH? Dreading a Dark Winter Lockdown? "But there is an important condition. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. The COVID-19 pandemic in Norway is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus … The City of Oslo must consider this advice more closely before giving any further information. - With AAP. Oslo’s City Council is extending the social lockdown by two more weeks. Workplaces will also reopen under the same guidelines and sports involving less than 20 people can now go ahead. – We must do everything in our means to stop the mutated virus. We will only end confinement on these dates if we manage to keep the epidemic under control.". We will give more information about the rules for leisure activities and leisure sport in due course. Schools and colleges will reopen on May 11 if the infection rates - which have flattened out -  continue to stay down. A British-Norwegian group established the first base in 1899, and the U.K. did much of the early exploration of Antarctica. Latest. Norway Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries, trends and timeline. Andy Corbley - Oct 7, 2020. Smoky mystic flag of Norway, Norwegian with biohazard symbol placed side by side. (Updated with changed national rules 25 January.). Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown. no. Studies; Projects; Publications; Online publications; Health studies ; Health registries; Gå til toppen. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. By. Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg has now announced some measure will start being phased out from as early as next week. We have seen how fast and effectively it has spread in other countries and cities. The Government has introduced new infection prevention measures for the municipalities near Nordre Follo, after having identified cases of the British mutated version of the Corona virus in Nordre Follo. At the same time, corona measures related to children will be softened from Thursday. Norwegian Cruise Line said it was currently barring all Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau passport holders from its ships regardless of residency. View our online Press Pack. All teaching and planned events must either be postponed or held online. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. Your questions on coronavirus UK lockdown answered - from playing golf to an MOT Boris Johnson's Covid-19 lockdown has led to an avalanche of questions about the changes to … Crowds have been photographed flocking to Stockholm’s waterfront and malls, with some people sipping cocktails in the sun, while in very close proximity to each other. To adhere to these measures the Norwegian embassy in The Hague has applied the following related to visits and services until further notice. NORWAY plans to fully lift its lockdown restrictions by the middle of next month after suffering just 209 deaths during the coronavirus pandemic. – kaufen Sie diese Illustration und finden Sie ähnliche Illustrationen auf Adobe Stock Switchboard: (+47) 21 07 70 00 Org. Teaching at universities, colleges and vocational schools must be online. Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The schools and kindergartens in the Oslo region will operate at the “red” level when it comes to corona measures. A map showing the status for entry quarantine of countries/areas and more information about the criteria is available on the website of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. A cruise ship docked in Sydney Harbour has denied reports it was put into lockdown over a case of coronavirus. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. Schools and kindergartens were asked earlier to prepare and plan for red risk level. Having an 'R' figure of less than 1.0 is considered a milestone in beating the disease. The ship, which belongs to the Norwegian firm Hurtigruten, docked in the port of Tromso in northern Norway on Friday. Think Like a Norwegian. On February 26, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health announced the first case of Covid-19: a woman who had returned a week earlier from China. An overview of the Norwegian government measures in different languages. Widespread lockdown. NORWAY plans to fully lift its lockdown restrictions by the middle of next month after suffering just 209 deaths during the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking from outside his home, Trudeau said: ‘We assured you that as the situation evolved, our response would evolve too as the virus c… Buildings at universities, colleges and vocational schools must be closed for all students and pupils. Officials have allowed schools for under-16s, cafes, bars, restaurants and businesses to stay open while encouraging people and businesses to follow social distancing guidelines. The measures will initially apply until (and including) Sunday 31 January. "You have shown us patience, now it is our turn to give back. Norway was among the first to go into full lockdown on March 12 and now plans to have nearly all restrictions lifted by June 15. State officials in Sweden have now been forced to admit their "trusting the people" approach to the outbreak has been a  "big failure". One-to-one jobs, such as hairdressers, should tighten their infection prevention measures, such as using face masks when it is not possible to keep one metre apart or to reduce or temporarily stop services that involve close face-to-face contact. Places of faith and worship must close, except for funerals and burials. PO Box 973 Sentrum N-5808 Bergen. Norway is imposing stricter entry rules Due to the outbreak of a more contagious variant of the coronavirus, the Norwegian government has decided to close the borders to prevent spreading this virus. All shops must close, except for food stores, drug stores, pet food stores, petrol stations and kiosks. Les denne pressemeldingen på norsk. Sweden did not implement lockdowns as their approach has been based on the "principle of responsibility". With the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies, and petrol stations, all shops will be closed in the ten municipalities from noon on Saturday, the Ministry of Health stated. The Government has introduced new infection prevention measures for the municipalities near Nordre Follo, after having identified cases of the British mutated version of the Corona virus in Nordre Follo. Smittestopp is an app from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The source of these infections is unknown and can therefore be termed untraceable. Amanda Holden 'devastated' about lockdown rule-break after distressing call, Key dates for road map out of lockdown & when shops, pubs and schools may open, Brits may have to show a Covid vaccine passport to go to pub or restaurant, Kids at school & picnics allowed on March 8 as Raab says data 'pretty good', PM set to give press conference tomorrow as UK nears 15 million jabs target, ©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. The country's approach has received widespread criticism as its death toll is significantly higher than its Nordic neighbours, which put in place strict containment measures. Jeremy Thompson is a former Sky News presenter in his 70s, documenting how the coronavirus is affecting his life. Travel in Norway The Norwegian Government regularly monitors the risk of coronavirus, and adjusts measures in line with the levels of infection to contain the spread of the virus. We’re far from done. Partial lockdown: Consequences for the Embassy On Monday 13 October, the Dutch government decided that stricter measures are needed to bring down the number of Corona-infections. - Buy this stock illustration and explore similar illustrations at Adobe Stock All leisure sports and leisure activities for children, young adults and adults must stop. The next day, it … Smoky mystic flag of Norway, Norwegian with biohazard symbol placed side by side. Everyone should avoid having visitors and gatherings in their own homes. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. GATWICK Airport has continued to operate flights on a minimal basis since the coronavirus lockdown began back in March. As well as these, all libraries must now close, which until now have been kept open during the social lockdown in Oslo. Norway puts the entire country on lockdown in an attempt to slow the spread of coronavirus On Wednesday, March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization classified novel coronavirus and COVID-19, the deadly respiratory illness it causes, a pandemic and now world leaders are taking serious measures to halt the spread of the virus. The 10 million-strong Swedish population looks no more immune to it than its neighbors: Sweden has 2,510 cases and 42 deaths, according to data compiled by … All our. The Government’s measures follow the advice from the National Health Directorate and the Institute for Public Health, and are introduced in dialogue with Nordre Follo municipality as well as the surrounding municipalities. The social lockdown is now reinforced with a number of measures. Everyone should avoid unessential journeys. At the beginning of the pandemic in Europe and North America, experts feared that if … Shocked … Coronavirus diary – Jeremy Thompson on life under lockdown. News Just In. For other inquiries, Contact Us. We have recently allowed leisure activities for children up to 12 years to start up again. This means that the strongest infection prevention rules are introduced today in Oslo since 12 March last year. As far back as May 5, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) published a briefing note reporting that at the time the lockdown was imposed on March 12, Norway's reproduction number - … All status reports from Oslo city council on coronavirus outbreak. We will prepare to carry on activity in high schools at red risk level in week 5, from 1 February, in the same way as today. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has determined that the rate of transmission is sufficiently low in these countries and regions/areas. Journeys to work are considered essential. The new and much stricter entry rules will take effect at 12 a.m. Friday 29 January 2021. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. We are still in a serious and uncertain situation.