The latest version of Robin DR400 is currently unknown. L'avion des pilotes de loisir français, un avion léger et pratique, pour l'aviation de loisir en France. It has a slight leading-edge droop and uses a modified NACA 23013 aerofoil, with wooden ailerons covered with Diatex and metal flaps. Readers who fly their 172 like a 727 may well disagree! Until the selector is on CLOSED position, the starter switch is unaccessible for security reason (we don't want start the engine until we selected a fuel tank) Avions Pierre Robin was formed by Pierre Robin and the principle designer of Jodel Aircraft, Jean Delemontez, in October 1957 as Centre Est Aeronautique. When flying at slower speeds (and thus high angles of attack) they claim the tapered outer sections come into play, conferring the Regent with a remarkably wide speed range for a fixed-undercarriage, fixed-pitch tourer. It’s slightly surprising how well the DR400 performs in roll, as the ailerons look quite unsophisticated. The nosewheel steers through the rudder pedals while the mains carry hydraulic disc brakes. Anyway, a well-maintained O-360 is generally pretty reliable, and on the day of the air-to-air shoot ’GY’s fired second blade. Views: 17220. PUBLISHED: 16:19 12 September 2018 | UPDATED: 16:25 12 September 2018. (c) 2020 Nighthawk Software Ltd v.1.3.5. Download for free to enhance your experience in MSFS 2020. If I could change any of it (and regular readers will know how I love to tinker) I would move the tachometer higher up so it was just to the left of the ASI, and transfer the important CHT gauge to where the tachometer was, so as to be more readily incorporated in the scan. Light Aircraft Published date: July 9, 2013. Beautifully made by artisans. Cet avion jouit d'une bonne réputation t… In 1948, Edouard Joly and Jean Delemontez first flew the diminutive single-seat D.9 Bébé, which was so successful (I have one!) I was impressed with the capabilities of the DR400 the first time I flew one and, having now logged a reasonable amount of time in them, nothing has made me revise my opinion. Search aircraft for sale for free! In its burgundian kingdom the company has given life to many legendary planes among others : the HR100-250, the DR221, the R3000… To be fair, if you mostly fly a Cessna 172 the plain flaps will certainly seem inferior, and if you’re ‘as fast as a fox’ then it will float, although the flaps are certainly adequate if the speed is right. A search for Photographer of 'Bloggs', If checked would find only photographers called just 'Bloggs', this would probably return no results. The Robin DR400 is a wooden sport monoplane, conceived by Pierre Robin and Jean Délémontez. Most of the avionics (a Bendix/King GPS, King radios and a transponder) are on the right of the panel, along with EGT, CHT and OAT gauges and three black-topped plungers that operate the cockpit heating and demist. The Robin DR400 Dauphin has 3 tanks, one inside each wing plus one centered in fuselage. The Robin DR-400 series of light aircraft owes its origins to the Jodel series of wooden construction light aircraft. The DR400-180 with VP prop is quite the short field machine and this aircraft has the upside of a 4 blade MT prop further enhancing performance. At the stall it halfheartedly drops a wing, but simply relaxing the back pressure on the stick returns it instantly to controlled flight. Jodel, which is a contraction of the two men’s surnames, went on to manufacture several very successful designs which were produced under licence by other manufacturers, such as Robin. The Robin DR400 is a wooden sport monoplane, conceived by Pierre Robin and Jean Délémontez. Generally, seventy knots on final feels good in ’GY, and even in strong, gusty winds speed control is easy and I’ve never experienced any difficulty in maintaining the correct approach speed. Pierre Robin’s first aircraft was a two-seat Jodel D.11, and from this he progressed to producing several Jodel-designed low wing monoplanes, including the subject of this month’s flight test, the DR400. However, I’ve agreed with Rutland Flying School’s Steve Waddy that we’ll meet directly over the centre of the former RAF Cottesmore at exactly 1730. Another pleasant surprise is how light the rudder is in flight, bearing in mind that the rudder pedals also steer the nosewheel. I’m airborne in a fraction of Saltby’s 1,200m Runway 25 as the Regent practically leaps off the ground and swiftly settles into a very impressive climb with the VSI indicating more than 1,100fpm at 80kt. That’s where the similarities end, for where ‘GZ only has a single, 110 litre fuselage tank and a wooden two blade Hoffman prop, ’GY has two additional wing tanks of forty litres each and a metal two-blade Sensenich prop. Robin DR400 / 180. Power is provided by Lycoming’s ubiquitous O-360 air-cooled flat four, the most produced piston aero-engine of all time. Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper ( - copyright © Karl L. Swartz. It has a tricycle undercarriage, and can carry four people. Robin DR400 runs on the following operating systems: Windows. A few of the vital electrical services are protected by circuit breakers by the pilot’s left elbow, and the others are fitted with fuses on the opposite side of the cockpit. The current model is designated 'DR401'. The fuselage is a wooden semi-monococque box structure covered primarily in plywood, although from any distance away you’d swear it was metal, so good is the finish. Exact matches only A search for Aircraft Type of 'Boeing 737-500', If checked would find only 737-500s. Robin DR 400 for sale in England, United Kingdom by Flightline Aviation - Flightline Aviation are proud to present this 1981 Robin DR40/180 Remo for sale. Indeed, in many respects current examples are very similar to earlier models, for although it can be powered by a variety of different engines and fitted with modern digital avionics, the methods and materials used in its construction remain the same (Sitka spruce and plywood made from Okoumé, a type of west African hardwood also known as Gaboon). Now, some readers, particularly those raised on a diet of Rotax-powered composite aircraft, may be wondering why we’re extolling the virtues of a 46-year-old wood and fabric aircraft. The simple reason−apart from the fact that the basic design is still in production−is that the DR400 continues to outperform many of its contemporaries. You can select the tank with the fuel tank selector located between the pilot and copilot. There is a comprehensive annunciator panel built into the glareshield, along with rheostats for the cockpit lighting and chunky rocker switches for the external lights and pitot heat. Turning our attention to the other end of the speed spectrum, at 75% power (2,550rpm) and 3,500ft QNH the TAS is a perfectly respectable 130kt for a fuel burn of around 38 lit/hr. The field of view is excellent. The DR.400 is widely used as a glider tug aircraft. The cranked wing consists of a single box spar, over which the ribs are threaded, skinned with ply forward of the spar and covered in Diatex fabric. DR360 Chevalier DR340 with a solid cabin roof and a 160hp Lycoming O-320-D2A engine. Aviation photographs categorised as Robin DR.400-140B Dauphin 4. As Keith signals he wants me to drop lower and ease slightly further forward it occurs to me that, as much as I rate the four-seat Robin Regent tourer, when flying formation I’d rather be in the virtually identical Remorqueur tug, with its better field of view. Robin DR-400. Tech Log | purchasing a Fournier RF6B-100 to restore, Bell 505 Helicopter available for hourly lease/hire, EHang to provide pilotless urban air services in Zhuhai, CAA rejects joint London Oxford-RAF Brize Norton ACPs, Lufthansa and Lilium Jet unveil joint pilot training. The Robin DR400 is a wooden sport monoplane, conceived by Pierre Robin and Jean Délémontez. New members coming from a background of flying Cessnas and Pipers, as most do, find the DR400 a revelation. View and Download Robin DR400 Series pilot operating handbook online. HP Robin DR400 has not been rated by … I don’t really like airborne rendezvous as the sky can be much larger than you think. Il est très présent dans la plupart des aéro-clubs français, dont il représente plus d'un tiers de la flotte (en 2019, les aéro-clubs français exploitent 864 DR300 et DR400 sur un total de 2394 appareils2), et plus largement en Europe. With only me, half-fuel and no baggage, ’GY is a long way below MAUW and consequently the acceleration is excellent. Bearing in mind that most of the ‘in production’ types I test for Pilot are factory new demonstrators, and that ’GY is 27 years old, you might be wondering how well it stacked up. Also on the left of the panel are a basic Century IIB autopilot, suction gauge, chunky split rockers for the battery and alternator, and a rotary switch for the magnetos. In any sense of the word it is a successful aircraft. The Robin DR400 is a wooden sport monoplane, conceived by Pierre Robin and Jean Délémontez. DR340 Major A development of the earlier DR250 with a tricycle landing gear and powered by a 140hp Lycoming O-320-E2A engine. Photo of Private Robin DR-400 (F-GTPC) taken in Nantes, France on 2021-01-07 by Wouter Cooremans of It has a tricycle undercarriage, and can carry four people. Apart from these rather minor nit-picks, it really is difficult to find fault with the Regent. The Robin is a joy - an absolute joy. It flew for the first time in 1972 and at least 1300 were build. Access to the cabin is excellent. I don’t like that, but I do like the fact that the DR400 is fitted with control sticks instead of yokes. 19 Robin Aircraft for Sale in Europe. With all the pictures in the can I break away and continue my assessment. This is constructed in three parts, and consists of a relatively wide, flat centre section, dihedral−fourteen degrees of it−and washout (five degrees) being restricted to the tapered outer wing panels. These consist of a large tachometer, oil temperature, pressure and fuel pressure gauges, and fuel contents for each tank. The Robin DR400 • Safe and easy to fly • Enjoyable to fly and to fly in • Comfortable • Excellent performance • Rugged and durable • Uncomplicated and reliable • Versatile and multi-talented • Attractive and appealing. The Robin Aircraft planes are designed, produced and assembled in Dijon-Darois, right in the middle of Burgundy. The pilot’s harness is poor, I don’t like not having a window that opens (or at least a DV panel), and the stick is perhaps a bit tall (although that opinion is entirely subjective). It is immediately identifiable thanks to the unique dihedral (upward curve) of its wings. Access to the engine isn’t great. A wide track, short-wheelbase undercarriage completes a very elegant-looking flying machine. What don’t I like about it? Overall the general handling is fine, with good stability around all three axes (it is strongly positive directionally, positive longitudinally, and just barely positive laterally) and has reasonable control forces with acceptable ‘breakout’. As you approach a DR400 the first thing you notice is the ‘cranked wing’ (sometimes referred to as the ‘Delemontez trapedzoidal platform’) which is also used on several other Jodel and Robin aircraft. This means you must prime the engine by pumping the throttle, which isn’t always the best idea with updraught carburettors and a wooden airframe. Terms & Conditions - Privacy Policy - Contact Us, Association Sportive ASPTT de Paris - Ile de France, Comite Regional de Vol a Voile Centre-Val de Loire, Club Aeronautique de lArrondissement de Bernay, Aeroclub de Grenoble-Alpes Isere et de sa Region, Aero Club de Quimper - Jean Marie Le Bris, Association Union Aerienne de Chateauneuf Sur Cher, Aero-Club Les Alcyons D'Issy Les Moulineaux, Aero-Club de Saint-Chamond et de la Vallee du Gier, Association Villeneuvoise de Pilotes et de Pproprietaires DAeronefs. Curiously, the seat belts are the rather old-fashioned design that requires the lap strap to be secured and then the shoulder strap attached separately. Aeroklub Polski Å»AR | Robin DR.400 series. With the standard tank fit of 190 litres, the Regent has a range in excess of 600 nautical miles−an endurance greater than mine. Let us know what you think of the site and tell us what features you want to see next. It’s no surprise that more than 3,000 have been sold, and that the design remains in production today. 1300 1302 1304 1303 1301 1305 watch video. If in doubt - get the missus a ride in a Robin or a spammer - I can guarantee the verdict! If anybody out there is thinking about buying a new aircraft - go for the Robin. All Rights Reserved. 135CDI. So what about the practicalities of owning a wood-and-fabric aeroplane? The Robin DR400 first flew in 1972 and was still in production in 2006. Stewart Harris | Lausanne - La Blécherette Groupement de Vol à Moteur - Lausanne | Robin DR.400 series. Le Robin DR400 est un avion de tourisme monomoteur très utilisé dans les aéroclubs, produit par la société Robin Aircraft, anciennement appelée Avions Pierre Robin. I was lucky enough to visit the factory in Darois-Dijon many years ago and see the quality workmanship first-hand. Indeed, some older readers would probably prefer the traditional analogue instrument layout, and the cockpit is comfortable, well ventilated, adequately heated and quite spacious. The wooden airframe clearly absorbs noise and vibration better than either metal or composites. Performance figures on the day of the test are essentially irrelevant. Back in the circuit, the 400 continues to impress, primarily because it is just so easy to fly. Another reason why ‘wood is good’ is that it doesn’t have a ‘memory’ (and consequently DR400s are not blighted with a Fatigue Index or ‘Service Life’). Instruction Manual. With a useful load of 500kg and equally good numbers for range and endurance, the Regent is a true four-seat tourer. Robin DR400 Brooklands Club is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by Yujin. Find great deals on eBay for robin dr400. 1,960 likes. Unbeatable, equipped with a turbo offering unparalleled performances at high altitude (93% of its 155hp at 10.000ft vs. only 65% for a … The rear fuselage features a gentle taper before sweeping up into the sweptback fin. The field of view is excellent, and different flap settings produce only minor trim changes. Construction List - Robin DR400 Serial Line No Model Reg Current/Last Operator Status; … Two more reasons for the Robin’s continued popularity. The Robin DR400 first flew in 1972 and is still in production. The Robin DR.400 is a single-engine four-seat light touring and trainer aircraft produced by the French manufacturer Avions Pierre Robin. A couple of 360 degree turns reveal very pleasant handling and nicely harmonised controls. JODEL ROBIN DR400 | BH129. L'avion des pilotes de loisir français, un avion léger et pratique, pour l'aviation de loisir en France. Vne is a respectable 166kt with Va (design manoeuvring speed) an equally good 140kt. Also located in this subpanel are the carburettor heat plunger and fuel pump switch, while contained in a small console extending down from the panel and then aft between the seats are a plunger for the parking brake, mixture control, elevator trim indicator, fuel selector and trim wheel. We are delighted to have this immaculate Robin DR 400 -180 in stock at Dunkeswell. DR400 Series aircrafts pdf manual download. In the same ownership for the last 34 years 'Lima Juliet’ is one of the cleanest examples of type we have yet to see. We are delighted to have this DR 400 in stock at Dunkeswell. ’GY was built in 1991 and probably represents the zenith of a well-designed analogue instrument panel. Both feature Chabord silencers. All three wheels are the same size, feature snug-fitting spats, and even the nose strut’s torque links are enclosed. As well as the sticks−and in common with many French aircraft−there are two throttle plungers, making it possible for the left-seat pilot to fly with either hand. Why not follow us on Facebook to be the first to find out about the latest developments. In fact after takeoff the nosewheel steering automatically disconnects and the airflow then aligns the nose spat with the aircraft’s longitudinal centreline for minimum drag. The flaps and ailerons are interchangeable, port and starboard. The Robin DR400 first flew in 1972 and is still in production. Steve’s 172 is fitted with essentially the same engine and propeller as ’GY, yet the Regent is around ten knots faster and also has a greater useful load. Flaps up and electric fuel pump off at 500ft, then trim for the 92kt Vy (best rate of climb) and head south to look for the cameraship. The Robin DR400 is an aircraft that will be familiar to many pilots as it is one of the most used trainers. DR300/108 2+2 Replacement for the DR.315 with improved landi… Our MSFS 2020 Robin DR400 addons are free to download, created by volunteering creators!In case you are creating Robin DR400 mods in Flight Simulator 2020 yourself, feel free to sign-up and upload it. DR 400/ 180 R SECTION - NORMAL OPERATION Pre—flight Procedures Pre—flight checks Checks before engine start ing 10 - 12 - 5.1 TSSVË NO.' 5 Dat e May .1979 5 6 8 10 11 13 Engine Starting T axy ing Checks before take—off Take-off C 1 imb Cruise Descent Landing After landing che cks Ground manoeuvres Tethering — precautions prolonged parking This works very well, and Keith shoots some superb images over Rutland Water, although at times I find the field of view less satisfactory than the Remorqueur’s full bubble canopy. The front seats adjust over a reasonable range and are quite comfortable. Aircraft header image (c) Sergiy Serdyuk. DR330 An experimental DR.315 fitted with a 130hp Continental O-240-A engine in 1970. Contact For clarity, the other differences between the two are detailed in the box on page 46. Lima Mike | Marmande - Virazeil Private | Robin DR.400 series. Both wings offer a generous walkway and, having turned the roof-mounted handle clockwise through about 110 degrees, the big canopy can be slid forward a fair way. I won’t be above 2,500ft QNH, and he’s not to fly lower than 3,000ft, until we’re both happy that we’ve seen each other. The Robin DR400 first flew in 1972 and is still in production. This is the category where you can look for shared Robin DR400 Aircraft Liveries for Flight Simulator 2020 - our database is growing from day to day. Pierre Robin’s first aircraft was a two-seat Jodel D.11, and from this he progressed to producing several Jodel-designed low wing monoplanes, including the subject of this month’s flight test, the DR400. Comments, Questions or Feedback? The Robin DR.400 is a development of the Robin DR.300 with a forward-sliding canopy instead of the cabin doors. While wooden aircraft built sixty years ago using Casein glue should certainly be viewed with suspicion, the introduction of synthetic glues and fabrics such as Diatex, Ceconite and Oratex have ensured that a modern wooden aircraft can be as tough and durable as either metal or GRP−and also lighter. I have heard of Remorqueurs owned by French gliding clubs that have logged a phenomenal number of hours and tows. DR315 Petit Prince A development of the earlier DR221 with a tricycle landing gear and powered by a 115hp Lycoming O-235-C2A engine.