Metal Attraction. He doesn't treat the cannon fodder Vehicons as such, and even chats to them about romance and is sure to thank them for their hard work. The Decepticons were defeated once more, and ran off again. Starscream called Knock Out and Breakdown to the Nemesis to help fix Megatron.As they were on an energon trail at the time, only Knock Out initially turned up at the ship, and he was shocked at Megatron's condition. After some more fighting, Airachnid tried to make a getaway with the gauntlet and Bulkhead threw her at Breakdown. 2. Breakdown appears as an Escalation only character. Bulkhead is fighting Breakdown in a ghost town on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Eastern Russia after the two have a run-in while tracking an Energon signature. With Peter Cullen, Steve Blum, Jeffrey Combs, Sumalee Montano. During a fight with Bulkhead in an abandoned town, Breakdown is captured by MECH, who wish to dismantle him and research his inner workings. Breakdown witnessed Megatron's little temper-tantrum over getting pummeled by a newly powered-up Optimus Prime. Stop Galvatron's Rampage! He didn't treat the cannon fodder Vehicons as such, and even chatted to them about romance (his crush with Airachnid) and was sure to thank them for their hard work. At one point during the following battle, he got hold of the weapon and used it to hit Bulkhead with an oil derrick. be sure to wrap him up and put a little bow on him. Throughout their battles, the Autobots are aided by three human children, and with their help attempt to … capture Breakdown to take him apart and implement the gathered knowledge into their secret plans. They planned to incorporate the technology of Cybertronians to pursue their agenda for the world. Galvatron, not much for obeying anybody, ignored the order and set out to conquer in his own name as Grand Galvatron. Transformers: Prime focuses on the Autobots of "Team Prime", which consists of Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Arcee, Bumblebeeand Bulkhead. Directed by Shaunt Nigoghossian, David Hartman. Orion Pax, Part 1 Breakdown attempted to contact the Vehicons at the space bridge and, though he had trouble getting through at first, was told everything was fine. After breaking the fresco with Bulkhead's head, Breakdown proceeded to the Nemesis, where Soundwave located the device in a museum. A page for describing Recap: Transformers Prime S 1 E 16 Operation Breakdown. Some time later, Breakdown was chatting to a miner when Ratchet entered the cavern. Bulkhead is fighting Breakdown in a ghost town on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Eastern Russia after the two have a run-in while tracking an Energon signature. Transformers Prime is a 65-Episode Cartoon in the Transformers franchise. Silas Breakdown (Voyager, 2012-11-24) ID number: AM-24; Accessories: "Magi" Arms Micron Part of the eighth wave of TakaraTomy Prime toys, "Silas Breakdown" is a black and gray redeco/retool of AM-12 War Breakdown, and transforms into a massive armored truck. Breakdown remained at Megatron's side as he tamed Omega Supreme, gaining access to Cybertron's core and infecting it with Dark Energon. Knock Out, it turned out, had been street racing with the humans again. Breakdown continually expressed amazement and frustration at the seeming unstoppability of Omega Supreme, but Megatron's confidence was proven justified, as they sabotaged the means by which the giant had been repairing himself, apparently bringing him down. The two have become good friends in their long partnership, and seem to value each other as much as any pair of friends could. Breakdown never fought Optimus Prime, but almost attacked Optimus in One Shall Rise, Part 3. After breaking the fresco with Bulkhead's head, Breakdown proceeded to the Nemesis, where Soundwave located the device in a museum. Breakdown would also show some loyalty to those who saved his life. Breakdown's remains were salvaged, reassembled and used as a new body for Silas until his eventual death and Breakdown's corpse remained a corpse once more. Browse through and read tfp transformers prime breakdown stories and books This page was last modified on 11 February 2021, at 00:01. Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first season of Transformers: Prime with these special reissue figures. Seemingly unable to believe it despite having participated in the fight, Breakdown could only note, "Uh... all hail Megatron!" Even in defeat, however, Zeta Prime had put one over on the Decepticons, as they took from him not the Omega Key, but the device that activated it. Epiloge, Breakdown wore the powerful Apex Hunter Armor, which was armed and upgraded with ancient weaponry given by the Predacons. This new version of the character, referred to as Nemesis Prime -- a name familiar to longtime Transformers fans -- the new iteration of the fan-favorite Autobot aims to restore Cybertron by destroying our Earth. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. Originally a limited release figure in Japan in 2012, The Transformers: Prime War Breakdown is now available in the US for the first time. He reached an excavation site in Greece, where he encountered an old friend—Bulkhead—and spotted a depiction of an Energon Harvester on an ancient fresco. Cylas became a new form of Terrorcon who fed on a host's Energon, and the ensuing plague ravaged the Decepticons' ranks and numbers. Returning to the Nemesis, Breakdown bore silent witness to Starscream's "cosmetic punishment" of Knock Out. The MECH scientists managed to successfully fuse Silas into Breakdown's nervous and skeletal systems. CYLAS was not dissected and was used a lab rat for anything Knock Out could think of. Transformers: Prime, Breakdown had a long history with the Autobot known as Bulkhead, Deus ex Machina to the point one would call them "archenemies". Includes: War Breakdown and Vehicon figures, Zamu and Igu … Anonymous said: Breakdown / Ratchet / Optimus Prime were driving along the road at night in a forest area. Breakdown not only got to fight, but got to be on the winning side for a change. Though Breakdown was keen to GroundBridge out of there when the Autobots turned up, Knock Out reminded him that they were under orders to lead the Autobots on a chase so the foe would deplete their energon reserves. Though the Autobot fought back vigorously, Breakdown overcame him and was about to deliver the killing blow when he was zapped by an energy beam from a nearby helicopter. Breakdown was a Decepticon soldier and warrior. And the Key was cranky about being woken up from its nap. Thirst, Breakdown and Knock Out took over a TV studio which was filming Down and Out, and modified the course into a death trap which they then invited Optimus Prime and Bulkhead to take part in. T.M.I. In Transformers: Prime, Breakdown returns as an extremely young Decepticon bovver boy, who is the muscle for Megatron. Speed Metal, During a Decepticon plan to melt a glacier to find some energon, Breakdown was hanging around on the hull of the ship when Bulkhead and Arcee appeared nearby. Operation: Breakdown, When Starscream requested that Knock Out and Breakdown come to the Nemesis, Breakdown was much too busy trying to track down an energon trace. The two fought over it until Arcee and Bulkhead arrived and joined in the party. The pair were ready to take out some revenge until the arrival of more Autobots forced them to retreat. Grand Galvatron attacked Cybertron only to be separated into his components by Trailbreaker. CYLAS was mostly forced to test a version of Synthetic Energon which drove him into a fit of rage, which he was already held in restraints that kept him from attacking them. Though Bulkhead fights valiantly, Breakdown lays him flat with a hammer blow. Transformers Prime Arms Micron BREAKDOWN: EmGo's Transformers Reviews N' Stuff - Duration: 14:09. emgo316 507,389 views. While out scouting an energon source, Breakdown took the opportunity to ambush Bulkhead. The Decepticons, including Breakdown and Knock Out, hit a military base and managed to get away with the energy source they needed for their new space bridge, though they did accidentally let Arcee get on board the ship. Breakdown arrived on Earth, with his longtime partner and friend, Knock Out, three years after the Decepticons were last seen and shortly after their return. They even kidnapped Breakdown, removed and studied one of his optics, and then tortured him almost to the point of death. As soon as Arcee saw the ship, she knew who it was. The series tells the story of a small crew of Autobots defending Earth against the Decepticons, after their home planet Cybertron was rendered uninhabitable from their civil war. Wheeljack's Bizarre Invention! Two Giant Bases! Darkness Rising: Part 1 22m. They managed to crack open Omega's armor with the emplacements, causing him to crash, but the behemoth remained on his feet—literally, as he transformed to robot mode to continue the fight. Once there, however, he found himself under attack by Airachnid, who also coveted the device and made a failed attempt to trap him underground. Though Bulkhead fights valiantly, Breakdown lays him flat with a hammer blow. As it turns out, the box set DOES contain not one, but two molds never released in the US for Transformers Prime: War Breakdown and the jet Vehicon! They fled once the Harvester was destroyed and the other Autobots turned up. Breakdown declared if Megatron could prove to be tougher than he was, then he'd join the Decepticons. Far later, he, along with several Insecticon minions, are shown to be experim… Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 After their previous success, Breakdown and Knock Out went to secure the Forge of Solus Prime. After spending a short amount of time trying to unstick the webbing from his face, Breakdown pursued her, leaving Dreadwing webbed to a tree. Arcee insisted she didn't know the coordinates, but Airachnid didn't believe her and killed Tailgate. When Ratchet turned up and bashed their Vehicon escort around, Breakdown was ready to take on the newcomer, but he and Knock Out had to leave after the other Autobots attacked them. Breakdown again found himself fighting Bulkhead, but during a moments distraction, Bulkhead hit him with the Forge. After Megatron went to try and find Bulkhead, whose noggin held the data, Knock Out detected where Bulkhead was hiding out, and thus he and Breakdown went to the monster truck track. Breakdown was resurrected in a new combiner body as "Zombie War Breakdown", and he could serve as a limb to Grand Galvatron. The undead Decepticon's sheer malice attracted the attention of Unicron, Unite Warriors bio who would summon Breakdown, among others, to his universe to convince Galvatron to combine with them in lieu of using Unicron for his new "Grand Galvatron" body. She had come to Earth for her next souvenir. While there, Breakdown re-encountered Bulkhead and met his new human ally. Some time later, Breakdown was chatting to a miner when Ratchet entered the cavern. Deus ex Machina, Breakdown was buffing Megatron's corpse body when Starscream asked him where Knock Out was. Breakdown seemed most comfortable during their time in the train tunnels, even challenging Soundwave to a race. Much later still, Knock Out contacted him with the news that Bumblebee' human friend had been captured. As the Autobots had surrounded said museum, Knock Out and Breakdown drew them around to the front for a fight, where Breakdown caused Bumblebee and Arcee to collide with each other and sent Bulkhead flying into Knock Out. When Starscream requested that Knock Out and Breakdown come to the Nemesis, Breakdown was much too busy trying to track down an energon trace. On Knock Out's order, he jumped from the ship and started fighting the two Autobots, unaware that it was a diversion while Optimus Prime scaled a nearby cliff face. They came close to nearly dissecting Arcee but escaped when Agent Fowlerar… When Soundwave detected a magnetic signature, Breakdown saw the chance to redeem himself and insisted on being the one to retrieve the polarity gauntlet. After some more fighting, Airachnid tried to make a getaway with the gauntlet and Bulkhead threw her at Breakdown. Breakdown and Knock Out watched Soundwave and Airachnid dispute over whether Megatron would return from a visit with Unicron. He was defeated however, and sent running off. When it turned out Zeta Prime had moved it, Megatron lead them on a run-and-gun mission through the city to the Vaults itself. The Beautiful Flower Has Thorns? After Megatron secured the Forge, Breakdown retreated through the GroundBridge. Breakdown was a Decepticon soldier and warrior. Release year: 2010. Shockwave is first seen operating machinery in the middle of an Energon reservoir. However, these noble traits are tempered by his boisterous temper; always eager to join a fight or pound some dents into someone, even on his best days. See more ideas about transformers prime, transformers, transformers art. Orion Pax, Part 2, Sent with Knock Out to retrieve a hidden Cybertronian treasure, Breakdown was no doubt pleased to run into Bulkhead again. At that point, however, he was unable to continue repairing himself and his armor was badly damaged, allowing concentrated fire to finally overwhelm him. Following the embarrassing defeat of Devastator, Breakdown was one of those in charge of the Constructicons' tickle training. Later, Breakdown joined Megatron and Soundwave in the invasion of Iacon, attacking the Stellar Galleries behind the Autobot's front lines in order to acquire the Omega Key. Wheeljack's Bizarre Invention! Team Prime lives on Earth, three years after their last confrontation with Decepticons. Transformers: Prime is a multiple Daytime Emmy Award-winning computer-animated television series that premiered on The Hub on November 26, 2010 with a five-part mini-series, which was followed by a season of another 21 episodes beginning on February 11, 2011.Season 2 began screening February 18, 2012, and a third season of thirteen episodes with the subtitle Beast Hunters began … Transformers Online, Breakdown and the other Decepticons attempted to prevent the Autobots from constructing a Pulsar Dish, which would destroy the Energon Drain that the Decepticons had built in an asteroid field. This had the side-effect of bringing Breakdown's life signals back online, though they appeared corrupted to the Decepticon sensors. Returning to the Nemesis, Breakdown bore silent witness to Starscream's "cosmetic punishment" of Knock Out. They have learned about the existence of both the Autobots and Decepticons ever since their encounter with them in Convoy. He was present during Megatron's (brief) takeover of Metroplex, now wearing an eyepatch. 1. 14:09. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While there, Breakdown re-encountered Bulkhead and met his new human ally. After spending most of his time on Cybertron in a smaller form, the scout later upgraded to a bulkier, more threatening body following a clash with Bulkhead, a clash which initiated a heated rivalry between the two. Voice Actor: Adam Baldwin (English), Atsushi Imaruoka (Japanese), Fabio de Castro (Portuguese), Christoph Banken(German) Breakdown had a rivalry with Autobot Wrecker Bulkhead Deus ex Machina who committed crimes that have left Bulkhead very disturbed. Stronger, Faster, Breakdown and Knock Out watched Soundwave and Airachnid dispute over whether Megatron would return from a visit with Unicron. Though Bulkhead fights valiantly, Breakdown lays him flat with a hammer blow. He reached an excavation site in Greece, where he encountered an old friend—Bulkhead—and spotted a depiction of an Energon Harvester on an ancient fresco. Seemingly unable to believe it despite having participated in the fight, Breakdown could only note, "Uh... all hail Megatron!" Knock Out had no qualm about experimenting even further on Breakdown's corpse, believing that his deceased partner would approve of the situation's irony. Bulkhead is fighting Breakdown in a ghost town on the Kamchatka Peninsula in … After Starscream arrived and chased MECH off, he demanded Breakdown destroy Bulkhead. They managed to crack open Omega's armor with the emplacements, causing him to crash, but the behemoth remained on his feet—literally, as he transformed to robot mode to continue the fight. The pair teamed up again to transport energon around. Transformers Prime - Breakdown's Lucky Day - … Despite a level of skill to match any Decepticon warrior's, Breakdown is almost crippled by a persistent paranoia, especially when he is in crowds. a frightened man ran out to them right on the road and shouted "help me!" Breakdown responded by stating he was well and told him to keep up the good work before ending the call. When asked how he was doing, Breakdown replied with surprising kindness and sincerity, responding that he was fine, acknowledging the Vehicons' thankless job and encouraging them to keep up the good work. He alternatively shot laser blasts, unleashed energy waves and charged Optimus Prime throughout their battle. Breakdown continually expressed amazement and frustration at the seeming unstoppability of Omega Supreme, but Megatron's confidence was proven justified, as they sabotaged the means by which the giant had been repairing himself, apparently bringing him down. And the Key was cranky about being woken up from its nap. a frightened man ran out to them right on the road and shouted "help me!" Breakdown was very loyal to Megatron and the Decepticon cause, though not as firmly as Soundwave. When it turned out Zeta Prime had moved it, Megatron lead them on a run-and-gun mission through the city to the Vaults itself. Special Training in the Lava Baths of Planet Thrull! I want to tell you about the Transformers! Hurt, While Breakdown was offline, MECH worked to rebuild and partially repair his body. The rematch was short lived as Ratchet overpowered Breakdown. Nemesis Prime, Knock Out would continue to hunt Iacon relics in Breakdown's memory, Tunnel Vision though he missed Breakdown's buffing. Breakdown was eventually defeated, and, true to his word, he joined the Decepticons. When Soundwave detected a magnetic signature, Breakdown saw the chance to redeem himself and insisted on being the one to retrieve the polarity gauntlet. Megatronia Chapter Then Unicron showed up to conquer Cybertron himself, prompting the team to reform Grand Galvatron and participate in the battle with the Chaos-Bringer. Grand Galvatron Chapter While Breakdown was loyal to his new master, he sought to return to his universe and reunite with his partner. As the Autobots had surrounded said museum, Knock Out and Breakdown drew them around to the front for a fight, where Breakdown caused Bumblebee and Arcee to collide with each other and sent Bulkhead flying into Knock Out. As teased in a ton of the promotional material for Transformers: The Last Knight, franchise hero Optimus Prime has a mean streak in the fifth series outing. Autobot Central Command is located in a converted missile silo in Nevada provided by the United States government, with Special Agent William Fowler acting as their liaison. When Bulkhead turned up there to stop them, the two Decepticons attacked him but came off decidedly second-best, as Bulkhead managed to make Breakdown hit Knock Out by accident which allowed Bulkhead to steal Knock Out's Energon prod and use it to shock Breakdown into submission. These figures later became one of the … He came around to find himself a captive of the human organization MECH, the leader of which, Silas, informed him that they wanted to take him apart for his technology. See more ideas about transformers comic, transformers, transformers prime. Following the e… Kreon Story After Megatron wa… M.E.C.H. After utilizing Dark Energon bombers to blast their way into the Vaults, the squad came up against Zeta Prime himself. Breakdown is a supporting villain in the Transformers Aligned Universe, most notably, Transformers: Prime.. Breakdown was defiant, but the MECH technicians disabled his pain receptors and began dismantling him, including removing his right eye. It's a Knock-Out. Breakdown took to wearing an eye-patch as a reminder of his failure. Decepticon Strike. 1. This question was later answered, not by him in Predacons Rising, where his partner Knock Out, some few Vehicons and eventually Megatron himself left the Decepticons to start a new life. They elected to bring the remains back to base. Operation: Breakdown, Breakdown took to wearing an eye-patch as a reminder of his failure. Breakdown arrived on Earth, with his longtime partner and friend, Knock Out, three years after the Decepticons were last seen and shortly after their return. Quickly realizing that Arcee would resist the physical torture she used, Airachnid decided to employ a simpler threat: Tell her the attack coordinates of an impeding attack, or Tailgate dies. At one point during the following battle, he got hold of the weapon and used it to hit Bulkhead with an oil derrick. Directed by Todd Waterman, David Hartman. The Harvester was successfully obtained, and Breakdown and Knock Out accompanied Starscream to the energy vein in Greece to test it out. Dec 24, 2015 - Explore Vampire 892's board "BREAKDOWN TRANSFORMERS PRIME", followed by 174 people on Pinterest. Breakdown (Transformers) Breakdown is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. He also witnessed Megatron pummeling Knock Out after the latter's attempt to power-up Megatron went humiliatingly wrong. This led her to a flash back while she was in Airachnid's torture chambers on Cybertron. Cyclonus, the main component of Grand Galvatron, had the group undergo training by exposing them to the lava pools of Thrull, which Breakdown actually found enjoyable. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2, Breakdown was assigned to accompany Dreadwing and Airachnid on a mission, the purpose of which was to get rid of Airachnid. Knock Out and Breakdown were sent with some Vehicons to secure a Cybertronian data cylinder, which the Autobots were also after. However, Agent Fowler was able to talk with Breakdown into covering up things as the Autobots had taken over the space bridge. He was freed when the Autobots turned up and the gauntlet was triggered, yanking him off the wall. Breakdown's body was used as MECH's experiment when merging his remains with Silas who was seriously injured from when Nemesis Prime fell on him. When Megatron came back to the ship, Breakdown was on the bridge to greet him, though the others had to restrain him when he saw that Megatron was being accompanied by Optimus Prime whom Megatron addressed as "Orion Pax". Soundwave is a major antagonist in the Transformers Aligned, appearing in the Cybertron games, Transformers Prime, and Transformers: Robots in Disguise is the communications officer of the Decepticons who also acts as Megatron's spy in Transformers Prime.He can talk, but chooses not to, preferring to communicate through replayed voice recordings. He was able to hold his own against the two Autobots until Knock Out announced he was bugging out, and the distraction resulted in Breakdown being knocked into a wall by Bulkhead. Optimus Prime and Starscream both lead separate rescue missions to save Breakdown. Unfortunately for the pair, the death trap was less than deadly, and the two Autobots had brought Arcee, who shot the floor out from under the two Decepticons. Though he had shot another soldier for daring to contradict him verbally, Megatron probably realized Breakdown's last-ditch maneuver to avoid crashing into Omega Supreme against Megatron's orders had saved all their lives, and so did not summarily execute him. Breakdown was on Earth when he received Starscream's signal. On Knock Out's order, he jumped from the ship and started fighting the two Autobots, unaware that it was a diversion while Optimus Prime scaled a nearby cliff face. Shortly after being saved, Breakdown developed a crush on Airachnid, which developed into hatred once again as he had hated her when he first met her. Arc… Megatron is the main antagonist of the Transformers "Aligned" universe, serving as the main antagonist of the Transformers: War For Cybertron games and the 2010 animated series Transformers: Prime. A short time later, a MECH team discovered him in pieces. He was able to hold his own against the two Autobots until Knock Out announced he was bugging out, and the distraction resulted in Breakdown being knocked into a wall by Bulkhead. Knock Out wanted to avenge to his former partner by dissecting the human portion of CYLAS and Megatron was disgusted by the human-Cybertronian combination that CYLAS offered even wanted to join in exchange for the knowledge to use Damocles for Megatron. Originally a limited release figure in Japan in 2012, The Transformers: Prime War Breakdown is now available in the US for the first time. Yet even then, Omega Supreme was not defeated, badly damaged though he was. The Beautiful Flower Has Thorns? Eventually, Breakdown was captured by Mech and used for their nefarious purposes before he was saved by Bulkhead. Breakdown was initially reluctant, but Starscream talked him into it. As they lay dying and Starscream was about to finish them, Optimus Prime got the jump on him and shot Breakdown into the face of a mountainside, causing him to flee to fight another day. Optimus Power Up!? When Breakdown did join them, it was with news that he'd discovered an Energon Harvester was on Earth.As the Autobots had already surrounded the museum the device was in, Knock … At that point, however, he was unable to continue repairing himself and his armor was badly damaged, allowing concentrated fire to finally overwhelm him. Nor was Breakdown shot for his constant whining during the team's cat-and-mouse chase with Omega Supreme through the upper spires of Iacon towards a platform studded with some anti-air guns, which would hopefully give them a chance to fight back against the robot of unusual size. Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first season of Transformers: Prime with these special reissue figures. Stop Galvatron's Rampage! Bulkhead comes around to find Breakdown missing and Miko callin… As she went for his spark, she was surprised to see Silas. Knock Out had no guilt in experimenting on Breakdown's corpse as he thought his former partner would appreciate the irony. This distraction allowed Soundwave to sneak in the back and steal the Harvester. He does retained much of his original orginal personality as well as his original color scheme now similar to Superman, but he is much taller, muscular, threatening, uncontrollable, violent, and angrier than his previous incarnations. They eventually found Bulkhead, but the cylinder data was lost in the process. The Giant Soldier Devastator Appears! After spending a short amount of time trying to unstick the webbing from his fac… Optimus Power Up!? Breakdown seemed most comfortable during their time in the train tunnels, even challenging Soundwave to a race. He later returnsas the secondary antagonist in the television film Predacons Rising. Though he had shot another soldier for daring to contradict him verbally, Megatron probably realized Breakdown's last-ditch maneuver to avoid crashing into Omega Supreme against Megatron's orders had saved all their lives, and so did not summarily execute him. One Shall Rise, Part 3, The Decepticons, including Breakdown and Knock Out, hit a military base and managed to get away with the energy source they needed for their new space bridge, though they did accidentally let Arcee get on board the ship. He uses stickers for some of his details. Breakdown's quick temper proved their undoing, as Airachnid goaded him into attacking her. Breakdown was forced to return to the ship without the gauntlet, but made up for it by presenting Megatron with Airachnid, who had become stuck to his back. Two Giant Bases! He was stunned when he was rescued not by the Decepticons, but by Bulkhead. Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight! •Breakdown is definitely angry at those people and of course offers to “deal with them” •Cuddles and comfort when you get to the Nemesis ~Optimus Prime~ •He gets angry but doesn’t really show it, he stays calm and asks what happened •You explain and he asks if you’re okay •You’re not and you tell him so Breakdown attempted to contact the Vehicons at the space bridge and, though he had trouble getting through at first. Transformers: War for Cybertron, When Megatron and his Decepticons destroyed a dam they had been using, Breakdown confronted them. Breakdown finally cornered them and overwhelmed them with his missile launcher. Cylas made good use of Breakdown's body, at least until he failed Megatron and was consigned to Knock Out's dissection table. Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense, Enraged that Optimus Prime had defeated Knock Out in combat, Breakdown faced off against the Autobot leader resolved to destroy him. Breakdown was able to use the gauntlet to magnetically stick the two Autobots together, but while he was on his way back to the Nemesis, Airachnid ambushed him and webbed him to a derelict gas station.