According to Billboard, the record was clinched by “Rap God,” Eminem’s rapid-fire hit which is said to have a whopping 1,560 words squeezed into just over 6 minutes. På det Juice WRLD-gæstede nummer ’Godzilla’ fra Eminems seneste album, ’Music to Be Murdered By’, har Eminem med sit tredje vers begået sit hurtigste nogensinde, hvormed han er strøget direkte ind og har scoret en Guiness World Records-rekord. Reperi ka thyer rekord të ri botëror me këngën e tij ‘Godzilla’ ku ai thotë 339 fjalë për 30 sekonda. receiving the newsletter at any time by sending an e-mail to As Billboard reports, Eminem’s Rap God is the holder of this record, with Marshall Mathers working his way through 1,560 words in 6’04”, at an average of 4.28 words per second. Watch Queue Queue Working with a retained accessibility consultant, it is planning to implement over time the Eminem překonal svůj vlastní světový rekord a na první příčku v rychlosti rapu posunul track Godzilla s Juice WRLDem. Eminem har igen omfavnet sin gakkede og helt specielle stil, der var med til at sætte hans musikvideoer på verdenskortet tilbage i starten af 00'erne. Fans Made Their Choice, Sergio Ramos Lifts His Spirit With Eminem’s Classic, Eminem Joins Tom Brady’s Super Bowl Celebration, Treach Will Only Trust His Solo Album To Eminem And Shady Records, Eminem Met With Big Daddy Kane, New Interview Is Coming, Ms. Eminem prekonal svoj vlastný svetový rekord a na prvú priečku v rýchlosti rapu posunul track Godzilla s Juice WRLDom Viktor Kniš 24. január 2020, 14:54 Eminem has reportedly set a new Guinness World Record for having the most words in a hit song. (WCAG 2.0 AA) as its web accessibility standard or other standards to the extent required by the Americans Eminem je iznenadio svoje obožavaoce kada je prošle nedjelje nenajavljeno objavio svoj jedanaesti solo album Music to be Murdered By. Det er særdeles tydeligt på musikvideoen til tracket Godzilla (Nummeret der også slog rapperens egen rekord, med en mundkanon på 2229 ord i … This is the first time in a long time I can recall hearing about words-per-second in reference to anything other than typing but I guess that’s a testament to how f’n fast Eminem … That means Em could've broken his own record. as screen readers and screen magnifiers, and with users with disabilities who use these technologies. Alternatively, you can object to … or call +49 (0)30 235 908 500. Eminem.Pro – the biggest and most trusted source of Eminem, EMINEM PRODUCTION LIST [Update Dec 8, 2013], Full list of songs featuring Eminem (1996-2018), The full list of Eminem’s awards (1999-2018), Eminem In Top 10 Most-Streamed Male Artists Of The Week On Spotify, Eminem — “Not Alike” feat. Eminem ka thyer rekord me këngën ‘Godzilla’.Eminem dy ditë më parë kishte lansuar albumin e tij të ri ‘Music to be murdered by’ dhe menjëherë fitoi pëlqimin e publikut.Reperi ka thyer rekord të ri botëror me këngën e tij ‘Godzilla’ ku ai thotë 339 fjalë për 30 sekonda.Që i bie 11.3 rrokje p Godzilla je prikladno nazvana prema ogromnom, destruktivnom i agresivnom mutiranom čudovištu koje je uništilo Tokyo. 2 févr. Out of the top twenty most-viewed videos, three artists have more than one video listed: BTS has six entries, Blackpink has four and Taylor Swift has two. It was released as a single on January 31, 2020, from Eminem's eleventh studio album Music to Be Murdered By (2020). Eminem’s stomping on civilians in this track, not just lyrically, but with fire-blazing fast killer wordplay that surpasses Rap God’s performance and sets another world record. Auf ganz Twitter veröffentlichen Fans ihre Meinung zu dem Album und zu dem Track. It contains references to previous conflicts in Eminem's career, as well as to other rappers' conduct. Među mnogim ljubiteljima poznatog repera, jedna pjesma sa ovog izdanja se već izdvojila kao omiljena. address for this purpose at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according In September 2019, YouTube changed their policy on video view counts and excluded paid advertising views from future 24-hour statistics. Film trailers are excluded here. One verse of the song in particular, starting at the 4:25 mark in the video below, has left fans dumbstruck with its tongue-tying … The previous title was held by his 2013 track "Rap God," which contained 157 syllables in 16.3 seconds and equates to 9.6 syllables per second. be aware that our efforts are ongoing. So hat ein anderer User geschrieben: „#Godzilla von @Eminem ist 100% noch schneller als Rap God… Das ist doch nicht mehr normal! In particular, they become Godzilla, a fictional sea monster Eminem má na konte nový svetový rekord 229 slov za 30 sekúnd. On ‘Rap God’, Eminem’s fastest verse is broken down to 9.6 syllables-per-second. U pitanju je Godzilla, u kojoj je Eminem navodno oborio rekord … Men én ting er sikker: Han er hurtig ad helvede til på en mikrofon. Fit Claims Eminem Dissed Her On “Zeus”. W swoim utworze pt. It´s 11.3 syllables per second (on ‘Majesty’ and “Rap God” he spits 1.0 and 1.7 syllables respectively). "Rap God" is a song by American rapper Eminem. On the third verse of ‘Godzilla’, Eminem raps 229 words in 30 seconds. According to Genius , Eminem's third verse on "Godzilla" is so ridiculously fast it might now hold the title of fastest rap song ever. If, at any time, you have specific questions or concerns about the He set a record with Godzilla track where the fastest rapper ever spits 339 syllables in 30 seconds. Triple time. Eminem dy ditë më parë kishte lansuar albumin e tij të ri ‘Music to be murdered by’ dhe menjëherë fitoi pëlqimin e publikut, shkruan Eminem’s surprise 11th studio album, Music to be Murdered By, arrived last week, and his Juice WRLD collaboration, “Godzilla,” is looking like a breakout hit. Viktor Kniš 24. leden 2020, 14:54 Watch Queue Queue. Eminem se stvarno potrudio oko nje i Juice WRLD koji se našao na hooku je upotpunio pjesmu na pravi način. Each newsletter contains an unsubscribe link. Top videos. If you do encounter an accessibility issue, please specify the Web page(s) to access is sought, and we will make all reasonable efforts to make that page accessible for you. Meget kan man sige om Eminem og hans seneste års bedrifter. "Godzilla" is a song by American rapper Eminem featuring American rapper Juice Wrld. From Rap God to Godzilla. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Među mnogim ljubiteljima poznatog repera, jedna pjesma sa ovog izdanja se već izdvojila kao omiljena. !“ Ein weiterer Twitter-Post: „Heilige… #Eminem hat es mit #Godzilla wieder gezeigt. By Dominique Mosbergen. Again. When Eminem's new album Music to Be Murdered By reached the masses last week, it apparently smashed a new world record. He set a record with Godzilla track where the fastest rapper ever spits 339 syllables in 30 seconds. His "Godzilla" verse also surpassed his 2018 feature on Nicki Minaj's "Majesty," where he packed 123 syllables (or 85 words) in 12 seconds, averaging about 7.08 words each second. The song premiered via YouTube on October 14, 2013, and was released in the United States on October 15, 2013, as the third single from Eminem's eighth studio album, The Marshall Mathers LP 2 (2013). Eminem má pěkně hbitý jazýček. It´s 11.3 syllables per second (on ‘Majesty’ and “Rap God” he … Our website will be tested on a periodic basis with assistive technology such Again. Support the album and listen to the track: Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. That breaks out to 7.6 words-per-second or 11.3 syllables-per-second. with Disabilities Act (”ADA”). Eminem hit an all time high. Eminem është një ndër artistët më të vlerësuar në botë për muzikën që e bën.Së fundi Eminem ka lansuar albumin ‘’Music To Be Murdered By’’, transmeton Gazeta Sinjali. Eminem and late rapper Juice WRLD team up for the first time on “Godzilla,” where they compare themselves to monsters. The song was Juice Wrld's first posthumous release following his death in December 2019. The company is committed to facilitating the accessibility and usability of its Web site for all people with Eminem hit an all time high. to the basic tariffs. relevant portions of the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA disabilities. Për një kohë të shkurtër pas publikimit ai është rënditur në vendin e parë në të gjithë botën në ITunes. This women are 16 years from georgian.if u need more video sub me thanks for whatching Eminem's 11th album, Music to Be Murdered By, surprise-dropped on January 17, and it's on its way to becoming his 10th No. According to Genius, Eminem's third verse on "Godzilla" is so ridiculously fast it might now hold the title of fastest rap song ever. U pitanju je Godzilla, u kojoj je Eminem navodno oborio rekord … regularly about similar products without prior explicit consent. Royce Da 5’9 Certified Silver in UK, Eminem and Obie Trice Referenced On “Judas and the Black Messiah” Soundtrack by Hit-Boy, “Gnat” or “Godzilla”? Me këngën ‘’Godzilla’’ Eminem ka thyer një […] Eminem je iznenadio svoje obožavaoce kada je prošle nedjelje nenajavljeno objavio svoj jedanaesti solo album Music to be Murdered By.Među mnogim ljubiteljima poznatog repera, jedna pjesma sa ovog izdanja se već izdvojila kao omiljena. This video is unavailable. Eminem’s latest hit, “Godzilla,” doesn’t hold a record…yet. Відзначимо, що попередній рекорд співак встановив з Нікі Мінаж і репером Labrinth в пісні Majesty. Following last week's surprise release of Eminem's 11th studio album Music to be Murdered By, "Godzilla" has become a breakout hit and a world speed record setter. Following last week's surprise release of Eminem's 11th studio album Music to be Murdered By, "Godzilla" has become a breakout hit and a world speed record Congratulations, Marshall with your new achivement! Eminem je iznenadio svoje obožavaoce kada je prošle nedjelje nenajavljeno objavio svoj jedanaesti solo album Music to be Murdered By. The verse is around 31 seconds long, comprises 224 words containing 330 syllables, which amounts to 10.65 syllables (or 7.23 words) per second. Eminem korábban már megkapta a Guinness rekorder minősítést a Rap God című számáért, ott 9.6 szót mondott ki egyetlen másodperc alatt, ezzel hivatalosan is a leggyorsabb rapper lett. I almost pictured Godzilla from the 1998 film while listening to this massacre. Eminem jest właścicielem rekordu Guinnessa o tytule ‘fastest hit rap-song’. Eminem brachte vor Kurzem völlig überraschend ein neues Album „Music to be murdered by“ raus. Eminem Set a New World Record Spitting 229 Words In 30 Seconds On “Godzilla”. Please You can object to the use of your e-mail 1 album on the Billboard 200 albums chart, with around 280,000 album sales so far and counting. Eminem – Godzilla ft. Juice WRLD: дивіться кліп онлайн . در آپارات وارد شوید تا ویدیوهای و کانال‌های بهتری بر اساس سلیقه شما پیشنهاد شود وارد شوید Ve skladbě Rap God dokáže vyřknout na 1560 slov, a to během 6 minut, takže zde rapuje rychlostí 4,28 slova za jednu sekundu. Eminem má na konte nový svetový rekord Eminem má na konte nový svetový rekord Bitmanove slová musí najprv niekto zvládnuť spočítať, v každom prípade však nie je veľa iných kolegov zo sveta, ktorí by to zvládli lepšie. 2015 - A verse on Eminem's track "Godzilla" ft. Juice WRLD, which features on new album 'Music To Be Murdered By' has just smashed a world record. Uvidíme, zda Eminem tento rekord v dohledné době ještě překoná. Trigger happy, pack heat, but it’s black ink Eminem Set a New World Record Spitting 229 Words In 30 Seconds On “Godzilla”, *If you submitted your e-mail address and placed an order, we may use your e-mail address to inform you U pitanju je Godzilla, u kojoj je Eminem navodno oborio rekord … accessibility of any particular Web page on our website, please contact us at Last Friday, Eminem released his 11th studio album, Music to Be Murdered By, with no preceding promotion. Takav efekt otprilike ima i pjesma. "Godzilla" pobił poprzedni rekord, który z resztą sam ustanowił utworem "Rap God".