If you are not familiar with that playstyle, check out the very first Onmyo Magic Build – The Switch Glaive. The Splitstaff is also good for applying abnormal statuses to the enemies thanks to it’s multi-hit on Extended mode. Saturated enemies and has a powerful attack that can poison enemies. Splitstaff scale primarily off of the Magic Stat, but also scales off of Courage and Strength. Recommended Articles "Discover Nioh 2's Best Weapon Types through our Tier List!" Switchglaive. The idea here is you want things that are going to boost your damage with Unruly Revolution, and things that will improve your Block effectiveness. These bonuses have a strong focus on Onmyo Magic Power, which in turn enhance your gameplay with Splitstaff. Untouched Onmyo will allow your spells to go further since it won’t consume a use sometimes. Ki management is important to this Build, and even though Magic increases your damage more than Courage, you will struggle without the Ki Recovery. You’ll also want Damage Boost: Magic to slap on your Unruly Revolution so be sure to get it as well. You can combine Genmei Armor Set for a boost to your Onmyo Magic Power, along with some general Melee Armor Set. The Watery Devotion Build uses a combination of Water magic, and the newly added Splitstaff Weapon to deal decent damage to enemies while tanking anything they can dish out. Play defensively and look for your openings to counter attack, letting the enemy make the first move when you can. You can check out our previous guide on Onmyo Magic Build for Switchglaive. All these things are nice to have here, and the added damage from getting hit doesn’t hurt either, since you will be hit sometimes with this Build. Special Finesse: Invigorate will increase your Ki Recovery after using a Burst Counter, and Special Finesse: Refresh will replenish a ton of Ki after performing one, so be sure to get these when you can. If you picked Benkei’s Armor, you will need around 60 Stamina to accumulate his full armor set. "Recommended Skills and Stat Builds for each Weapon Type Now Available!" You won’t be able to get all of these, but I’ve listed them in order of priority. This time, Splitstaff armor set is the Benkei’s armor set. I like to use Water spells for this Build so I take Water Talisman and Water Shot Talisman early on, but you can use Lightning Shot Talisman and Fire Shot Talisman as well since you won’t have any focus on one element early on. Nioh 2 Builds: Watery Devotion (Splitstaff) Utilise Medium Armor, Onmyo Magic and the new Splitstaff weapon with this Nioh 2 Watery Devotion Build perfect for late game. Splitstaff are Weapons in Nioh 2 and information about their stats is shown below. Senior Editor at Fextralife. These talismans can be used to give you a better advantage in fight. Another good clan is the one with Change to Life Stamina and 2% more damage for every piece of Heavy armor. Even with 99 Stamina, wearing this armor set still make. Looking for a Splitstaff build for Nioh 2? Barrier Talisman is the only other spell you really need because it boosts Ki Recovery by a ton! In this DLC, Nioh 2 also introduces Splitstaff – a new weapon that can change between two forms: Splitstaff scale with Magic – Same scale with Switch Glaive. I enjoy gaming, playing and watching sports, cooking yummy food, watching a good movie and hanging out with Fex. Depend on your choice of Armor, you can then pick another secondary stat on NG+ (Dream of the Strong – DoS) & NG++ (Dream of the Demon – DoD). The main Armor set in the DLC that scale with Splitstaff is Benkei’s Armor, If you want to use this one, then Stamina is the must-have stat. As Splitstaff scale with Magic, below armor sets can be a good pick to boost your elemental damage. Splitstaff is the latest weapon for Nioh 2 – The Action RPG set… Nioh 2 Splitstaff Build Guide – The Warrior Monk Reincarnate, Nioh 2 Build Guide – Switchglaive Build – Onmyo Glaive Master [2020], Nioh 2 Build Guide – Level Up Stat Calculator, Nioh 2 Splitstaff Build | Warrior Monk reincarnate, Nioh 2 Splitstaff Build | Best Skills for Splitstaff, Nioh 2 Splitstaff Build – Onmyo Magic Tree, Nioh 2 Build Guide – Hatchet Build – The Fire God, Nioh 2 Build Guide – Dual Sword Build – The Cross Swordsman 2.0, Nioh 2 Build Guide – Spear – Thousand Thrust, Nioh 2 Build Guide – Kusarigama – Ninja Warrior Build, MHW Alatreon Guide – Tips and Trick for beating Alatreon, Top Hammers in MHW Iceborne [Pre Fatalis], Best Wild Rift Champions | Miniguides for each role, Ghost of Tsushima Legends | Hunter Build Guide, Nioh 2 Fist Build | Dragon Ninja’s Apprentice, MHW Best Hunting Horn Build [Fatalis & AT Velkhana Meta], MHW Fatalis Great Sword Build [Fatalis & AT Velkhana Meta]. For example, you can pick Fire Talisman and Water Shikigami for bosses that are susceptible to all those two elements. This works by holding down the attack buttons (Square or Triangle) when performing a combo. Both Law of Lethality (Increase damage on extended attacks) and Law of Largesse (Increase number of hits) can be switched depending on your liking, for a more general playstyle, Law of Lethality is often use. The first skill you want to get as quickly as you can is Unruly Revolution, which will be your primary source of damage, especially against Bosses. This has the same mechanic as Water Sword of Dual Sword, with a better range and a bonus to Damage if you drain your stamina during this skill. For Nioh 2 Remastered: The Complete Edition on the PlayStation 5, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Splitstaff and fist build ng++ help". You can hold “square” down while Blocking for increased range, and more damage once you’ve obtained the Mystic Art Law of Lethality. Nioh 2 admirably builds and expands upon its predecessor's gameplay bedrock, delivering superb action and engrossing RPG customization. When it comes to Clans there are three I like for this Build and those are Honda, Murakami, and Chosokabe. The best options on the weapon should be the below: For Onmyo Magic, as you progress through the game and use Talisman, you can then unlock new points to spend on this tree. Zero issues with beating the first 2 regions but can definitely see it getting harder as I'm still around lvl 290. Thanks for the comment bro! With this Build we rectify this problem by getting our Toughness stat to 200, making Blocking much more effective. Barrier Talisman Buff – To speed up that Ki Recovery. Nioh 2 was never a game starved for content, but the first of three planned pieces of DLC, The Tengu’s Disciple, is a substantial addition all its own. Weapons : Usumidori (Yosh!tsune’s sword) and Splitstaff with Benzaiten’s grace. Carpentry; Parking Lot Replacements, Sealcoating, Asphalt Repairs, Traffic Signs & Striping There's tons of more Overpowered builds but this clears Dream of the Demon pretty easy and doesn't take much effort to get. A gaming enthusiast at heart, I grew up playing video games since the 90s. You’ll also want Incantation Mastery for increased Onmyo Magic Capacity. It combines the fast attack speed of tonfa and the Target Combo of Spear. With the quarantine, I am not sure what to do so I have decided to develop… After Hatchet Build and Odachi Build in my previous guides, I decided to return to one of my favorite weapons in Nioh – The Dual… A coffee for the writer! When it comes to Shiftling Skills you’ll want The Yokai Within and The Dark Within to help with Ki Recovery when fighting Yokai or in the Dark Realm. February 16, 2021 Taku Bou Nioh 2 4. Applying double statuses will trigger the Confused ailments – which increase your damage for a short time. Even with 99 Stamina, I still got a 72% on the Weight stat (C), This armor set has a big boost to damage at 7 pieces and is good when you are from another weapon that are already focus on Stamina (Axe, Heavy Armor Builds…), Despite the focus on Splitstaff, this armor set requires a huge investment on Stamina, to wear it at B level. Home; Facility Maintenance; Masonry; Bollards; Retail Displays; More! Splitstaffs scale primarily from the Magic Attribute, so this makes for a nice combination of spells and melee. i'm still quite early into the game but using the splitstaff feels like banging my head against a wall, i've mainly been levelling strength and magic, use fists as my second wapon and they must be doing at least twice as much ki damage as well as damage overall while splitstaff will do almost nothing and drain all my ki, am i missing something? Benkei’s Armor set also had an Axe and a Switch Glaive, however, Benkei’s Axe does not count as one piece of the set, so you can still use them for the full experience of Benkei. The Secondary Guardian Spirit I like to use is Rokugezo because it provides 10 Toughness which helps us get over that 200 mark for an A rating. A full combo can significantly reduce the Ki Bar. And finally, by using the skill Unruly Revolution, which consumes almost no Ki at all. It also has 24 for its cap on Soul Cores, allowing you to use just about anything you want in it. At 4 pieces, you also grant the ability to weaken enemies’s defense with Onmyo Magic skill, this can be a huge boost to those Shikigami. As soon as you unlock your first skill point for the Splitstaff – The Fluid Form skill will let you access the Extended mode of the Staff. Boost both Magic and Courage for best results. The below is how I focussed on getting 100% in Nioh 2. The Attack bonus can be hard to trigger if the enemies constantly to attack you. Since we already made a Build with the Switchglaive and Hatchets, we’ll use Splittstaff here, though you could make a similar Build with either of these two Weapons, only with slightly different stats. (At least in Nioh 1 it does.) If you’re using a different Armor set, and have at least 210 Toughness, swap this out for something else. Active Skill Damage – This increases your overall skill damage. If you like the Benkei’s Armor set, then pick up the Benkei’s Splitstaff and you are good to go. Although the main stat is Magic, Splitstaff requires some skill to master its combo and attacks. For this Build I recommend a Brute Guardian type because you will be up in the face of an enemy more often than not, and you need a Burst Counter that can interrupt any Burst Attack done. Anything else that increases damage pick up and you’ll want Law of Lethality for your Mystic Art to further increase the damage of Unruly Revolution. Avoid using Kiryoki since it is the least effective of the 3 when you can, but it does have range, so it can serve as a cheap ranged attack. For Human opponents, both Unruly Revolution and the Shin Crusher combo can be used to break their Ki. I found the most useful attack is the Strong Attack in High Stance. The Primary Guardian Spirit I like for this Build is Isanagami. The first core you’ll want for this Build is the Gyuki Soul Core because it increases your damage vs. Additionally, The Red of Devotion is a Medium Armor set, which allows us to get to 200 Toughness (A rating) with some tweaking, and fits nicely with our stat spread, since we don’t need the Skill Attribute that Light Armor requires, so this is not wasted. Nioh 2 might not seem a hard game at first glance, but it's definitely one that's hard to master. The Tengu Discipline is the first DLC content for Nioh 2 – featuring a new story arc with Yoshitshune – a historical figure that appears in various Samurai Warriors games. The new mechanics are extremely satisfying, the new gear offers creative build options, and the new enemies ramp up the challenge to …