[25][26], In 2004, the U.K. Kennel Club established the Accredited Breeders Scheme, which was later called the Assured Breeders Scheme (ABS). Considered by many as the best English Setter of all time, Ch. They are small to medium sized dogs about 25 inches tall and about 60 pounds on average. Fanchon English Setters: ' Where exterior qualities, health and hunting abilities still go together.' The basic work of setters was still to find and point to the location of game birds but it also had to be steady to shot. AKC Marketplace is the only site to exclusively list 100% AKC puppies from AKC-Registered litters and the breeders who have cared for and raised these puppies are required to follow rules and regulations established by the AKC. Adding an English Setter (or two) to your home is not like adding a Labrador retriever to your household. English Setters get on well with other dogs and people. A Better English Setter Rescue (ABESR), founded on March 10, 2014, is dedicated to rescuing English Setters from Shelters, Poor Living Conditions and helping those that may need to be re-homed for other reasons. A veteran all-breed dog handler says, “As a breed to share one’s life and living space with, no other breed gives me more pleasure than the English Setter.”. Sir Edward Laverack developed the English Setter from early French hunting dogs in the early 1800’s. Males decidedly masculine without coarseness. The English Setter originated in England in the 1300s and has been used for hunting game birds since the 1500s. Ideally this could be a daily vigorous run or play session in a large, securely fenced area. [56], An English Setter called "Countess" was the first gun dog to ever attain a Dual Champion title. PuppyFind® provides a convenient and efficient means of selecting and purchasing the perfect English Setter puppy (or English Setter puppies) from the comfort of your home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Markings--white ground color with intermingling of darker hairs resulting in belton markings varying in degree from clear distinct flecking to roan shading, but flecked all over preferred.Head and ear patches acceptable, heavy patches of color on the body undesirable. The body coat and feathering should be straight and flat but not profuse and never curly although a slight wave can be seen. Early authorities say the breed precedes the Pointer in development. [7], The base colour of the coat is white with differing coloured ticking also called flecks or speckling. It is one of the AKC’s four British setters created to work on the distinctly different terrains of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Carried straight and level with the back. [30][31], Some members of the breed may be affected by cancer and this was identified as the most common cause of death of English Setters in a survey undertaken by the Kennel Club; the age of death from this disease was mainly after reaching ten years of age. The English Setter Association aims to support those who own the breed as companions as well as those who wish to show their dogs. (gilt nur für Mitglieder) . [53][54] The FCI place them in section 2, British and Irish Pointers and Setters, of Group 7. An English Setter generally lives 11-15 years. Chest-deep, but not so wide or round as to interfere with the action of the forelegs. It is widely believed that they were produced by crossing English Springer … Free hunting dog classifieds for the upland bird hunter and wetland waterfowl hunter. They simply don't know. Brisket deep enough to reach the level of the elbow. A long-toothed metal dog comb can also come in handy for gently working through areas where tangles may be beginning to form. More traits and characteristics of the English Setter. Purcell Llewellyn of Wales. If there is even as little as 3 per cent "outcross," these few are inclined to feel that the dog is nothing but a rank plebeian. It has unconditional devotion to its whole family. [33][36][37], Writing in 1576, Dr Johannes Caius states: "There is also at this date among us a new kind of dogge brought out of Fraunce, and they bee speckled all over with white and black, which mingled colours incline to a marble blewe". Shoulder blades lie flat and meld smoothly with contours of body. Hip bones wide apart, hips rounded and blending smoothly into hind legs. Responsible breeders screen their breeding stock for health concerns such as elbow and hip dysplasia and deafness. Llewellin Setters are nothing more – and nothing less – than English Setters. [45] Laverack closely inbred to these two dogs for generations and his bloodline was successful in dog shows and as a working dog in field trials. Fans of the English Setter can find the best English Setter gifts at Animal Den. Find English Setter Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful English Setter information. (gilt nur für Mitglieder) . [63], When the American Kennel Club was established in 1878, English Setters, together with eight other sporting breeds, were accepted as the first pure-bred registrations by the Club. May 9, 2012 - MY PUPPY IS AN ENGLISH SETTER. Both traits are beneficial in the field: less feathering makes getting burs out of their coat easier and the spotting makes them easier to see in the field. The field or hunting type can be finer in build and construction than those from bench or show lines. He is mild-mannered and sensitive and loves to both give and receive affection. Furthermore, the craze for this particular strain that came to this country with the importation of the first "Llewellins" caused ninety per cent of the owners of all Setters that are not either distinctly Irish or Gordon, to refer to their dogs as "Llewellins". Regular trimming around the face, feet, and other areas can keep your English Setter looking neat. William Humphrey (1882–1963) inherited them from Llewellin in 1925 and continued them pure until his death in 1963. English Setter Baby Bib – Pawprints (Set of 2) $ 16.95 English Setter Baby Bib – US Theme (Set of 2) $ 16.95 English Setter Beach Towel – Patriotic (Black) It’s not a crazy question. Jim the Wonder Dog, described as a Llewellin setter, was said to have "possessed an occult power" and there is a bronze statue of him in a memorial garden on the square in Marshall, Missouri, built to commemorate him. [58], In the U.K., the breed has been successful at Crufts and secured the award of Best in Show in 1964, 1977 and 1988. Shoulders fairly close together at the tips. Get to know the breed: Male Height: 24-27 inches; Male Weight: 55-80 lbs. They represent a certain definite English Setter ancestry. Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. [3] Most setters are born with a natural proclivity to hunting. They are very placid, gentle and friendly and therefore get along well with kids of all ages. English Setters are very affectionate dogs. Wer sich für einen English Setter entscheidet, muss sich darüber im klaren sein, dass er einen hochpassionierten Jagdhund zu sich nimmt, und sollte ihm die Möglichkeit geben, diese Neigungen auszuleben. Our Founders, Boards Members and Volunteers have over 15 years experience of saving dogs. [8][9] The use of the word "belton" was first coined by Laverack, who developed the breed in the 19th century, to describe his ideal for flecking and is also the name of a village in the extreme north of England. Markings--white ground color with intermingling of darker hairs resulting in belton markings varying in degree from clear distinct flecking to roan shading, but flecked all over preferred.Head and ear patches acceptable, heavy patches of color on the body undesirable. [72], "Laverack" redirects here. A fully-grown male English setter stands 63-68cm tall and weighs 29-36kg. [32] Life expectancy is between 11 and 12 years, though 13 to 15 years is not uncommon. His colours were given as black, white and tan. [39][40], By the 17th century setters, or "setting dogges", had become established and were widespread on British estates, although the evolution into the more specific individual breeds of setters occurred at a later date. The English Setter has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. Setter bei der Arbeit - Fotos vom Arbeitsplatz : Jene, die wir nie vergessen werden : Wenn auch Du Deinen Setter hier präsentieren willst, so schick uns bitte die Daten und ein Foto! English Setters are sensible, good-natured, and devoted companions. List your kennel with us and advertise that you are a breeder, trainer or handler. [27] The scheme received UKAS accreditation in April 2013. Its trot is ground-covering and effortless, with the head held proudly and a lively tail. Once the dog has indicated where the birds are by freezing on point, on command it would then slowly creep forward to disturb the birds into flight. Nails should be trimmed once a month, and a bath every four to six weeks keeps the English Setter’s coat and skin clean and healthy. Though he had bought his dogs from Laverack, Llewellyn’s focus was on field performance, unlike Laverack, who is mostly associated with the show Setter. [3][33], The scent of game birds is airborne so to pick up this scent the setter carries its head well up and should never follow foot scent. The English Setter Association of America, Inc. is the official AKC Parent Club representing the English Setter in the US. Setter Ridge Kennels . The little known Newfoundland Setter is a combination of the Irish, Gordon and English Setter. Our affordably priced English Setter merchandise includes blankets, T-shirts, caps, fashion jewelry and other handsomely crafted English Setter merchandise celebrating this playful family-friendly dog breed. Breeders and exhibitors of top ranked champion English Setter show dogs, and healthy, happy pets. Get to know the breed: Male Height: 24-27 inches; Male Weight: 55-80 lbs. [4] The top of the ears (sometimes the ears are referred to as "leathers") are positioned in line with the eyes and lie in an elegant fold. The ears should be checked regularly for signs of infection. Toes closely set, strong and well arched. [6], The main body coat is short to medium length, lies flat and has a silky texture. Furthermore, the craze for this particular strain that came to this country with the importation of the first "Llewellins" caused ninety per cent of the owners of all Setters that are not either distinctly Irish or Gordon, to refer to their dogs as "Llewellins". The English Setter is an elegant and athletic hunting dog with the ability to run tirelessly at a good pace. [1], The bench or show type has a long, flowing coat that requires regular grooming. The handsome Sei is a 5 year old male English Setter. English Setters constantly crave human companionship. Their trot is ground covering and effortless, with the head held proudly and a lively tail. Number 1 ES in Canada, #1 bitch in the US in 2008. All rights reserved. “What kind of breed is that?” your fellow dog admirers might ask you, eager to hear what you’ve got to say. Teach Your English Setter To Respect You "Respect Training" is the dog training method I use and recommend for training English Setters. From the best available information, it appears that the English Setter was a trained bird dog in England more than 400 years ago and there are works of art created in the early 15th century showing dogs that are discernible as being of a “setter type”. The coat features flecks of colour, and the different colour varieties are referred to as belton. Clinton, WA 98236 . Number 1 ES in Canada, #1 bitch in the US in 2008. [1][2] The breed was designed to hunt game such as quail, pheasant, and grouse so should be able to cover a lot of ground when seeking the airborne scent of the birds, carrying its head high. The English Setter diet will need to include animal proteins and healthy carbs for energy, vitamins and minerals for digestive and immune health, and omega fatty acids for coat and skin wellness. Friendly and excellent with children, they are easy going, loving all the affection they can get. Armstrong's Dash II and later Fd.Ch.Ch Dashing Bondhu. Friendly and excellent with children, they are easy going, loving all the affection they can get. [19], Dogs, both pedigree and cross breeds, can be affected with genetic problems. Hock joints have no tendency to turn in or out when standing or gaiting. [5] It has a long muscular neck, well angled shoulders and a brisket of good depth. Their flowing locks are their defining feature, giving them an elegant profile. Fans of the English Setter can find the best English Setter gifts at Animal Den. Another prominent figure in this breed’s development was R. LL. In the 18th century, firearms replaced the nets and further selective breeding developed an upright point in Setters, the better to see the dog from a distance. Weight / Height: The male English Setter dog breed’s height is around 25 – 27 inches and weighs around 65 and 80 pounds. It thieves on human companionship or with other dogs. It has unconditional devotion to its whole family. Arm flat and muscular. The word “belton,” unique to the breed, describes the speckled coat patterns of colors that sound good enough to eat: liver, lemon, and orange among them. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. They are very placid, gentle and friendly and therefore get along well with kids of all ages. [50], The field type and show type English Setter look very different, even though they are the same breed. English setters are very sociable dogs. Myers of Blue Bar Kennels in Pennsylvania played a major role in the development of the English Setter in the states. Finally, you can avoid some negative traits by training your English Setter to respect you and by following the 11-step care program in my book, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy. 7009 Heggenes Road . Find puppies for sale, started dogs for sale and finished dogs from all sorts of different pointing breeds, retrieving breeds and flushing breeds.. https://www.akc.org/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, https://www.akc.org/subscription/thank-you. Nearly round, fairly large, neither deepset nor protruding. [67] In 2015 registrations fell to 289 resulting in a return to the Vulnerable Native Breeds list for 2016. Recommended Health Tests from the National Breed Club: Read the Official Breed Club Health Statement. Overall appearance, balance, gait, and purpose to be given more emphasis than any component part. He is scared of people he … Even in Italy, however the breed is in sharp decline, going from 20,999 registrations in 2002, to 14510 registrations in 2011. Free hunting dog classifieds for the upland bird hunter and wetland waterfowl hunter. The English Setter is ranked no. Of moderate length, slightly rounded at the ends, moderately thin leather, and covered with silky hair. Let’s find out if an English Setter is for you! Clinton, WA 98236 . It is a beautiful, graceful, elegant, slim setter with a unique speckled coat. English Setter Zuchtstätte - wir züchten English Setters mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Gesundheit, Schönheit und jagdlichen Fähigkeiten - als einzige Zuchtstätte in Österreich aus rein amerikanischen Blutlinien. A dog who respects you will do what you say and will stop what he's doing when you tell him "No." It was founded in 1951 and has around 700 members worldwide. These dogs were originally called "setting dogges" for the way that they set themselves in a crouch as they pointed out fowl to hunters. English Setter Zuchtstätte - wir züchten English Setters mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Gesundheit, Schönheit und jagdlichen Fähigkeiten - als einzige Zuchtstätte in Österreich aus rein amerikanischen Blutlinien. Many owners don’t have access to such an area, however, so they may ride a bicycle with their English Setter alongside on a leash, jog with him, or take him for long walks or hikes. The field or hunting type has a shorter coat that requires less grooming. Healthy You, Healthy Dog, Healthy New Year! (360) 661-1142 setterridge@englishsetter.com Sir Edward Laverack developed the English Setter from early French hunting dogs in the early 1800’s. Finally, you can avoid some negative traits by training your English Setter to respect you and by following the 11-step care program in my book, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy. They are small to medium sized dogs about 25 inches tall and about 60 pounds on average. (360) 661-1142 setterridge@englishsetter.com The English Setter was bred from French hunting dogs in England in the 18th Century, taking its name from the position the dog would assume when it discovered game a crouching or setting stance. English Setter Kennel - we breed English Setters with emphasis on health, beauty and working abilities - as the only kennel in Austria out of pure American blood lines. Larger and more muscular toward the shoulders, with the base of the neck flowing smoothly into the shoulders. As puppies they’re especially curious about everything, so remember to keep valuable or dangerous items out of reach. "[29] As at March 2013, breeders of English Setters who are members of the ABS must screen for hip dysplasia. This style of hunting at the time would then require the hunter to cast a net in the area, sometimes covering the dog as well, and flush and harvest the birds that were ensnared. Adding an English Setter (or two) to your home is not like adding a Labrador retriever to your household. When you own a dog of a specific and pure breed, admit it: part of you wants to be the kind of owner who gets approached. An English Setter's tail has long feathering. Setter bei der Arbeit - Fotos vom Arbeitsplatz : Jene, die wir nie vergessen werden : Wenn auch Du Deinen Setter hier präsentieren willst, so schick uns bitte die Daten und ein Foto! Breeds are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or a common heritage. Dieser Dienst ist selbstverständlich kostenlos! The English Setter consists of the Llewellin, Lavarack and the Ryman. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, 25-27 inches (male), 23-25 inches (female), 65-80 pounds (male), 45-55 pounds (female). [37][41], The modern English Setter owes its appearance to Edward Laverack (1800–1877), who developed his own strain of the breed by careful breeding during the 19th century in England and to another Englishman, R. Purcell Llewellin (1840–1925), who founded his strain using Laverack's best dogs and outcrossed them with the Duke, Rhoebe and later Duke's littermate Kate bloodlines with the best results.[10]. [13] English Setters are energetic, people-oriented dogs, that are well suited to families who can give them attention and activity,[14] or to working with a hunter, where they have a job to do. [44], Around 1826, Reverend A Harrison of Carlisle in Cumbria sold a male dog called "Ponto" and a female named "Old Moll" to Laverack and this pair formed the foundation of his English Setters. Dieser Dienst ist selbstverständlich kostenlos! English Setter Kennel - we breed English Setters with emphasis on health, beauty and working abilities - as the only kennel in Austria out of pure American blood lines. The coat is flat, with feathering on the ears, underside, backs of legs, underside of thighs, and tail. History. [66] However, during 2012 the number of English Setter puppies registered increased to 314, so the breed was moved to the Kennel Club's "At Watch" list, which is for breeds with registrations from 300–450. English Setters were one of the first 9 breeds registered in America in 1878, and were recognized by the AKC when it was founded in 1884. For other uses, see, "Breed information centre – the English setter", "Breed-Specific Deafness Incidence In Dogs (percent)", "Kennel Club Accredited Breeder Scheme changes its name to Assured Breeder Scheme", "UKAS accreditation for KC's Assured Breeder Scheme", "Breed-specific requirements and recommendations including health screening", "Summary results of the purebred dog health survey for English Setters", "CKC Breeds & Abbreviations, Group 1, Sporting", "Regulations for entries in the Stud Book, Champions and Warrants", "Looking Back: The 1938 Westminster Kennel Club Show", "UK native dog breeds 'at risk of extinction, "Comparative tables of registrations for the years 2002 – 2011 inclusive", "2015 registrations show slight fall – two more breeds become 'vulnerable, "Statistiche della popolazione canina iscritta all'ENCI", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=English_Setter&oldid=999061293, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 08:49. Bone substantial but not coarse and muscles hard and devoid of flabbiness. One of the oldest gundog breeds, this dog proved to be an agile and effective worker. Yet in ninety per cent of these cases, the dogs so referred to are not of the Llewellin strain at all. There is evidence that the English Setter originated in crosses of the Spanish Pointer, large Water Spaniel, and English Springer Spaniel, which combined to produce an excellent bird dog with a high degree of proficiency in finding and pointing game in open country. PuppyFind® provides a convenient and efficient means of selecting and purchasing the perfect English Setter puppy (or English Setter puppies) from the comfort of your home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 5) Winks President Franklin D. Roosevelt owned at least seven dogs while in the White House, one of whom was an English Setter named Winks. See more ideas about english setter, english setter dogs, dogs. There must be no less than 16 runners entered; and a Dual Champion – the highest award available to setters – is a dog who has achieved the titles of Show Champion and Field Trial Champion. Hips-croup nearly flat. He was handed in to the shelter by a hunter who said he wasn’t good enough at hunting. Flat without curl or wooliness. “He has an elegant head with a well-defined stop and soft and intelligent expression.” English Setters also have long, silky coats, which is a dead giveaway for the breed. English Setters constantly crave human companionship. The English Setter is a medium-sized sporting dog of sweet temper and show-stopping good looks. This means these dogs are above average intelligence and require fewer repetitions to learn things. Arousing this kind of attention appeals to our vanity, sure, but it also underlies a very deep appreciation for the variety and pure breeding that occurs within the world of dogs. Tapering to a fine point with only sufficient length to reach the hock joint or slightly less. Among the extra requirements is "Ensuring that the parents of each litter are readily identifiable by either Microchip, Tattoo or DNA profile. 5) Winks President Franklin D. Roosevelt owned at least seven dogs while in the White House, one of whom was an English Setter named Winks. The English Setter is one of the oldest breeds of gun dogs. The English Setter is an elegant and athletic dog with the ability to run tirelessly at a good pace. English setters are very sociable dogs. [47] The working setter Count Noble descended from these early imports and is commemorated in the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh. [37], English Setters were especially popular in the UK during the 1960s, 70s and 80s and registrations of puppies reached 1344 during 1974. Evidence in sportsmen’s writings suggest the English Setter was originally produced from crosses of the Spanish pointer, the large water spaniel, and the Springer Spaniel. Dogs that show excitement and interest in birds are described as being "birdy", and trainers look for puppies that show this particular trait. Early authorities say the breed precedes the Pointer in development. This means the best food for an English Setter is premium dry kibble, as it contains portions of all these ingredients--nutrients your ES needs to live a longer, healthier, happier life. Once the birds were in flight the hunter who had been following the dog would release hawks to capture the birds in the air. And the breed loves to “counter surf”—try to not leave tempting food items within reach, and use positive training to discourage the behavior. The 19th century saw a divergence of Setters into different breeds, evolving based on their location and the terrain in which they hunted. These are Show Champion (Sh Ch) which is awarded to dogs who have won three Challenge Certificates (CCs) under three different judges with at least one CC won after 12 months of age; Champion (Ch) is the title gained by dogs who have won a Sh Ch title plus a field trial award, Diploma of Merit or a Show Gundog Working Certificate; Field Trial Champion (Ft Ch) means the dog has won a pointer or setter open stake or two first prizes at two different stakes under two different A Panel judges. Topline-in motion or standing appears level or sloping slightly downward without sway or drop from withers to tail forming a graceful outline of medium length. The English Setter consists of the Llewellin, Lavarack and the Ryman. Long silky coat – usually called "feathering", forms fringes on the outside of the ears, neck, chest, down the back of the front legs, under the belly and on the back legs. Llewellin Setters are simply English Setters that trace back to two particular English Setters. [18] Their temperament is considered to be gentle and as English Setters can be very sensitive to criticism, positive reinforcement training methods using treats and praise work best when undertaking basic training. List your kennel with us and advertise that you are a breeder, trainer or handler.